University of Colorado, Denver & Health Sciences Center Graduate School of Public Affairs

Women and Violence

August 2007 – January 2008


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Women and Violence

P AD-5910


Jan Mickish, Ph.D.

Telephone: (303) 360-3951

E-mail: (I prefer you communicate with me via e-mail or in person when possible.)

Office Hours: before & after class & by appointment


Kathleen Schoen, JD, Director, Local Bar Relations and Access to Justice, Colorado Bar Association


The course will analyze the historical, social, political, legal, social psychological and psychological aspects of women and violence and will address: definitions of the problem, demographics, survivors, perpetrators, token torturers, children who witness, bystanders, strategies and tactics of abuse and survival, along with strategies for prevention, intervention, treatment, and social change.

This is not a lecture (talking heads) class. The classroom environment is designed to maximize topic specific discussion between and among students and the instructors. Because student participation, activities, and presentations are a significant part of the learning process for this class, some class time is devoted to students working together on their projects/ presentations. Generally, we have a baseline discussion of a topic in class, then students will select discussion questions or issues, then will work in small groups to develop their perspectives, then we will come together to present, share, and discuss our findings.


A.  To provide the student with a broad perspective for understanding women and violence.

B.  To provide a theoretical framework with which to formulate defensible explanations of the current and changing knowledge and thinking related to women and violence.


Upon completion of this topic, the student will be able to:

A.  Demonstrate understand root concepts of women and violence.

B.  Demonstrate understanding of the nature and scope of women and violence.

C.  Analyze diverse viewpoints related to women and violence.

D.  Demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of one aspect of women and violence.




A.  Full Report of the Prevalence, Incidence, and Consequences of Violence Against Women: Research Report – Findings from the National Violence Against Women Survey. Pat Tjaden and Nancy Thoennes, U.S. Department of Justice. Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice, November 2000.

B.  Gyn/Ecology by Mary Daly, Beacon Press, 1990.

C.  Other readings as assigned.


A.  Full Report of the Prevalence, Incidence, and Consequences of Violence Against Women: Research Report – Findings from the National Violence Against Women Survey. Pat Tjaden and Nancy Thoennes, U.S. Department of Justice. Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice, November 2000. NCJ 183781. 1-800-851-3420. Paperback.

B.  Rethinking Rape by Ann Cahill. Cornell University Press.

C.  Next Time She’ll be Dead by Ann Jones. Beacon Press, 2000.

D.  Chapter 1 – 3: Real Boys: Rescuing Our Sons from the Myths of Boyhood, by William Pollack, et al., Henry Holt & Company ISBN or UPC: 0-8050-6183-5, Paperback

E.  Chapter 1 – 3: Reviving Ophelia: Saving the Selves of Adolescent Girl, by Mary Pipher, Ballantine Books of Canada, ISBN or UPC: 0-345-41878-6, paperback

F.  Other readings as assigned.


1. Overview of Women and Violence: National, International, and Spiritual – Thursday, August 16, 1:30 – 4:30


A.  Gyn/Ecology: “The First Passage,” The Second Passage page 107 – 109, and Chapters 3 (Indian Suttee) and 6 (Witchburnings)

B.  Global Report on Violence and Health, World Health Organization (read the 1st page that comes up when you access the site – BROWSE other parts you find interesting

C.  BROWSE (read the headings and anything you find interesting): Full Report of the Prevalence, Incidence, and Consequences of Violence Against Women. Pat Tjaden and Nancy Thoennes, U.S. Dep. of Justice., November 2000.

D.  BROWSE: Costs of Intimate Partner Violence Against Women in the United States.

E.  BROWSE: Center For The Prevention Of Sexual And Domestic Violence: training and resources on religion and abuse.

Bring to class Thursday, August 16

A.  Print out and bring to class for discussion the web site information you found interesting – be ready to analyze the material in light of what’s going on in the world, the US, Colorado, your community, and your life.

a.  Examples of spirituality and women, and the relationship between males and females – this can be from your faith tradition or another – either real or stereotypes that people have.

b.  Current article or internet information about Indian suttee and FGM

c.  Examples of women expected to end their lives after the death or their husbands and/or expected to “go on” with their lives either real or stereotypes. You may include information about Social Security, TANF, as well as popular press (Glamour, AARP, etc.) or professional journal.

