APPENDIX 2: ETE Bonebed Database References
Albright, L.B. 1994. Lower vertebrates from an Arikareean (earliest Miocene) fauna near the Toledo Bend Dam, Newton County, Texas. Journal of Paleontology 68(4): 1131-1145. (Toledo Bend)
Albright, L.B. 1996. Insectivores, rodents, and carnivores of the Toledo Bend Local Fauna: an Arikareean (earliest Miocene) assemblage from the Texas coastal plain. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 16(3): 458-473. (Toledo Bend)
Albright, L.B. 1999. Ungulates of the Toledo Bend Local Fauna (Late Arikareean, Early Miocene), Texas Coastal Plain. Bulletin of the Florida Museum of Natural History 42(1):1-80. (Toledo Bend)
Alexander, A. J. 1982. Sedimentology and taphonomy of a middle Clarkforkian (Early Eocene) fossil vertebrate locality, Fort Union Formation, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming. M.Sc. thesis, Univerity of Michigan, Dept. of Geological Sciences and Museum of Paleontology, Ann Arbor, Michigan. (FG-6 Locality)
Ambrose, P. D. 1992. Taphonomy and paleoenvironments of a turtle-bearing unit of the Bridger Formation, southwestern Wyoming. In: Fifty-second annual meeting, Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 12; 3 Suppl.:16A. (Bridger Turtles)
Anderson, C. and Fletcher, H.O. 1934. The Cuddie Springs Bone Bed. The Australian Museum Magazine. pp 152-158. (Cuddie Springs Bone Bed)
Andrews, S.M., Browne, M.A.E., Panchen, A.L., and Wood, S.P. 1977. Discovery of amphibians in the Namurian (Upper Carboniferous of Fife). Nature, 265:529-532. (Cowdenbeath Amphibian Bonebed)
Antia, D.D.J. 1979. Bone-beds: a review of their classification , occurance, genesis, diagenesis, geochemistry, palaeoecology, weathering and microbiotas. The Mercian Geologist. vol. 7, No. 2, p. 93-174, 12 text-figs, Plates 14-19. (Grenzbonebed) (Leintwardine Beds) (Whitcliffe, Facies A) (Whitcliffe, Facies B) (Ludlow Bone-Bed) (Downton Bone-Bed (Facies C)) (Ludlow Facies D) (Temeside Bone-Bed) (Osel Bone-Beds) (Catsgill (Basal Transgressive Deposits)) (Lyraun Cove Bone-Bed) (Upper Lettenkeuper) (Vitriolschiefer Bone-Beds) (German Rhaetic Bone-Bed) (British Raetic Bone-Beds) (Hugh Millers Reptile Bed) (Fish Bed) (Wealden Bone-beds) (Suffolk Bone-bed)
Archer, M., Hand, S.J., and Godthelp, H. 1991. Riversleigh: the story of animals in ancient rainforests of inland Australia. Reed Books Pty Ltd., New South Wales. 264 p. (Riversleigh-Bitesantennary Site)
Bachmayer, F., Symeoinidis, N., and Zapfe, H. 1982. Di Augrabungen in Pkermi-Chomateri bei Athen. - Eine Dokumentation. Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien. 84, 7-12. (Pikermi-Chomateri)
Badgley, C., Qi, G., and Chen-Wanyong, Han, D. 1988. Paleoecology of a Miocene, tropical, upland fauna; Lufeng, China. National Geographic Research.4(2):178-195. (Lufeng Units 2-6)
Bartram, Jr., L.E. 1997. Taphonomy and Site Structure at Bois Roche (Charente, France): A Late Pleistocene Hyena Den. (Unpublished Report) (Bois Roche)
Beavan, N. R. and Russell, A.P. 1999. An Elasmobranch assemblage from the terrestrial-marine transitional Lethbridge Coal Zone (Dinosaur Park Formation: Upper Campanian), Alberta, Canada. Journal of Paleontology, 73(3):494-503. (BB 96)
Behre, C.H. and Johnson, J.H. 1933. Ordovician and Devonian Fish Horizons in Colorado. American Journal of Science 25: 477-487. (Harding Sandstone) (Parting Sandstone)
Behrensmeyer, A. K. 1988. Vertebrate preservation in fluvial channels. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 63:183-199. (Craddock Bone Quarry) (Behrensmeyer notes from field excursion to N. Texas Permian with N. Hotton, 1988)
Behrensmeyer, A. K., A. L. Deino, A. Hill, J. Kingston and J. J. Saunders. 2002. Geology and chronology of the middle Miocene Kipsaramon fossil site complex, Muruyur Beds, Tugen Hills, Kenya. Journal of Human Evolution 42:11-38. (Kipsaramon K089)
Bell, M.A., Wells, C.E., and Marshall, J.A. 1989. Mass mortality of layers of fossil stickleback fish: catastrophic kills of polymorphic schools. Evolution 42(3), p. 607-619. (Two Tips Layer A) (Two Tips Layer B) (Two Tips Layer C) (Two Tips Layer D)
