4 3 2 1


(90-100%) (80-89%) (79-70%) (0-69%)

INTRODUCTION Engages active Engages attention: Provides basic Needs focusing

reading: Striking Clear and direct Information needed. or needs to be

_________ tone. tone. included.

THESIS/CLAIM Original, gripping Appropriate, clear Some clarification Major clarification

thesis/claim. focus to thesis/claim. needed for thesis/ needed for thesis/

_________ claim. claim or needs to

be included.

ORGANIZATION Ideas gracefully Ideas generally flow Main points often Main points go in

and logically flow from thesis: Need divert from thesis: various directions, or

_________ from thesis. slight focusing. Need serious focusing. missing. Internal

Skillful internal Internal paragraph Internal paragraph paragraph structure paragraphing. structure needs structure needs some needs major

slight adjustment. adjustment. adjustment.

DEVELOPMENT Compelling and Appropriate and At least one point Two or more points

relevant supporting relevant supporting needs relevant need relevant

_________ details shape the details shape the supporting details supporting details

entire work. majority of the work. to reinforce meaning. to reinforce meaning.

CONTROL Varied sentence Varied sentence A few awkward Several awkward

OF SENTENCES patterns. Skillful patterns. Only sentences and/or sentences and/or

sentence structure. a rare awkward 3-4 major sentence 5 or more major

_________ sentence and/or errors. One-two sentence errors.

major sentence types of sentence Three or more types

error. errors dominate. of errors dominate.

DICTION Graceful and skillful Clear language Many words and/or Language often

language conveys usually conveys phrases need interferes with meaning.

_________ meaning at an meaning effectively. to be more

academic level. thoughtfully chosen.

GRAMMAR/ Virtually error free. Very few errors. Needs editing. Needs major editing.