B.  WRITING ASSIGNMENT #1 due at the beginning of class: Type (12 pt type, Arial, Times New Roman, 1 inch margins, etc.) short answers to the following, clearly indicating which question you are answering (cut & paste – drag & drop – the question onto your paper & answer the question) and showing that you read and understood the material.

1.  Explain your general thoughts and feelings about the Internet sites. Explain 1 item that impacted you.

2.  With respect to Gyn/Ecology, list and explain 3 areas that you agree with and 3 that you disagree with.

3.  With respect to Gyn/Ecology, explain the main thesis of the first passage.

4.  Explain why Daly places so much importance on “myth.”

5.  Explain Daly’s concept of “dismemberment.” Explain what it has to do with women and violence.

6.  Explain why Daly thinks that spirituality is so important in discussing women and violence. Explain how important you think it is. .

7.  With respect to Gyn/Ecology, explain the main thesis of the second passage.

8.  Explain what impacted you most about Indian Suttee chapter.

9.  What is “witch burning”? Does it still occur in Europe? Explain. Does it occur in the US? Explain. (Think about women who are too outspoken, buck the system, engage in controversial behavior and present controversial ideas – from the political left, the right, as well as others) Who are today’s “witches” and “heretics” and what do we do to them, e.g., what are current rituals? This includes women (and men) who don’t stick to the “party line.”

10.  Explain how the material covered so far impacts you personally and professionally?

11.  Explain how you will apply the material to your personal and professional life?

12.  Write a sentence or two about what you will do to maximize your learning experience in this class.

13.  What would you like to research for your final paper (at the end of the course in January)?

Questions for Discussion Thursday, August 16 (you do not have to write these out, just be ready to discuss)

  1. How do the web sites represent women and violence?
  2. According to the Internet sites, what is the nature and extent of violence that females commit?
  3. According to the Internet sites, what is the nature and extent of violence against females?
  4. According to the Full Report, what is the nature and extent of violence in the US?
  5. According to the Full Report, who are the victims and who are the perpetrators?
  6. What are the limitations of the Full Report?
  7. Compare and contrast the Full Report with the information from the Internet sites. How are they similar? How are they different?
  8. What is the main thesis of the first passage of Gyn/Ecology?
  9. Explain the “deadly deception” and what it has to do with women and violence.
  10. Why does Daly place so much importance on “myth?”
  11. What is “dismemberment” and what does it have to do with women and violence?
  12. Was/is there a Goddess and what does the concept of Goddess have to do with women and violence?
  13. With respect to Gyn/Ecology, list and explain 5 areas that you agree with and 5 that you disagree with.
  14. What is spirituality?
  15. Why does Daly think that spirituality so important in discussing women and violence?
  16. With respect to Gyn/Ecology, explain the main thesis of the second passage.
  17. What is the “sado-ritual syndrome” and what does it have to do with women and violence?
  18. What is “sutee”? Does it still occur in India? Explain. Does it occur in the US? Explain. (Think about TANF, health care availability, economic impact of divorce, male/female wage differentials, glass ceiling, etc.)
  19. Explain what the concept “victim” means.
  20. What is “witch burning”? Does it still occur in Europe? Explain. Does it occur in the US? Explain. (Think about women who are too outspoken, buck the system, engage in controversial behavior and present controversial ideas – from the political left, the right, as well as others) Who are today’s “witches” and “heretics” and what do we do to them, e.g., what are current rituals? This includes women who do not stick to the “party line.”
  21. Explain how the material covered so far impacts you personally and professionally?
  22. Explain how you will apply the material to your personal and professional life?
  23. What would you like to research for your final paper (at the end of the course in January)?

