Using the CIGNA Communications Toolkit

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How do I open and/or save a document?

A. Right click with your mouse and select ‘Open’ or ‘Save Target As’. All documents are Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint or Adobe Acrobat .pdf. If you need free Adobe Reader software, visit

Q. May I use the content for my internal publication?

A. Yes, you’re encouraged to do so. As always, please work with your CIGNA account representative on a customized communications plan for your organization.

Q. May I customize the content?

A. Yes, for Word documents, the commonly customized areas are highlighted in yellow as a reference. For further assistance with Word documents or help with .pdf documents, contact your CIGNA account representative.

Q. May I suggest additional content for inclusion in the Communications Toolkit?

A. Yes! We welcome your ideas. Please pass them along to your CIGNA account representative.

Q. What if I urgently need content for a topic not covered in the Communications Toolkit?

A. Contact your CIGNA account representative if there’s a topic or communications piece you need that is not currently available on the Communications Toolkit.

Q. How often is the Communications Toolkit updated?

A. Health care is an ever-changing topic. That’s why the Communications Toolkit will be updated frequently. There’s not a set schedule, but we expect to add or modify content each month, if not each week. We built the Communications Toolkit to be nimble in order to better serve our clients and your employees.

Q. Why do some documents have yellow highlighted areas?

A. The yellow highlighting shows areas including plan design variables and/or details that may require customizing.