Bell, C.M. and Padian, K. 1995. Pterosaur fossils form the Cretaceous of Chile: evidence for a pterosaur colony on an inland desert plain. Geological Magazine 132(1), p. 31-38. (Pterosaur Colony)
Benton, M.J., Cook, E. Grigorescu, D., Popa, E., and Tallodi, E. 1997. Dinosaurs and other tetrapods in an Early Cretaceous bauxite-filled fissure, northwestern Romania. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 130: 275-292. (Cornet Bauxite Mine)
Berman, D.S, Henrici, A.C, Sumida, and S.S., Martens, T. 2000. Redescription of Seymouria sanjuanensis (Seymouriamorpha) from the Lower Permian of Germany Based on Complete, Mature Specimens with a Discussion of Paleoecology of the Bromacker Locality Assemblage. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 20(2):253-268. (Bromacker (Upper Beds))
Bjoraker-Naus, C.A. 1997. The Warm Springs Ranch Dinosaur Locality, Thermopolis, Wyoming, Preliminary Floral and Faunal Analysis. In:Fifty-seventh annual meeting. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, Abstracts of Papers. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 17; 3, Suppl. p. 32A. (BS Quarry (Warm Springs Ranch))
Black, S. A., and Herbel, C. L., 2001. Bone beds in the lower Scenic Member, Brule Formation (Oligocene), Badlands National Park, South Dakota. JVP 21(3):34A. (Buffalo Alley Site) (Conata Picnic Ground (Pig Dig) Site) (Brian Maebius Site)
Bloch, Jonathan I. 1998. New Carpolestids from Late Tiffanian Divide Quarry, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming. In: Fifty-eighth annual meeting. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, Abstracts of papers. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 8; 3, Suppl. p.28A. (Divide Quarry)
Boaz, D.P. 1994. Taphonomy and the Fluvial Environment; Examples from the Pliocene Deposits of the Shungura Formation, Omo Basin Ethiopia. From: Integrative Paths to the Past: Paleoanthropological Advances in Honor of F. Clark Howell. pp. 377-414. (Omo Locality 345) (Omo Locality 338y)
Bolt, J.R. and R. E. Lombard.1993. Mississippian "Protoanthracosaur" from Iowa. I. Context and General Morphology. In: Fifty-third annual meeting. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, Abstracts of papers. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 13; 3 Suppl. p.27A.(Protoanthracosaur sinkhole)
Bolt, J.R., McKay, R.M., Witzke, B.J., and McAdams, M.P. 1988. A new lower Carboniferous tetrapod locality in Iowa. Nature, 333, p. 768-770. (The Delta Site)
Bonfiglio, L. 1992. Campagna di scavo 1987 nel deposito pleistocenico a Hippopotamus pentlandi di Acquidolci (Messina, Sicilia nord-orientale). Bollettino della Societa Paleontological Italiana 30(2): 157-173. (Acquedolci)
Bonfiglio, L. 1995. Taphonomy and depositional setting of Pleistocene mammal-bearing deposits from Acquedolci (North-Eastern Sicily). Geobios, M.S. 18; 57-68. (Acquedolci)
Bonfiglio, L. Di Stefano, G., Insacco, G., Marra, A.C. 1993. New Pleistocene fissure-filling deposits from the Hyblean Plateau (south-eastern Sicily). Riv. It. Paleont. Strat. v. 96, no. 4, p. 35-38. (Contrada Cimilla - Cavity B)
Bonfiglio, L., Di Geronimo, I., Insacco, G., Marra, A.C. 1996. Large mammals remains from late Middle Pleistocene deposits of Sicily: new stratigraphic evidence from the western edge of the Hyblean Plateau (Southeastern Sicily). Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, vol. 102, numero 3, p. 375-384. (Contrada Calcaladritta)
Bonfiglio, L. Insacco, G., Marra, A.C., and Masini, F. 1997. Large and small mammals, amphibians and reptiles from a new late Pleistocene fissure filling deposit of the Hyblean Plateau (South Eastern Sicily). Bolletino della Societa Paleontologica Italiana; 36 (1-2). (Contrada Pianetti - Pocket B)
Branvold, M. and Branvold, J. 1996. Taphonomy of the Jones' Site, Two Medicine Formation (Campanian) on North-Central Montana with evidence of Theropod feeding techniques based on bioturbation. In: Fifty-sixth annual meeting, Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, Abstracts of papers. Journal of Vertabrate Paleontology, 16; 3, Suppl., p. 23A. (Jones' Site)
