Course Syllabus 2013-14

Course: Marketing II

Instructor: Mr. Jonathan Heller

Periods: 4A

Room: # 222

Course #: 897

Credits: 1


Course Description: This course is designed to help students develop basic knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will prepare them to enter the field of marketing. Emphasis is placed on the foundations of business, management, and entrepreneurship; economics; professional development; and communication and interpersonal skills. Included in these foundations are concepts such as distribution, financing, selling, pricing, promotion, marketing-information management, and product/service management. Skills in communications, mathematics, and psychology of selling are reinforced in this course. Students enrolled in this course are required to become members of DECA, an association for marketing students. Students will participate in DECA sponsored events and competitions.


To provide students with an understanding of:

·  The nature of business activities, marketing, and its relationship to business and economy.

·  The function of distribution

·  The nature and scope of pricing

·  A product/service plan

·  Various promotional strategies and technology in marketing

·  The various types of business risks

·  Leadership and business skills beyond what the classroom can provide

·  Variety of career fields, such as fashion, finance, marketing, hospitality & tourism, sports & entertainment and entrepreneurship.

·  How to expand their resume and build a solid application.


1. 3- Ring Note book with 5 Dividers

2. Folder that fits into your notebook for your handouts

3. Loose Paper – Wide Ruled

4. Pen (Blue or Black ink only)

NOTE: Notebooks will be checked 4 times per year. Students are required to create and maintain an organized notebook.


1. Marketing 3E, James Burrow


1. Describe the major types of business organizations operating within the socioeconomic area of the national and international marketplace.
2. Identify unique characteristics of an entrepreneur.
3. Develop a business plan for an entrepreneurial venture.
4. Apply economic concepts including business plans and market analysis when making decisions for an entrepreneurial venture.
5. Identify and use the necessary financial competencies needed by an
6. Identify, establish, maintain, and analyze appropriate records to make business decisions.
7. Describe how cultural differences, export/import opportunities and current trends in a global marketplace can affect an entrepreneurial venture.
8. Describe how ethics, government, and different forms of business ownership affect the entrepreneurial venture.
9. Identify forms of business ownership and entrepreneurial opportunities available in international business.
10. Understand the importance of risk taking as a manager.
11. Assess personal strengths and weaknesses as they relate to career exploration development leading to lifelong learning.
12. Utilize career resources to develop an information base that includes global
occupational opportunities.
13. Apply the concepts of work ethics, workplace relationships, workplace diversity,
and workplace communication skills to career development.
14. Apply knowledge gained from individual assessment to a comprehensive set of
goals and an individual school-to-career plan.
15. Identify various forms of income and analyze factors that affect income as a part of the career decision-making process.
16. Demonstrate critical thinking skills.
17. Utilize problem-solving skills.
18. Identify characteristics of team building.
19. Discuss ethics in the business environment.
20. Define the quality of work in the business environment.
21. Apply communication skills including both written and oral.
22. Demonstrate the decision making process.
23. Identify and use technology in the business setting.
24. Describe and demonstrate interviewing skills.


Students will engage in classroom activities designed to promote interest and knowledge of marketing. Through various forms of instructional strategies, such as lecturing, discussions, group projects, field trips, handouts, videos and chapter readings students will gain knowledge in the subject area. Students will use the virtual restaurant sim program. Students will also participate in DECA competitions and projects.


Course Assessment: Class Work/Homework – 40%; Test/Quizzes – 25%; Projects – 25%; Class Participation & Attendance – 10%.



Chapter 1 & 4 · What is Marketing? · Business Needs Marketing · Understanding the MK Concept · Planning a Marketing Strategy (4-2) · Understanding Consumers and Competitors (4-3)

SWOT Analysis


Chapter 5-6 · MK Research · Primary and Secondary Data · Consumer Behavior · What Motivates Buyers? · Influencing Consumers Decisions


Chapter 7

•Focusing on Market Segments

•Positioning for Competitive Advantage

•Competing for Market Segments

•Learning about the Competition


Chapter 8 & 9 · What is E-Commerce · The growing importance of e-commerce · Virtual MK and Distribution · The role of promotion for e-commerce · Elements of a MK Strategy · MK Mix Alternatives · Analyzing consumer Purchase Classifications · Developing a MK Plan


Chapter 18 - Marketing in a Global Economy

Chapter 10 · Starting with a product · Components of the product mix elements. · Products for Consumers and Business · New Product Development Complete Chapters and Mid-Term Review.



Chapter 11

What are services? · Classifying Types and Evaluating Quality. · Developing a Service Marketing Mix


Chapter 13 & 14 · MK through distribution · Assembling distribution channels · Wholesaling manages the middle · Physical Distribution


Chapter 15 & 16

•Promotion as a form of communication

•Types of promotion

•Mixing the promotional plan.

•What is Advertising?

•Advertising and planning

•Advertising and execution


MAY===CTE EXAM - review and exam===

MK CAREER PROJECT – iMovie or podcast* Chapter 23 - Planning your future in marketing

•Benefits of a Marketing Career

•Lesson 23.2 Employment Levels in Marketing

•Lesson 23.3 Marketing Education and Career Paths

•Lesson 23.4 Beginning Career Planning and Resumes

Complete the Virtual Restaurant Projects

JUNE Complete MK Career Project Review and Finals

Top of Form

Please see Mr. Heller’s Wikispaces site at http://jonathanheller.wikispaces.com