Class Activities for Thursday, August 16

  1. Introductions
  1. Introduction to the course & review syllabus
  2. Incidence and prevalence, re: women and violence, globally and in US
  3. Sociological Model
  4. Responsibility
  5. Victimism and Demonism
  6. Discuss Gyn/Ecology (small groups and large group)
  7. Form teams. To present in class on Friday and Saturday: Divide into teams of 4 or 5 and select one of the rituals in the 2nd passage and readings for Saturday, August 18. Before the class on Thursday or Friday, get with your team and, as a team, prepare to facilitate class discussion of
  1. The reading/concept your team selected … including definition of terms.
  2. How the sociological model can help us understand reading/concept.
  3. Using the sociological model, how the reading/concepts affects our lives today (personal and professional)
  4. How we can reduce and eliminate the negative effects and increase positive effects (what is our individual and collective responsibility and how we can increase our response-ability).


·  Use visual aids, the reading assignment, and things people are to bring to class.

·  Engage the class – not just talking heads. (quizzes, questionnaires, problem solving, activities, etc)

·  Be creative. Help everyone increase response-ability.

·  Your facilitation should be 15 - 30 minutes in length.

·  All students are to read and think about all of the material so we can all actively participate in the discussions.

  1. Write in journal

Video: The Burning Times and One Fine Day

2. Overview of Women and Violence: Chinese Foot Binding, Female Genital Mutilation – Friday, August 17, 2007 8:30 – 5:30


A.  Gyn/Ecology: Chapters 4 & 5

B.  American Podiatric Medical Association

C.  Women's Feet

D.  Gary J. Alter, MD, browse all the tabs for males and females

E.  Female Genital Mutilation - A Human Rights Information Pack

F.  Map of FGM - (what country(ies) is (are) missing?)

Bring to class and be ready to discuss at least 5 of the following for Friday, August 17, 2007:

A.  Group Member Grading Sheet

B.  Baby shoes

C.  High heal shoes w/ narrow toes

D.  Athletic shoes

E.  Men’s shoes

F.  Compare the bare feet of males and females. Draw outline of the feet. What did you find?

G.  Advertisements about men’s, women’s and children’s shoes – bring some that show the whole person as well as copy (words describing the shoe)

H.  Current article or internet information about FGM

I.  Advertisement for thongs (butt floss), males and females. Bring thong if you have one.

J.  Advertisements about cosmetic surgery – including genital cosmetic surgery

K.  Anything else you think is relevant to the topics

Questions for Discussion Friday, August 17, 2007 (you are not required to write these out, just be ready to discuss)

1.  What is “foot binding”? Does it still occur in China? Explain. Does it occur in the US? Explain.

2.  What is “genital mutilation”? Does it still occur in Africa? Explain. Does it occur in the US? Explain.

Class Activities Friday, August 17, 2007:

1.  Review syllabus

2.  Continue discussions from yesterday

3.  Teams facilitate discussion of the 2nd Passage

4.  Discuss final papers

5.  Discuss response-ability and next steps.

6.  Write in journal

Video: Small Happiness and High Heels

3. Seduction, Pornography, Prostitution, and Sexual Harassment and The Popular Culture and Violence Against Women – Saturday, August 18, 2007 8:30 – 2:30


A.  The Journal of Sex Research, May 2000 v37 i2 p161 “Violence in Three Pornographic Media: Toward a Sociological Explanation.”

B.  Just a john? Pornography and men's choices -

C.  Pornography: Letters from the War Zone. The New Terrorism

D.  Pornography Happens to Women

E.  Prostitution and Male Supremacy

F.  BROWSE: Seduction is an art. Seduce now can show u how to seduce women, and make them fall all...

G.  BROWSE: Fast Seduction 101

H.  BROWSE: Learn the art of hypnotic seduction

I.  BROWSE: The Journal of Sex Research, Nov 2000 v37 i4 p344 “Exposing the "Pretty Woman" Myth: A Qualitative Examination of the Lives of Female Streetwalking Prostitutes.” Rochelle L. Dalla.

J.  BROWSE: Cybergrrl

K.  UCD sexual harassment policy

L.  BROWSE: U.S. Economic Opportunity Commission

M. BROWSE: National Women’s Law Center.