Breithaupt, B.H. and Duvall, D. 1986. The oldest record of serpent aggregation. Lethaia 19: 181-185. (V-75004)
Brinkman, D.B. 1990. Paleontology of the Judith River Formation (Campanian) of Dinosaur National Park, Alberta, Canada: Evidence from vertebrate microfossil locality: Palaeo., Palaeo., Palaeo., 78: 37-54. (Railway Grade (BB 102)) (Peter's Site (BB 94)) (U-2 (BB 104)) (BB 75) (Francois' Site (BB 106))
Britt, B., Eberth, D., Brinkman, D., Sheetz, Rodney, Stadtman, K., and McIntosh, J.S. 1997. The Dalton Wells fauna (Cedar Mountain Formation); a rare window into the little-known world of Early Cretaceous dinosaurs in North America. Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America. 29; 6, p. 104. (Dalton Wells)
Bryant, D.J., Froelich, P.N., Showers, W.J., and Genna, B.J. 1996. A tale of two quarries; biologic and taphonomic signatures in the oxygen isotope tooth enamel phosphate from modern and miocene equids. Palaios 11: 397-408. (Thomson Quarry) (Burge Quarry) Also see Webb, 1969, Skinner and Johnson 1984, Tedford et al., 1987
Bryant, J.D., Showers, W.J., Genna, B. and Froelich, P.N. 1993. A tale of two quarries: inferring taphonomic history from the oxygen isotopic composition of fossil el phosphate. In: Fifty-third annual meeting, Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, Abstracts of papers. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 13; 3, Suppl. p. 27A. (Thomson Quarry)
Buckley, G.A. 1994. Paleontology, geology and chronostratigraphy of Simpson Quarry (early Paleocene), Bear Formation, Crazy Mountains, south-central Montana. Doctoral. Rutgers, The State University, New Brunswick. New Brunswick, NJ, United States. Pages: 375. (Simpson Quarry)
Burge, D. L. and Bird, J. H. 2001. Fauna of the Price River II Quarry of Eastern Utah. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 21(3):36A. (Price River II Quarry)
Case, E.C. 1935. A collection of stegocephalians from Scurry County, Texas. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, Vol. 4(1):1-56.(Thomson Quarry)
Case, E.C. 1935. Description of a collection of associated skeletons of Trimerorhachis. Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology,University of Michigan, v.4(13): 227-274. (Dundee)
Chafee, R.G. 1952. The Deseadan Vertebrate Fauna of the Scarritt Pocket, Patagonia. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, Vol. 98:article 6. pp. 509-518, and 552-554. (Scarritt Pocket)
Chiappe, L., D. Rivarola, A. Cione, M. Fregenal-Martinez, H. Sozzi, L. Buatois, O. Gallego, J. Laza, E. Romero, A. Lopez-Arbarello, A. Buscalioni, C. Marsicano, S. Adamonis, F. Ortega, S. McGehee and O. Di Iorio. 1998. Biotic association and palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the "Loma del Pterodaustro" fossil site (Early Cretaceous, Argentina) Geobios 31 (3):349-369. (Loma del Pterodaustro Quarry)
Chiappe, L.M., Coria, R.A., Dingus, L., Jackson, F., Chinsamy, A., Fox, M. 1998. Sauropod dinosaur embryos from the Late Cretaceous of Patagonia. Nature 396(6708):258-261. (Auca Mahuevo)
Chinnery, B.J. 1999. The first bonebed occurrence of basal neoceratopsian, with new information on the skull morphology of Leptoceratops. In: Fifty-ninth annual meeting. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, Abstracts of papers. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 19; 3 Suppl. p. 38A. (Leptoceratops Bonebed)
Christians, J.P. 1991. Taphonomic review of the Mason dinosaur quarry: Hell Creek Formation, Upper Cretaceous, South Dakota. In: Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 11; 3, Suppl. p. 22A. (Mason Dinosaur Quarry)
Colbert, E.H. 1947. The Little Dinosaurs of Ghost Ranch. Natural History, 59:392-399, 427-428. (Ghost Ranch)
Colbert, E. H. 1989. The Triassic Dinosaur Coelophysis. Museum of Northern Arizona, Bulletin Series 57:1-160. (Ghost Ranch)
Colbert, E. H. 1995. The Little Dinosaurs of Ghost Ranch. New York: Columbia University Press. Pp. 1-250.
