· CIMIS GOES Dish and Receiver Installation. During December 3, 2012 – December 7, 2012, the California Irrigation Management Information System (CIMIS) staff, assisted by other DWR staff from DTS and O&M, installed a satellite dish and receiver for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Geostationary Operational and Environmental Satellite (GOES). The dish was installed on the roof at the North Central Region Office building in West Sacramento. Data from the satellite will be used by the Spatial CIMIS model to produce daily maps of reference evapotranspiration (ETo) and solar radiation at 2-km grid for the entire State of California, which are available to the public via the CIMIS web site and web services. The Spatial CIMIS ETo is calculated by coupling remotely sensed data from the GOES with interpolated weather parameters from individual CIMIS stations. The Spatial CIMIS model was developed by DWR and UC Davis and the installation of the GOES dish and box is part of an ongoing project to move the product to DWR.
· DWR is seeking grant proposals for desalination projects to support brackish water and seawater desalination as a water supply or quality option. DWR has released the Proposal Solicitation Package (PSP) which describes the grant application process for potential grant applicants. The PSP is available at Applications are due on January 31, 2014 Friday, at 5pm. (Note: This is a new due date)
· A PowerPoint presentation about this PSP, including application requirements, application submittal process, and criteria for review and selection of applications is available at
Urban Water Management
· The Independent Technical Panel (ITP) The California Department of Water Resources is releasing the Independent Technical Panel (ITP) on Demand Management Measures (DMMs) Public Draft Report to the Legislature on Urban Water Management Plan (UWMPs) Demand Management Measure Reporting and Requirements.
California Water Code §10631.7 directs DWR to convene the ITP once every five years to provide information and recommendations to DWR and the Legislature on new DMMs, technologies, and approaches.
The ITP elected to submit two legislative reports. A first report which would include only recommendations related to UWMPs and would be submitted in time for consideration during the 2014 Legislative Session. The second report to the Legislature would consist of recommendations on other DMMs not related to the UWMPs.
The ITP will hold a public workshop on the draft report in late January or early February to receive comments. The date, time and location of the workshop are still to be determined. Workshop information will be posted on this page when it is available. Written comments should be sent by Wednesday, January 22nd. Address information is provided below.
Mail: Peter Brostrom
Water Use and Efficiency Branch
Division of Statewide Integrated Water Management
California Department of Water Resources
P.O. Box 942836
Sacramento, CA 94236-001
For any questions or concerns, please contact:
Peter Brostrom
(916) 651 7034
California Public Utilities Commission Energy Water Workshop
NEW: The Water Use Reduction Guidelines and Criteria are undergoing revision. Check back soon for the updated guide.
Agricultural Water Management
· California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) hosted a workshop on November 15, 2013 on the energy intensity of water systems. To view the workshop, click here. The PDF of the presentation is here.
Green Building Action Plan for State Facilities
· In April 2012, Governor Brown signed Executive Order B-18-12 that requires State agencies to implement green building practices to improve energy, water and materials efficiency, improve air quality and working conditions for State employees, reduce costs to the State and reduce environmental impacts from State operations.
Executive Order B-18-12 requires State agencies to reduce agency-wide water use 10% by 2015 and 20% by 2020 as measured against a 2010 baseline. The 2015 and 2020 targets reinforce the SB X7-7 requirement that State agencies reduce water use at facilities they operate to support local water suppliers in meeting their targets.
Guidebook, AWMP template, and worksheets to assist agricultural water suppliers to prepare a 2012 agricultural water management plan. - agricultural water supplies must prepare and adopt an Agricultural Water Management Plan on or before December 31, 2012, update it on December 31, 2015, and on or before December 31 every five years thereafter. It must submit the plan to the entities identified in Water Code Section 10843. Copies of amendments or changes to the plans must be submitted to the entities identified in WC 10843(b) no later than 30 days after the adoption of the amendments or changes. This guidebook will assist agricultural water suppliers in completing their plans, and expedite DWR's review of the plans.
· Final 2012 Agricultural Water Use Efficiency Grants - Approximately $15 million in grant funding is available under this funding cycle. Proposals have been reviewed and evaluated. The Notice of Final Funding Decision and additional information is available at: