Hands-On Lab

Using Portable Class Libraries

Lab version:

Last updated: 12/6/2011


Overview 3

Exercise 1: Creating and using Portable Class Libraries 4

Task 1 – Configuring and Exploring the PhotoGallery Application 4

Task 2 – Creating a New Portable Class Library 12

Task 3 – Refactoring the Photo Gallery to Use the Portable Class Library 17

Appendix: Using Code Snippets 22


In this Hands-on Lab, you will learn how to write code that works on more than one Framework platform without recompilation using portable class libraries.

Portable class libraries enable you to write and build managed assemblies that work on more than one .NET Framework platform. Within these assemblies, you can write code you want to share across project running on different platforms, such as common business logic.

You can build portable assemblies that work without modification on the .NET Framework, Silverlight, Windows Phone 7, or Xbox 360 platforms. Without the Portable Class Library project, you must target a single platform and then manually rework the class library for other platforms.

The Portable Class Library project supports a subset of assemblies from these platforms and provides a Visual Studio template that makes it possible to build assemblies that run without modification on all these platforms.

You can build portable .NET class libraries by simply creating a Portable Class Library project (the template is provided for you) and choosing the platform targets. The IDE will then create the appropriate reference assemblies, and you can then program as you normally would.

The Portable Class Libraries project ships as part of Visual Studio 11 Developer Preview. You can build portable .NET class libraries by simply creating a Portable Class Library project (the template is provided for you) and choosing the platform targets. The IDE will then create the appropriate reference assemblies for you and you can then program as you normally would.

To learn more about portable class libraries, check out this article at MSDN: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg597391(v=VS.110).aspx


In this hands-on lab, you will learn how to:

· Refactor existing projects to extract the common code into a portable class library


· Windows 8 Developer Preview

· Microsoft Visual Studio 11 Developer Preview

· ASP.NET MVC 4 Developer Preview


Throughout the lab document, you will be instructed to insert code blocks. For your convenience, most of that code is provided as Visual Studio Code Snippets, which you can use from within Visual Studio to avoid having to add it manually.

To install the code snippets:

1. Open a Windows Explorer window and browse to the lab’s Source\Setup folder.

2. Double-click the Setup.cmd file in this folder to install the Visual Studio code snippets.

If you are not familiar with the Visual Studio Code Snippets, and want to learn how to use them, you can refer to the appendix from this document ‘Using Code Snippets’.


This hands-on lab includes the following exercises:

1. Creating and using Portable Class Libraries

Note: Each exercise is accompanied by a starting solution—located in the Begin folder of the exercise—that allows you to follow each exercise independently of the others. Please be aware that the code snippets that are added during an exercise are missing from these starting solutions and that they will not necessarily work until you complete the exercise.

Inside the source code for an exercise, you will also find an End folder containing a Visual Studio solution with the code that results from completing the steps in the corresponding exercise. You can use these solutions as guidance if you need additional help as you work through this hands-on lab.

Exercise 1: Creating and using Portable Class Libraries

Using portable class libraries enables code reusing, as well as an improved maintainability. You are now able to write and compile your code just once.

In this exercise, you will learn how to create and use portable class libraries, refactoring a Photo Gallery sample application that runs in two different platforms –ASP.NET MVC and Windows 8 Metro Style.

Task 1 – Configuring and Exploring the PhotoGallery Application

In this task, you will configure the settings to run the Photo Gallery. Then, you will explore the solution and discover the shared code that could potentially be moved to a common library.

1. Launch Visual Studio 11 and open PortableLibraries-Ex1-Begin.sln solution located under the Source\Ex1-PortableLibraries\Begin folder of this lab.

2. Open the NuGet Package Manager Console. To do this, open Tools | Library Package Manager | Package Manager Console.

3. In the Package Manager Console, change the Default Project to PhotoGallery.Service and run the following commands to install the WebApi and EntityFramework packages.


Install-Package WebApi

Install-Package EntityFramework

The WebAPI package is required because the solution used throughout the lab includes a WCF Web API service for client applications to retrieve photos and their metadata (name, description, etc.). To learn more about WCF Web API, check out the following CodePlex site: http://wcf.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=WCF%20HTTP.