Cook, E. 1995. Taphonomy of two non-marine Lower Cretaceous bone accumulations from southeastern England. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 116: 263-270. (Cliff End Bone Bed) (Keymer Tile Works)
Coombs, M.C. and Coombs, W.P. 1997. Analysis of the Geology, Fauna, and Taphonomy of Morava Ranch Quarry, Early Miocene of Northwest Nebraska. Palaios 12: 165-187. (Morava Ranch Quarry)
Coope, G.R. and Lister, A. M. 1987. Late-glacial mammoth skeletons form Condover, Shropshire, England. Nature 330:.472-474. (Condover)
Cumbaa, S.L. 1997. A Cenomanian age bone bed of marine origin, Saskatchewan, Canada. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 17; 3 Suppl., p. 40A. (Pasquia Hills)
Cumbaa, S.L. 1999. Paleoecological implications of a marine bonebed fauna from the late Cretaceous (Cenomanian) of Saskatchewan, Canada. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 19; 3 Suppl. p. 40A. (Belle Fourche Bonebed)
Currie, P. J., 1994. Pers.Comm.. (Behrensmeyer and Cutler notes, 1994) (BB136)
Currie, P.J., 1997. Sedimentology, taphonomy, and faunal review of a multigeneric bonebed (Bonebed 47) in the Dinosaur Park Fm. (Campanian) of southern Alberta, Canada. Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America. 29; 1, Pages 86. 1997. (Currie, P.J. personal communication; Behrensmeyer and Cutler notes, 1994) (Bonebed 47)
Czaplewski, N.J, Mead, C.J., Peachey, W.D., and Teh-Lung Ku. 1999. Papago Springs Cave Revisited, Part I: Geologic Setting, Cave Deposits, and Radiometric Dates. Occasional Papers of the Oklahoma Museum of Natural History, Number 3, Pp. 1-25. (Papago Springs Cave)
Czaplewski, N.J, Mead, J.I., Bell, C.J., Peachey, W.D., and Teh-Lung Ku. 1999. Papago Springs Cave Revisited, Part II: Vertebrate Paleofauna. Occasional Papers of the Oklahoma Museum of Natural History, Number 4:1-41. (Papago Springs Cave)
Czaplewski, N.J., Bailey, B.E., and Corner R.G. 1999. Tertiary Bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera) from Northern Nebraska. Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences, 25: 83-93. (Raben Ranch (SDSM V772)) (Companion Quarry (Sx128))
Daeschler, E.B. 1999. Sampling an early continental ecosystem: late Devonian bonebeds at Red Hill, Clinton County PA. In: Fifty-ninth annual meeting. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, Abstracts of papers. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 19; 3, Suppl. p. 41A. (Red Hill)
Dalquest, W.W. and Mamay, S.H. 1962. A remarkable concentration of Permian amphibian remains in Haskell County, Texas. Journal of Geology 71:641-644. (Rowland Site)
Dashzeveg, D., Novacek, M.J., Norell, M.A., Clark, J.M., Chiappe, L.M., Davidson, A., McKenna, M.C., Dingus, L., Swisher, C., Altangerel, P. 1995. Extraordinary preservation in a new vertebrate assemblage from the Late Cretaceous of Mongolia. Nature 374: 446-449. (Ukhaa Tolgod 'brown hills')
Derstler, K. 1995. The Dragons Grave: An Edmontosaurus bonebed containing theropod egg shells and juveniles, Lance Formation (Uppermost Cretaceous), Niobrara County, Wyoming. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 15(3). 26A. Also: Personal Communication to AKB, 1995. (Dragon's Grave)
Dodson, P., Behrensmeyer, A.K., Bakker, R.T., and MacIntosh, J.S. 1980. Taphonomy and paleoecology of the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation. Paleobiology 6:208-232. (Quarry 13) (Bone Cabin Quarry) (Howe Quarry)
