JACKALOPE, INC. invites you to join us for our 2014 Fall Charity Golf Classic. Come enjoy a fun day of golf while helping San Diego’s less fortunate.

WHEN: Friday, September 19, 2014

WHERE: Cottonwood Golf Club

3121 Willow Glen Dr.

El Cajon, CA 92021

TIME: 10:30 Check in

12:00 Shotgun Start

COST: $125 Per Player


With your entry fee you receive green fees, golf cart, banquet dinner, free beverages during golf, tee bag and a Jackalope cap.


GOLD $2000

SILVER $1000


$100 & $50 Tee Sponsor

$150 Special Contest Sponsor

$250 Beverage Sponsor

All sponsors receive signage on the course, and special recognition at the banquet. Donated raffle prizes are appreciated.

Special Contests: On the green, putting contest, and long drive. All contest winners receive ticket for special drawings.

Win a great raffle prize including cash, electronics, golf goodies, sports equipment or our famous “Barrel o’ Booze" and much more!

First 144 entries play

Four Man Scramble

No handicaps required

Awards to 1st, 2nd & 3rd low net teams

Scoring on blind bogey system

All proceeds benefit Jackalope designated charities. All sponsorships and donations are 100% tax deductible and 40% of the entry fee is tax deductible.

Our tax ID number is 33-0325894.

For tournament or membership info, call: 619-442-6164 or 619-866-7011. Fax #619-448-7417.



PayPal available, see website

My Name:_________________________________


Address: __________________________________


Phone: ________________or __________________

Player #2 ___________________________________

Player #3 _________________________________

Player #4_________________________________

Enclosed is:

$______ for _____Golfers at $125 each

$______ for Tee Sponsor $50 or $100

$______ for Special Contest Sponsor at $150

$______ for Beverage Sponsor at $250

$______ for ____ dinner tickets at $25

$______ for Gold, Silver or Bronze

____Yes, I will bring a raffle prize

Total $________ paid by enclosed check or Visa/MasterCard (circle one):

Cardholder Name: __________________________

Card #: ___________________________________

Expiration date: __________V Code____________

Authorizing Signature:


PayPay available, see website

Checks payable to: Jackalope, Inc.

Mail to: PMB 142

1464 Graves Ave., #107

El Cajon, CA 92021


Thanks you for your support!

The Jackalopes are celebrating our 32nd

year as a non- profit charity corporation.

We thank all those who’ve supported

us through the years.

To learn more about the Jackalopes and how we help our communities, check out our website at:


Entry forms also available on our web site

To Cottonwood Golf Club

From I-5 or I-805, take I-8 east to the Second Street exit in El Cajon. Go south on Second Street (54) for approximately 4 miles to Willow Glen Drive & turn left. CGC is one mile on the right

From downtown or South Bay area, take Hwy. 94 east to State Rt. 54. Continue east on 54 for one mile and turn right on Willow Glen Dr. CGC is one mile on the right.

Please honor CGC’s dress code of collared shirts, slacks or golf shorts and soft spikes only.

Making Life Better

2013 Fall Charity Golf Classic

September 19, 2014

Friday Noon