Additionally, the lab uses EntityFramework 4.1 (or above) to interact with a SQL CE database where the photo data is stored. Version 4.1 or above is required because the lab uses System.Data.Entity.DbContext and System.Data.Entity.DbSet, which are wrappers around the ObjectContext and ObjectSet types and provide a simplified API for carrying out the most common database tasks. To learn more about EntityFramework 4.1 (or above) check out the following article at MSDN: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg696172(v=VS.103).aspx.

4. In Solution Explorer, under the PhotoGallery.Client.Metro project, double-click Package.appxmlmanifest. Open the Capabilities tab and notice the Internet (client) and Home/Work (Networking) options are checked. This PhotoGallery sample app retrieves the photos data from a WCF Web API Service and thus requires permissions to perform web requests.

Figure 1

Photo Gallery solution

Note: Metro style apps run in sandboxes where permissions are granted based on their capabilities. A Metro style app runs in a security container with limited access to the file system, network resources, and hardware. Whenever a user installs an app from the Windows Store, Windows looks at the metadata in the Package.appxmanifest file to figure out what capabilities the app needs to function. For example, an app might need to access data from the Internet, documents from the user's Document Library, or the user's webcam and microphone. When the app is installed, it displays to the user the capabilities it needs, and the user must grant permission for it to access those resources. If the app doesn't request and receive access to a resource it needs, it will not be allowed access to that resource when the user runs it.

5. The Windows 8 Firewall blocks Metro applications from connecting to the local computer. Since the Metro application will consume the service hosted in the localhost, you will need to temporally disable the Firewall to run the solution. Go to Control Panel, More Settings, Windows Firewall, select Turn Windows Firewall on or off from the left menu. In the Customize Settings page, select the Turn off Windows Firewall option in both sections (private and public) and click OK.

Figure 2

Disabling Windows Firewall

Warning - Remember to turn your firewall on once you have completed this lab in order to keep your computer safe.

6. In the Solution Explorer, you will see that this solution contains a service and two clients – One Metro Style application and one MVC Web application –both consuming the service to show the images.

a. PhotoGallery.Service: This is a WCF Web API service which exposes the PhotoGallery data and images retrieved from a database.

b. PhotoGallery.Client.Web: This is an ASP.NET MVC 4 application, which consumes the service and shows the images.

c. PhotoGallery.Client.Metro: This is a Windows Metro Style Grid application, which consumes the service and shows the images.

Figure 3

Photo Gallery solution

7. In PhotoGallery.Client.Web project, expand the Controllers folder and open HomeController.cs class. Locate the RetrievePhotos() method inside of it. Notice how the web request is performed using the HttpClient class and the response is deserialized.

Figure 4

Web request in the MVC project

8. Now, in the PhotoGallery.Client.Metro project, expand DataSource folder and open PhotoGalleryDataSource.cs class. Locate the constructor method. Notice this code is performing the same request and deserialization instructions as the previous RetrievePhotos method from the PhotoGallery.Client.Web project.

Figure 5

Web request in the Metro style app

9. In the Solution Explorer, expand the following folders for each project node:

◦ PhotoGallery.Client.Metro\DataSource

◦ PhotoGallery.Client.Web\Model

◦ PhotoGallery.Service\Model

You will notice the same Photo.cs model class is present in both client applications and the service. The Photo.cs file can also be refactored by moving the model class to a common library.

Figure 6

Model classes

Note: To simplify the flow of this lab, model classes have the same namespace, so you do not have to change it when you move the file to another project.

10. In the Solution Explorer, right-click the solution root node and select Build solution or press CTRL+SHIFT+B.

11. Make sure that the PhotoGallery.Client.Web project is set as startup project and press F5 to run the solution and open the Photo Gallery Web application. The service that retrieves the images will start on background.

Figure 7

Running the Photo Gallery Web application

12. In the Solution Explorer, right-click PhotoGallery.Client.Metro and select Debug | Start New Instance. This will open the Photo Gallery Metro application.

Figure 8

Running the Photo Gallery Metro application

13. Switch to Visual Studio and stop debugging to continue with the lab.

Task 2 – Creating a New Portable Class Library

In this task, you will create a new Portable Class Library to include on it all the code that both clients have in common: the data model and the methods that retrieve the images from the service.

Note: With simplicity purposes, the lab scenario consists of just a small refactoring of simple code. In a more realistic application, the refactoring will likely involve bigger changes.