Eames, F.E. 1950. On the Age of the Fauna of the Bugti Bone Beds, Baluchistan. Geol. Mag. 87:53-56. (Bugti Bone Beds)
Eberth, D.A., 1990. Stratigraphy and sedimentology of vertebrate microfossil sites in the uppermost Judith River Formation (Campanian), Dinosaur Provincial Park, Alberta, Canada. Palaeo., Palaeo., Palaeo 78:1-36. (Railway Grade (BB 102)) (Peter's Site (BB 94)) (U-2 (BB 104)) (BB 75) (Francois' Site (BB 106))
Eberth, D.A., Berman, D.S, Sumida, S.S, Hopf, H. 2000. Lower Permian Terrestrial Paleoenvironments and Vertebrate Paleoecology of the Tambach basin (Thuringia, Central Germany): The Upland Holy Grail. Palaios 15: 293-313. (Bromacker (Upper Beds))
Eberth, D., Currie, P.J., Coria, R.A., Garrido, A.C., Zonneveld, J.P. 2000. Large-Theropod Bonebed, Neuquen, Argentina: Paleoecological Importance. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 20; 3, Suppl., p. 39A. (Carcharodontisaur Bonebed)
Ehret, D. J. 2001. Fossil turtles from the Baculum Draconis Quarry (Late Maastrichtian), Niobrara County, Wyoming. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 21(3):47A. (Baculum Draconis Quarry (BDQ))
Elder, Ruth L. 1987. Taphonomy and Paleoecology of the Dockum Group, Howard County, Texas. Journal of the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science 22: 85-94. (Otis Chalk Quarry 1 - SMU#122 ) (Otis Chalk Quarry 2 (Small Reptile Quarry)) (Otis Chalk Quarry 3) (Otis Chalk- Quarry 3A)
Emry, R.J. 1990. Mammals of the Bridgerian (middle Eocene) Elderberry Canyon local fauna of eastern Nevada. In: Dawn of the age of mammals in the northern part of the Rocky Mountain interior, North America. Brown-Thomas-M (editor); Rose-Kenneth-D (editor). Special Paper - Geological Society of America. 243; p. 187-210. (Elderberry Canyon)
Emslie, S.D. and Morgan, G.S. 1994. A catastrophic death assemblage and paleoclimatic implications of Pliocene seabirds of Florida. Science 264: 684-685. (Richardson Road Shell Mine)
Feduccia, A.J. 1980. The Age of Birds. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press) 196 p. (Presbyornis bone bed (Canyon Creek))
Finch, W.I., Whitmore, F.C., Jr., and Sims, J.D. 1972. Stratigraphy, morphology, and paleoecology of a fossil peccary herd from western Kentucky.United States Geological Survey Professional Paper 790, 25pp. (Hickman) (Denver peccary herd) (Goodland peccary herd) (Belding Peccary Herd) (Gainesville Peccary Pair) (Pittsford Peccary Pair) (Columbus Peccary herd) (Reading Peccary Herd) (Sandusky Peccary Herd)
Fiorillo, A.R. 1991. Taphonomy and depositional setting of Careless Creek Quarry (Judith River Formation), Wheatland County, Montana. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Paleoecology. v.81, p.281-311. (Top Cat Quarry) (Careless Creek Quarry)
Fiorillo, A. R. and Montgomery, H. 2001. Depositional setting and paleoecological significance of a new Sauropod bonebed in the Javelina Formation (Cretaceous) of Big Bend National Park, Texas. JVP 21(3):49A. (Alamosaurus Locality)
Fiorillo, A.R., Padian, K., Musikasinthorn, C. 2000, Taphonomy and Depositional Setting of the Placerias Quarry (Chinle Formation: Late Triassic, Arizona), Palaios, v. 15, p. 373-386. (Placerias Quarry)
Foster, J.R. 1993. Sedimentology and taphonomy of the Little Houston Quarry, Morrison Formation (Upper Jurassic), Northeast Wyoming. In: Fifty-third annual meeting. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, Abstracts of papers. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 13; 3 Suppl. p. 35A. (Little Houston Quarry)
