File: ___DBG___
The Board of School Trustees will conduct a Public Hearing on its Annual Budget on a date to be established on the Board's Annual Calendar of Meetings. The Hearing shall be held in the Board Room and convene as advertised.
The Agenda for the Public Budget Hearing will include an explanation of the proposed budget by the administration, questions about the budget from the public and the Board, comments about the Budget from the public and the Board, and such other concerns as deemed appropriate.
The Board will meet no later than September 20 in each calendar year, with appropriate notice of said
meeting, to fix the Budget, Tax Rate, and Tax Levy, and following such action shall submit the Budget for further review in accordance with the requirements of Indiana Law.
If, as a result of the Public Hearing, it should be determined that certain changes in the budget are necessary, these changes shall be made before the budget is adopted. The adoption of the budget by the Board of School Trustees shall be by roll call vote, and the resolution adopting the budget shall be incorporated into the official minutes of the meeting of the School Board at which the Public Hearing occurs.
Adoption Date: October 12, 1977; Revised: October 13, 1982; November 25, 1991;
March 11, 1996; September 11, 2002
Legal Ref: I.C. 6-1.1-17-3 et seq.
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