Village of Hamburg Recreation Commission

meeting minutes

September 5, 2013

Members present: Mark DiPasquale, Ralph Scott, Garry Nelson, Mike Kaney (Commission Chairman), Rick Schara

Members excused: Paul Peck, John Conlon

Officials present: Paul Gaughan, Village Trustee/ Liaison

Staff present: Josh Haeick, Recreation Supervisor

Staff excused: Nick Gallardo, Recreation Leader


Josh Haeick reported that the After School Program has met its goal of 200 students registered. Josh attributed this to the marketing strategy and addition of Kindergarten to the program. The staff, including program coordinator Jacie Gavin have done a great job thus far.

Josh said that the Hamburg Junior Baseball & Softball league will conduct travel baseball tryouts beginning Monday, September 16th. The league’s annual coach’s meeting will take place in October.

Josh informed the Rec Commission that the Village Swim Center closed for the season on Sunday, September 1, 2013, and another great season was had at that facility. In addition, Josh said that Tim Moses will be utilizing Watson Pools to create a close-down/ winterization procedure for the entire facility. Lastly, Josh said that Andy Godios and Kyle Murphy will present the final 2013 Swim Center report at next month’s meeting.

Josh reported that the Department’s Spanish and Arts and Crafts classes are currently registering participants, and both sets of classes will begin in early October.

Josh presented the Fall/ Winter program brochure to the Commission. Josh said that this brochure went into the Penny Saver in mid-August, and it will also be circulated to all Hamburg school students early next week.

Josh once again thanked the Commission for all of their support of the Friend’s golf tourney. Joanne will have a final update on what the tournament brought in at next month’s meeting.

Josh informed the Commission that Caitlin Kubera will present the 2013 Kidsplay Weekday report at the October Commission meeting.

Josh said that the department’s NFL Flag football league was running its player evaluations this evening and yesterday evening, with games beginning this Saturday. Josh said there are almost 80 players and 8 teams this season.

Lastly, Josh presented a reorganization plan for 2 paid positions within the department. The Commission discussed the plan, and would like to move forward with the plan pending Village Board review and agreement.


Mark DiPasquale reported that the Village Rec Trails Task Force will be laying out some ideas for Recreational Trails in the Village of Hamburg very soon, including within Village Parks. The plan will also rough prices of what these trails would cost.

Mike Kaney said that the Kyle Reid Memorial Challenger League enjoyed another successful season, and as usual, will be conducting a number of social events to keep the group busy and in touch.


NEXT MEETING: Thursday, October 3, 2013…7pm…Youth Center***

Respectfully Submitted,

Joshua D. Haeick

Recreation Supervisor