Visual Identity Guidelines for the CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE) Focal Region Program in the Ganges


These visual identity guidelines are to be used by anyone involved in developing or producing promotional materials and publications for the CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems Focal Region Program in the Volta and Niger Basins. Branding of materials in these basins should generally be in line with the program’s overall identity and publication guidelines (see website); however, adaptations and exceptions specific to the Volta and Niger are outlined below.

For more information, please contact the WLE Engagement, Communication and Knowledge Management Coordinator Michael Victor at .

Program description


The “CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems Focal Region Program in the Volta and Niger Basins” is the full name of the program. After the first mention, this may be shortened to “WLE Volta and Niger Basins Program” or “WLE Volta-Niger” (and used without a definite determiner, i.e., “WLE Volta-Niger”; not “the WLE Volta-Niger”).


The boilerplate is a standard description of the program and is to be used in publications, press releases, web content, etc. It may not be altered.

The CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems Focal Region Program in the Volta and Niger Basins (WLE Volta-Niger) is a research-for-development initiative that seeks to restore and bolster opportunities for increased agricultural productivity through key ecosystem services, especially in the resource poor areas in the region.

The CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE) is a global research program that promotes a new approach to sustainable agricultural intensification in which a healthy functioning ecosystem is seen as a prerequisite to agricultural development, resilience of food systems and human well-being. This program is led by the International Water Management Institute (IWMI), a member of the CGIAR Consortium, and is supported by CGIAR, a global research partnership for a food-secure future.

Graphic elements

All banners, publications, leaflets, recordings, films and other media developed by WLE Ganges should build upon the WLE global identity guidelines must carry the WLE logo as specified below. The logo may not be altered or manipulated in any way. There is no current logo that identifies WLE’s Volta-Niger program. If and when such an element is developed, it must be used together with the WLE logo.

WLE logo and regional program logos

The WLE logo identifies the global program. Currently, there is no regional logo for the Volta-Niger program. If developed, the two logos should always be used together. The WLE logo can be accessed here (click here to download).


In certain cases, the program may receive funding from a donor who will have their own branding and visual identity guidelines. Please contact the WLE Communication team and they will help you develop a specific set of guidelines that meet everyone’s requirements.

In cases where there is no space for the logo, a text-based acknowledgement may be used:

This is an initiative of the CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems in the Volta and Niger, funded in part by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Other principles

-  WLE Ganges should align with the program’s overall guidelines on fonts and color palette. (See website).

-  The program’s general use of the blue and green “lines” and “circles” should be replicated in WLE Ganges materials. (See website).

-  The primary color is blue (CMYK 100, 68,0,0) or (RGB 0,93,172) and is used throughout WLE’s communication materials. WLE Green is used to complement the primary colour (CMYK 48,0,100,0) or (RGB 148,200,62)

-  A secondary color specific to the Volta-Niger program could be selected from the tertiary color palette (See website).

Recognition of partners

Any organization, group, or institution that receives funding from WLE Ganges shall submit a high-quality electronic copy of their logo in JPEG and .ai formats. Partner logos will be used on WLE Ganges communication materials, publications, and websites where appropriate.

In other, stand-alone cases where WLE Ganges partners with regional organizations, government bodies, or private sector actors, their logos may be used on banners, presentations, and materials as appropriate.

Material and publication guidelines

Open access

CGIAR, and thus WLE, has adopted an open access policy that encourages researchers to ensure all publications and international public goods are available through open access licenses. WLE encourages publishing of peer-reviewed articles in open access journals. When publishing in closed journals, WLE asks to secure proper rights to the publications and intellectual property.

All WLE Ganges materials and publications should be published under a Creative Commons license that encourages reuse with attribution.

Informing WLE about products produced

WLE Ganges projects should inform the coordinating team of all outputs. The team will help to disseminate and promote this work. All outputs produced are subject to WLE’s open access guidelines and should be shared through WLE repositories.

The process for informing will include:

1.  Informing the regional coordinator of new outputs and getting approval and feedback if necessary (i.e. for publications, journal articles, reports, photos, films, posters and presentations).

2.  The WLE Ganges communications focal point will add materials into one of the WLE repositories (see below)

3.  The WLE Ganges communications focal point will liaise with the WLE program communications team to promote and disseminate outputs globally.

Output / Repository / Comments
Reports, journal articles, posters / WLE CGSpace / Inform focal region senior program officer
Photos / WLE Flickr / Send to WLE Ganges comms focal point
Presentations / WLE Slideshare / Send to WLE Ganges comms focal point
Videos / WLE Youtube / Send to WLE Ganges comms focal point
Internal reports, meeting notes / Internal sharing, as designed by focal region
Blog posts and other promotional materials / Regional website and global website/blog / WLE Ganges comms focal point to coordinate with Michael Victor, Knowledge Management and Communication Coordinator

WLE Publication Series

WLE has a number of publication series that regional programs may use as a way to publish, communicate, and promote their findings. The WLE Ganges communications focal point will be coordinating the region’s contribution to these series.

WLE R4D Learning Series: An intermediate working paper series to publish findings of interest for research for development and cross-disciplinary work.

WLE Briefing Series: Research recommendations that can be used to inform discussions repackaged for various decision makers (policy makers, regional planners, NGOs, farmers)

WLE Film series: A film series that highlights stories that demonstrate the WLE ecosystem-based approach in different ways. These are compelling, story-driven narratives that can be used for dialogue and discussion with various partners.


Affiliation to WLE Ganges must always be acknowledged in full in citations, formatted as follows:

Authors. Year. Title. Accra, Ghana: CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE), WLE Volta and Niger Focal Region Program.

If an article is published in a journal, WLE (full name) must be included in the acknowledgements.

Partner-published materials (research reports, books and journal articles)

WLE Ganges research published under partner institutions’ existing series should be branded with the WLE logo and donor logos (where appropriate).


This work was produced under the CGIAR Research Program for Water, Land and Ecosystems Volta and Niger Focal Region Program with support from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Standards and styles

WLE has adopted the style guide for writers and editors developed by the International

Water Management Institute (IWMI). These standards should apply to all written outputs published under WLE Volta-Niger.


This document is the first iteration of branding guidelines for WLE Volta-Niger. WLE retains the rights to adjust these guidelines as necessary.