1. In Solution Explorer, right-click on the solution node and select Add | New Project. In the Add New Project dialog box, expand the Visual C# item at the left side. Choose Portable Class Library project type and name it PhotoGallery.Client. Press OK to create a new project.

Figure 9

Creating a Portable Class Library

2. Right-click the PhotoGallery.Client project in the Solution Explorer, and select Properties. Select the Library tab and in the Target frameworks section click the Change button.

3. Update the Target Frameworks checklist to have only the following frameworks checked:

◦ .NET Framework 4 (to be consumed by the ASP.NET MVC client)

◦ Windows Tailored (to consumed by the Metro client)

Figure 10

Changing the target frameworks

Note: Notice that the Silverlight 4 framework is automatically selected since it supports all of the available functionality in the target framework you selected.

4. Click OK.

5. Right-click the PhotoGallery.Client project and select Add Reference. Notice the restricted list of assemblies available for creating your library and the ‘Targeting’ details on the top. Add a reference to the System.ComponentModel.Composition assembly (used by the Managed Extensibility Framework). Click Add then Close to add the reference.

Figure 11

Reference Manager

6. Once again, right-click the PhotoGallery.Client project in the Solution Explorer, and select Properties. Select the Library tab, in the Target frameworks section click Change button to change the target frameworks. Now select Windows Phone 7 and click OK.

7. Expand the References node in Solution Explorer. Notice that the System.ComponentModel.Composition assembly is displayed with a warning.

Not all of the assemblies displayed are supported on all target frameworks (Windows Phone 7, Metro, etc.). In a Portable Class Library project, only the supported assemblies for the target frameworks selected for your project are available. The core assemblies (mscorlib.dll, System.dll, System.Core.dll, and System.Xml.dll) are supported on all platforms.

If you try to reference an assembly that is not supported for the platforms you have targeted, Visual Studio warns you of the incompatibility.

Figure 12

Reference Warning

8. Now remove Windows Phone 7 as a target framework by re-opening the project properties. Notice that Silverlight 4 is once again selected. It always will be, by default.

9. Remove the System.ComponentModel.Composition assembly reference.

10. Press CTRL + S to save the project.

11. In the PhotoGallery.Client project, rename Class1.cs file to PhotoGalleryClient.cs, and press Yes to also confirm the rename of the class.

12. In the PhotoGallery.Client project, create a new folder and name it Model.

13. Copy the file Photo.cs from the Model folder, located in PhotoGallery.Service project, to the Model folder you have just created in PhotoGallery.Client project.

14. Open PhotoGalleryClient.cs.

15. In PhotoGalleryClient.cs, add using statements to include System.Net, System.Xml.Serialization and System.Threading namespaces, and another using statement for the model. If you want, you can remove System.Text and System.Linq namespace references.

(Code Snippet – PortableLibrariesLab - Ex01 - Client references)


using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Net;

using System.Threading;

using System.Xml.Serialization;

using PhotoGallery.Model;

16. In PhotoGalleryClient.cs, define a private string member to store the service base URI.


public class PhotoGalleryClient


private string baseUri;

17. Create a constructor to receive the service base URI and store it in the private member.

(Code Snippet – PortableLibrariesLab - Ex01 - PhotoGalleryClient constructor)


public class PhotoGalleryClient


private string baseUri;

public PhotoGalleryClient(string baseUri)


this.baseUri = baseUri;


18. After declaring the PhotoGalleryClient constructor, create a method named GetPhotosAsync to perform an asynchronous request to the service and deserialize the result into an array of photos.

(Code Snippet – PortableLibrariesLab - Ex01 - GetPhotosAsync)


public void GetPhotosAsync(int albumId, Action<List<Photo>> onComplete)


var uri = string.Format("{0}/{1}/photos", this.baseUri, albumId);

var request = WebRequest.CreateHttp(uri);


result =>


var response = request.EndGetResponse(result);

var ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(List<Photo>));

var obj = ser.Deserialize(response.GetResponseStream());

onComplete(obj as List<Photo>);




The HttpClient class, which was used in the MVC and Metro clients to perform web requests, is not available in portable class libraries. Therefore, you will have to use the WebRequest class to perform requests to a service. Notice also that WebRequest objects do not have methods to perform synchronous requests. In the next step, you will create a wrapper method to make a synchronous version of GetPhotosAsync.