Mission Statement

The North Carolina Law Enforcement Torch Run conducts year-round fundraising and public awareness events in support of Special Olympics North Carolina by managing, promoting, and coordinating North Carolina Law Enforcement Torch Run activities throughout North Carolina. Those involved in the North Carolina Law Enforcement Torch Run serve as the guardians of the eternal ‘Flame of Hope’ and dedicate themselves to the purpose of supporting North Carolina’s Special Olympics athletes, who through their involvement in Special Olympics, show the community the true meaning of sport and that there are no limits to human potential.


Any member of a law enforcement or corrections agency - active or retired, sworn or non-sworn - may be a member of the NCLETR Council. The term of service is two years with no term limit. Membership may be reappointed at the end of a two-year term. Membership is voluntary and members may serve as long as they are qualified to do so.

NCLETR Council members are volunteers and are appointed by the Torch Run Director. The Torch Run Director is responsible for seeing that there is a cross section of agencies represented on the council, including but not limited to Police Departments, Sheriff’s Offices and all state law enforcement agencies. Geographical diversification should also be monitored and strived for in the membership.

The NCLETR Council should be comprised of at least seven (7) and not more than seventeen (17) members. The following positions should be filled by members of the committee:

·  Torch Run State Director – A law enforcement or corrections officer, active or retired, with at least five years involvement in the NCLETR. Upon announcement of resignation by the Existing Torch Run State Director, a new Torch Run State Director will be appointed. The Director’s position shall be selected from the pool of Assistant State Director(s), with input from the Retiring Director, Torch Run Council Members, SONC President/CEO and LETR SONC Director of Development. If the pool of Assistant State Director(s) does not yield an appropriate or willing candidate, other candidates may be considered from within the Torch Run leadership. The selection of the Torch Run State Director from other candidates will follow the same process as consideration of among Assistant State Directors. In the event a suitable person cannot be found, an interim director can be named until such time a suitable person is indentified.

·  Torch Run Assistant State Director(s) – Law Enforcement or corrections officer(s) with at least three years involvement in the NCLETR, appointed by the Torch Run State Director. A maximum of two Assistant State Directors can be appointed.

·  Special Olympics Athlete Ambassadors – Three (3) Special Olympics North Carolina athletes, appointed by the SONC President/CEO, LETR State Director, Assistant State Directors and LETR Director of Development. There is a term limit of a minimum of two with a maximum of two years for this position.

·  Regional Coordinator – A regional coordinator acts as a point of contact with the torch run coordinators in their partner agencies throughout the state to promote and support the goals of the NCLETR and serve as recruiters for new agencies in their areas of influence. A regional coordinator is appointed by the Torch Run State Director and Assistant State Directors. Regional coordinators must have been active in the Torch Run for a minimum of two years. The areas of influence where regional coordinators will be appointed are:

o  Sheriff’s Office

o  Police Department

o  Campus Police Department

o  Corrections Department

o  State Law Enforcement Agency

·  Special Olympics North Carolina Staff - As determined by the SONC President/CEO, SONC staff serves as liaisons and are members of the council to assist in carrying out the purpose of the NC Law Enforcement Torch Run. Many members of the SONC staff may work with the council on specific projects in their area of expertise; however, the staff members that serve as the main points of contact for the NCLETR are:

§  President/CEO

§  Director of Development for the Law Enforcement Torch Run

§  Senior Manager for Law Enforcement Torch Run

Responsibilities of NC Law Enforcement Torch Run® Council Members

·  Active members of Torch Run program in their department or agency.

·  No specific terms. They serve at the discretion of the Torch Run Council.

·  Carry out the purpose of the NCLETR for Special Olympics by fostering a spirit of cooperation between the Special Olympics staff and local law enforcement with the focus of raising funds and awareness for Special Olympics North Carolina.

·  Follow policies and procedures set forth by the Special Olympics Inc. General Rules, the Special Olympics North Carolina Operating Policies and the International Law Enforcement Torch Run Council.

·  Actively volunteer at SONC state and local events.

·  Act as ambassadors for the Torch Run by encouraging others in the law enforcement and corrections community to become involved in or increase their commitment to the NC Law Enforcement Torch Run.

·  Actively seek a formal affiliation between the NCLETR and any law enforcement or corrections organization in North Carolina Set goals and objectives for the Torch Run to be reviewed on a regular schedule.

·  Work in conjunction with SONC staff to draft best practices of the NCLETR.

·  Attend at least three quarterly council meetings in a calendar year, meet deadlines and return messages in a timely manner.

·  Display ownership for the NCLETR with responsibility and commitment.

Council Meetings

The NCLETR Council shall meet quarterly at a time, date and location determined by the Torch Run State Director. While attendance in person is highly preferred and strongly encouraged, attendance by phone is acceptable if members are unable to travel due to other commitments.

Additional meetings, beyond the scheduled quarterly meetings, may be held if the need arises.

Council Position Duties and Responsibilities

Torch Run State Director

A law enforcement member with five or more years of LETR Council experience who will serve a 3-year term by a majority vote of the State Council. Additional terms will be 2 years and will be voted on by the two Assistant State Directors, SONC President/CEO and NC LETR Director of Development. Nominations for Torch Run State Director can come by a ballot vote by the Council. New appointments will take place in December.

