Vietnamese International Student Association (VISA)

Article I – Name, Purpose, and Non-Discrimination Policy of the Organization

Section 1: Name

- Vietnamese International Student Association (VISA)

Section 2: Purpose

- Maintain and promote Vietnamese culture and tradition.

- Connect Vietnamese students at The Ohio State University.

- Help international Vietnamese students at The Ohio State University to adapt to American culture and society.

- To be a resource for interactions between people at The Ohio State University and Vietnam.

Section 3: Non-Discrimination Policy

- VISA and its members shall not discriminate against any individual(s) for reasons of age, color, disability, gender identity or expression, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status.

Article II – Membership

Section 1: Eligibility

- Membership is open to all students currently enrolled at The Ohio State University.

- Faculty, staff, community members and alumni may participate as non-voting members.

Section 2: Membership Dues

- There is no membership fee.

Section 3: Registration and Termination of Membership

- Membership is established and renewed annually through registration with the Secretary.

- Membership removal is based on majority vote for issues of conduct and participation.

- Members have to attend at least 2 VISA’s event in order to have active status

Article III – Organization Leadership

Section 1: Voting Method

- Any vote requires a quorum.

- One half of active voting members constitute a quorum.

- Ordinary motions are approved by simple majority.

- Extraordinary motions are approved by 2/3 majority.

- All decisions concerning the normal activities of the organization constitutes ordinary motions; decisions modifying the constitution, or all decisions not directly tied to the organization’s ordinary activities constitutes extraordinary motions.

Section 2: Officers

The officers of the association consist of a minimum of five positions: President, two Vice-Presidents, Treasurer, and Secretary.

Section 2.1: President

- Running of the general meetings and any other meetings that require attendance in an official capacity.

- Overall responsibility for implementation of objectives and events planned for the term of responsibility.

- Responsible for general oversight of the organization, including but not limited to administrative tasks, strategic planning, and event coordination.

Section 2.2: First Vice-President

- Assuming duties of the President in his/her absence.

- Oversee Activities and Events under the leadership of the President.

- Reaches out to other organizations in and out of OSU for events and services

Section 2.3: Second Vice-President

- Assumes the duties of the First Vice-President in his/her absence.

- Reaches out to potential new members; organizing membership events; co-ordinatess outreach to community members.

Section 2.4: Treasurer

- Managing all financial aspects of the organization.

- In charge of all funding resources and fundraising events

Section 2.5: Secretary

- Taking minutes at meetings.

- Reviewing minutes of the previous meeting at current meetings.

- In charge of all internal and external communication.

- Management of all elections.

Section 3: Elections and Appointments

Section 3.1: Process

- Each Spring semester, individuals from the general membership will be elected to fill vacancies of the Vietnamese International Student Association’s officer positions.

- Candidates must declare themselves at least a week before the day of the vote.

- The vote will take place during a meeting during which members will elect the officers.

- A simple majority is required for election.

- The election process will be managed by the secretary.

Section 3.2: Terms of Office

- The term of office is one academic year, subject to re-election.

Section 3.3: Vacancy

- Positions vacated by officers who graduate at times other than Spring quarter will be considered vacancies.

- If a position is vacant as a result of permanent or temporary leave of absence, the President shall appoint an active member to the vacant position on an interim basis.

- In the case of permanent vacancy of the President, First Vice President assumes duties of the President on an interim basis.

- Election(s) for vacant positions shall be held by the President or First Vice-President at the next general meeting, which is to be called no later than 30 days from resignation.

Section 3.4: Resignation and Impeachment

- An officer will resign via email to the Secretary and Advisor.

- Impeachment motions must be proposed and discussed in a general meeting at least a week before the vote.

- Votes for impeachment and removal from office will occur at a general meeting.

- An officer will be impeached by a majority of 2/3 of the membership.

- The impeachment procedure will fail if a quorum is not reached.

Article IV – Executive Committee

The officers (President, Vice-Presidents, Secretary and Treasurer) are the Executive Committee of the association.

Article V – Standing Committees None required for the association.

Article VI – Adviser/Advisory Board Responsibilities

Section 1: Eligibility

- The Advisor must be a member of the University faculty or Administrative staff.

Section 2: Mission

- Oversight of checking account.

- Help with year-to- year transition.

- Facilitate contacts and resources with The Ohio State University and the Columbus area.

Article VII – Meeting Requirements:

- Officers meetings will be held monthly

- General membership meetings will be held once per semester except during the summer.

- Additional meetings will be called by the officers as needed. One-week notice will be given via email to the membership.

Article VIII – Method of Amending the Constitution

Section 1: Amendment Approval Process

- In order to amend the constitution, the following process shall be followed:

a. A member must propose an amendment.

b. Another member must second the proposal.

c. The advisor must be notified of the amendment.

d. A notice must be sent out via email at least a week before a general meeting.

- Members must vote in person at the general meeting.

Section 2: Amendment Implementation

- After approval according to the process above, the constitution shall be amended and distributed to all members.

Article IX: Method of Dissolution of Organization

Section 1: Dissolution Due to Attrition of Membership

- Whenever total membership decreases to less than five speaking students, the remaining members can no longer sufficiently carry out the objectives of the organization.

Section 2: Voluntary Dissolution:

- This organization may be dissolved after dissolution is approved by the officers and by a 2/3 vote of its members.

- Email notice of a vote on dissolution shall be furnished to the members at least twenty days prior to the vote.

- Upon dissolution, the account balance, if any, shall be, as far as possible, equally redistributed among the original contributors.