VBA Project 2 Instructions

VGP – Mr. Shultz

1.  You have to write a program that will interact with people visiting other countries. You will have to write the code and also create a flowchart to show how it works.

a.  Be sure to read all of the instructions below and review the rubric on the second page before starting your work.

  1. It does not matter if you complete the flowchart or code first, however you may find it easier to write the code if you make the flowchart first.

2.  To show that you can write a program that will help people visiting any country, you have to write a trial program that will

  1. Collect some information from the user
  2. Convert dollars to the currency in the country
  3. Show the user a message that includes information collected from the user and the converted currency

3.  Here are the specific instructions for your program:

  1. Ask the person what their first name is.
  2. Ask the purpose of the trip.
  3. Ask how long the trip is.
  4. Ask what country the person will be visiting. For this trial program, you will have them enter ‘1’ for England, ‘2’ for France, ‘3’ for China, ‘4’ for Japan, or ‘5’ for India.
  5. Ask what airline they will be flying on.
  6. Ask how many dollars the user would like to convert for the trip.
  7. Based on the user’s choice and input, write the code that will convert their dollars to the foreign currency (use the exchange rates and currency names that I provide below), and show the user the following message:

‘First name’, I hope you enjoy your ‘purpose’ trip to ‘country’ flying with ‘airline’. You will receive ‘amount’ ‘currency name’, are you sure that will be enough for ‘trip length’?

For example, if I used the program, it could say

“Steve, I hope you enjoy your business trip to England flying with British Air. You will receive 124 Pounds, are you sure that will be enough for one week?”

  1. Include a Do While loop in your program that asks the user if they will be making any other trips and would like to do another conversion. If they say yes, have the program loop back so they can input the information about the new trip. Set up the loop so the user does not have to re-input their first name.
  2. Use this information for conversion rates and currency names:
  3. England: $1 = 0.62 Pounds.
  4. France: $1 = 0.78 Euros.
  5. China: $1 = 6.84 Yuan.
  6. Japan: $1 = 97.6 Yen.
  7. India: $1 = 49.82 Rupees.

4.  Complete the following steps for your new program.

  1. Open Excel, create a new workbook, and save it as Countries xxx in your Z drive.
  2. Open the Visual Basic Editor and enter the code for your program.
  3. Run your code to make sure that it works. This must include entering numbers and checking to make sure that your coding returns the correct answer.
  4. Complete any debugging steps necessary to make sure your program works correctly.

5.  Complete the following steps for your new program.

  1. Open PowerPoint, create a new presentation, and save it as Countries xxx in your Z drive.
  2. Be sure to use the correct flowcharting symbols.
  3. If the presentation is more than one page, be sure to use connectors.

6. Go to Hotmail and compose a new e-mail message to me.

  1. The subject of the e-mail must be VBA Project 2.
  2. In the body of the e-mail, provide a short note in the class standard style to tell me what you are sending.
  3. Attach your Excel and PowerPoint files.
  4. Send the e-mail.

VBA Project 2 - Grading Criteria

Student Name:
42 points – VBA Coding:
q  Five points for naming the subroutine and declaring all the necessary variables.
q  Five points for coding the input statements to ask the user’s first name, airline, purpose, and trip length.
q  Five points for setting up the If-Then-Else structure for the country choices.
q  Four points for coding the conversion and output message for England.
q  Four points for coding the conversion and output message for France.
q  Four points for coding the conversion and output message for China.
q  Four points for coding the conversion and output message for Japan.
q  Four points for coding the conversion and output message for India.
q  Seven points for correctly including a Do While loop that allows the user to enter the information for another trip. The loop must be set up so the user does not have to re-input their first name.
5 points – PowerPoint Flowchart
q  Five points for using the correct symbols and correctly showing the flow of your program
3 points – sending e-mail
q  One point for using the directed e-mail Subject
q  Two points for using the class standard format with Mr. Shultz at the top, a message below that, and your name and class block below that.