Responsibilities include:

·  Preside and manage all meetings of the Council;

·  Represents the Council at Torch Run events;

·  Is the spokesperson for the Council and communicates with the International Law Enforcement Torch Run Council and the NC President/CEO;

·  Identifies Assistant State Director appointments which then must meet a Council majority vote;

·  Establish sub-committees, as necessary, to further the purpose of the NC Law Enforcement Torch Run;

·  Proposes annual Council goals and objectives;

·  Establishes an agenda for each meeting and conference call of the Council;

·  Sets the date, time and location for the Council meetings and/or conference calls in collaboration with Assistant State Directors and SONC Torch Run staff;

·  Actively recruits and mentors potential council members and future Torch Run volunteers;

·  Actively participates in or supports the Final Leg and Summer Games Opening Ceremony;

·  Work with SONC Staff to generate and disseminate communication pieces such as newsletters, Torch Run Manuals, etc;

·  Work and take an active role with SONC staff to plan and host NC Torch Run Kickoff Conferences.

Assistant State Director (2)

A law enforcement member with 3 or more years of LETR Council experience who will serve a 3-year term by a majority vote of the State Council. Additional terms will be 2 years and will be voted on by the two Assistant State Directors, Regional Directors and Council Members.

·  Works with and provides assistance to the State Director in connection with the Council business and operations;

·  Assumes the duties and responsibilities of the State Director during the State Directors absence;

·  Actively recruits and mentors potential council members and future Torch Run volunteers;

·  Serve as liaison to regional coordinators in an area as assigned by the Torch Run Director;

·  Works with SONC LETR staff to maximize media coverage and involvement in the Torch Run in his/her region;

·  Work and take an active role with SONC staff to plan and host NC Torch Run Kickoff Conferences;

·  Actively participates in or supports the Final Leg and Summer Games Opening Ceremony;

·  Other duties as assigned by the Torch Run Director

Regional Coordinator (4-8)

A law enforcement member with 3 or more years of LETR experience who will serve a 3-year term by a majority vote of the State Council. Additional terms will be 2 years and will be voted on by the two Assistant State Directors, Regional Directors and Council Members.

·  Communicates regularly with Torch Run Director and Assistant State Directors;

·  Establishes quarterly meetings with regional coordinators;

·  Maintains contact with regional coordinators, provides two-way exchange of information;

·  Supports the mission of the NC LETR program;

·  Works closely with the Relay Torch Run Coordinator on area relays & Final Leg;

·  Actively recruits and mentors potential Torch Run volunteers and department coordinators within their region;

·  Helps to increase number of events in region, i.e. T-shirt donations, final leg participants, tip-a-cop events, cop-on-top events, etc., led by department coordinators;

·  Works with SONC LETR staff to maximize media coverage and involvement in the Torch Run in his/her region;

·  Actively participates in or supports the Final Leg and Summer Games Opening Ceremony;

·  Other duties assigned by the Torch Run Director and Assistant State Directors.

Relay Coordinator (1)

A law enforcement member with 3 or more years of LETR experience who will serve a 2-year minimum term by a majority vote of the State Council. Additional terms will be 2 years and will be voted on by the two Assistant State Directors, Regional Directors and Council Members.

·  Serve as liaison between SONC Torch Run Staff and LETR agencies;

·  Serves on the NC LETR Council;

·  Attend NC LETR Council meetings either in person or via conference call;

·  Reports to Torch Run State Director, Assistant State Directors and works closely SONC Torch Run Staff;

·  Manage and assist with all state LETR Torch Run Relay Leg Leaders;

·  Assist SONC Torch Run Staff in determining leg routes;

·  Communicate and confirm individual Torch Run Relays to SONC Torch Run Senior Manager;

·  Report on progress, execution and growth to NC Law Enforcement Torch Run Council;

·  Actively recruit Leg Leaders;

·  Understand and have knowledge of safety and risk management aspect of relays.

SONC Staff

·  Serve as liaison between the NCLETR and Special Olympics North Carolina;

·  Track and disseminate information to the council concerning the state of the NCLETR;

·  Provide the council with ideas and information designed to enhance the efforts of the NCLETR in meeting fundraising and recruitment goals;

·  Provide resources to complement existing skills and abilities of the NCLETR to achieve the stated purpose;

·  Provide the Torch Run State Director and SONC President/CEO with regular reports of NCLETR activities.


In the event of the resignation of a council member, vacancies can be filled by the Torch Run State Director. The appointment must be approved by a majority vote of the Council. Upon appointment, the Torch Run State Director or an appointee thereof, is responsible for conducting an orientation prior to the next full meeting of the Council.

Removal of Members

Any council member may be removed from his/her position by the Torch Run State Director. A member may be removed if he/she is no longer actively involved in the NCLETR, fails to abide by the SOI General Rules, SONC Operating Policies, and the NCLETR Council Operating Procedures or performs actions deemed detrimental to Special Olympics or the Law Enforcement Torch Run.

Annual NC LETR Awards

Each year the council will accept nominations during the month of November for the North Carolina LETR Hall of Fame annual award and the Bill Dalton Unsung Hero annual award. Nominations will be reviewed by the NC LETR Council and recipients will be announced at the January Kickoff meetings.

National & International Final Leg Selection

In the years that a North Carolina Law Enforcement Torch Run participant is eligible for possible selection for a Special Olympic USA or World Games Final Leg, the NC LETR Council will select a runner representative who actively participates in the NC LETR, is a true Guardian of the Flame and has a proven commitment to the mission on a local, state and national level.

North Carolina LETR Council

7 / NC Law Enforcement Torch Run® for Special Olympics Council Procedures – December 2013