Fox, M. 1997. Working with the Fossils of San Luis, Argentina. In: Fifty-seventh annual meeting. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, Abstracts of Papers. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 17; 3, Suppl. p. 47A. (Loma del Pterodaustro Quarry)
Franzen, J.L. 1985. Exceptional preservation of Eocene vertebrates in the lake deposit of Grube Messel (West Germany).Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, B v.311, 181-186. (Messel)
Frazer, N.C., Dooley, A.C. Jr., 2000. A diverse marine vertebrate assemblage from a locality in the Calvert Formation of Virginia. JVP 20(3): 42A. (Calvert Locality)
Gadbury, C., L. Todd, A. H. Jahren, R. Amundson, 2000. Spatial and temporal variations in the isotopic composition of bison tooth enamel from the Early Holocene Hudson-Meng Bone Bed, Nebraska. Palaeo-3 157:79-93. (Hudson-Meng Bone Bed)
Galton, P.M. 1974. The ornithischian dinosaur Hypsolophodon from the Wealden of the Isle of Wight. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), v.25, p.1-152. (Isle of Wight Hypsilophodon)
Gates, B. T. A. and Sampson, S. D. 2001. Taphonomic reanalysis of the Cleveland-Lloyd dinosaur Quarry. JVP 21(3):53A. (Cleveland-Lloyd)
Gau, Keqin and N. Shubin, 2000. Late Jurassic salamanders from northern China: phylogenetic and biogeographic implications. JVP 20 (3): 43A. (Chinese Salamander Locality) (See also Discover Magazine listing of important scientific finds for Y2000)
Gazin, C.L. 1936.A study of the fossil horse remains from the Upper Pliocene of Idaho. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 83:281-320. (Hagerman peccaries) (Hagerman-SI Horse Quarry)
Gingerich, P.D., Houde, P., and Krause, D.W. 1983. A new earliest Tiffanian (Late Paleocene) mammalian fauna from Bangtail Plateau, Western Crazy Mountain Basin, Montana. Journal of Paleontology, v. 57, no. 5, p. 957-970. (Bangtail Locality)
Gow, C.E. and Raath, M.A. 1977. Fossil Vertebrate Studies in Rhodesia: Sphenodontid remains from the upper trias of Rhodesia. Palaeontological Africana 20: 121-122. (Zambezi Valley)
Raath, M. A., Oesterlin, P. M. and Kitching, J. W. 1992. First record of Triassic Rhynchosauria (Reptilia, Diapsida) from the Lower Zambezi Valley, Zimbabwe. Palaeontological Africana 29:1-10. (Zambezi Valley)
Haynes, G. 1991. Mammoths, mastodons and elephants: biology, behavior, and the fossil record. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 413 p. (Lehner Ranch) (Dent) (Lamb Spring) (Boney Spring) (Kimmswick) (Blackwater Draw) (Jackson County) (Hot Springs) (Lange-Ferguson) (Friesenhan Cave) (Miami) (Waco) (Colby) (Aguas do Araxa) (Cannstadt) (Castel di Guido) (Condover) (Fontana Ranuccio) (La Cotte de St. Brelade) (Mauer) (Mosbach) (Polledrara) (Rebibbia Casal de Pazzi) (Salzgitter-Lebenstedt) (Sussenborn) (Taubach-Ehringsdorf)
Heckert, A.B., Lucas, S.G. and Rinehart, L.F. 1999. From decapods to dinosaurs: a diverse new fauna from a bonebed in the upper Triassic (Norian) Petrified Forest Formation, 19, 3, p. 50A. (NMNH&S 3845)
Hendy, Q. B. 1981. Palaeoecology of the late Tertiary fossil occurrences in ‘E’ Quarry, Langebaanweg, South Africa, and a reinterpretation of their geological context. Annals of the South African Museum 84:1-104. (Langebaan QSM)
Henrici, A.C. and Fiorillo, A.R. 1993.Catastrophic death assemblage of Chelomophrynus bayi (Anura, Rhinophrynidae) from the Middle Eocene Wagon Bed Formation of central Wyoming. Journal of Paleontology, v.67(6), p.1016-1026. (Wagonbed)