NB: this form should only be completed once UEC has approved the withdrawal/suspension/removal
Name of Programme/Dual Honours Subject to be withdrawn[also include combinations] / [please insert here]
Exit Award(s)
[ie BA, BSc, PG Dip, MA] / [please list all]
School / [please insert]
Faculty / [please insert]
Date of last Intake / [please list]
Name of Partner Institution / [please list]
This proposal is to / Withdraw / Suspend / Remove combination(s) [please delete as appropriate]
If suspension, what is the intended period of suspension? / [please indicate period of suspension which should not normally be longer than 2 academic years]
Numbers of Students currently enrolled / FY
[insert student numbers as appropriate] / Level 4 / Level 5 / Level 6 / Level 7 / Level 8
Number of Students currently holding offers
Please provide a summary of the rationale for the withdrawal, suspension or removal of the provision from the partner as it has been provided to UEC for approval.
Taught Provisions
Please list any modules (and teaching mode/location) which will be available for returners once the programme has been withdrawn or identify the mechanism by which returners will be enabled to complete their award.
Module Code / Module Title
Teach Out Oversight
Please identify the mechanism/person at Keele and at the partner to oversee the student experience of any remaining students. If alternative arrangements for the teaching and assessment of students are proposed, please provide details. What arrangements are in place to ensure the continuing quality of the student experience including link tutor support? Please provide details. Please also comment on how the students’ learning resource needs will be met and their progression and completion monitored until teach out is complete.
How will the decision to withdraw be communicated to the partner, including teaching staff? How will the intention to withdraw/suspend/remove the programme(s) be communicated to students currently enrolled, applying or on a leave of absence? Who is responsible for ensuring all relevant stakeholders are informed of the decision to terminate the partnership (including foreign accrediting bodies/PSRBs)? Who is responsible to amend/check all marketing materials and websites to ensure that correct information is provided to the public?
Will it be possible/necessary for any remaining students to transfer their registration to Keele, to another subject at the partner or to another institution? If yes, please describe what provisions have been made to facilitate this.
External Examining Arrangements
What are the external examining arrangements for the period until the last remaining students have completed?
Termination History
Has this termination/withdrawal/suspension been considered and approved by UEC? Please insert date.
Proposal Endorsement:
The withdrawal/suspension proposal must be considered and endorsed by the relevant senior managers and at the relevant committees.
Signature of Head of School: / Date:
Signature of Dean: / Date:
Signature from Head of Governance and Quality Assurance / Date:
Signature from the Dean Internationalisation / Date:
Date of Committee Consideration:
UEC / Date:
FLTC / Date:
QAC / Date:
Last approved by QAC February 2016
Notes of Guidance: Partnership Agreement Termination/Withdrawal, including non-renewal
Either partner may initiate the termination of the partnership and/or withdrawal of a programme offered at a partner. The details of the termination process and conditions will be set out in the legal agreement.
The standard period of notice to terminate an agreement is normally twelve months, taking effect from the end of the academic year, although this may be varied according to the specific legal agreement. An individual programme may also be withdrawn earlier by mutual consent from both parties to prevent further intakes of students to the programme.
Upon the termination of the agreement, the partner will cease to operate the programme(s) except in respect of students already enrolled prior to the date of termination of the agreement. Any decision to terminate an agreement must therefore be subject to satisfactory arrangements being made for existing students to complete their programme and be assessed for the award for which they registered in line with Indicator 9 of Chapter B10 of the UK Quality Code. Such arrangements will be determined by agreement between Keele University and the partner organisation.
Initial Consideration: Should a decision be made to terminate/withdraw from a partner the relevant School/Faculty must first consult with the Quality Assurance Office and the relevant Faculty Internationalisation Director and make them aware of plans and discuss a possible timeframe for termination/withdrawal.
UEC Stage: Proposals to withdraw from a partnership or to terminate a contract will be considered by the University Executive Committee. A paper setting out the reasons for the termination and the relevant dates will normally be submitted to UEC well in advance of any contract renewal or re-accreditation dates. Termination letters will be drafted by PAA in association with the Legal Services Team, and all such letters will normally be signed by the Dean of the relevant Faculty following UEC approval. Contract variation letters are signed by the appropriate designated University signatory.
FLTC/QAC Stage: Once agreed by UEC that the legal agreement for a partnership should be terminated/not renewed, the Faculty should begin to draw up plans for the teach-out phase, unless it can be demonstrated that there will be no students left to consider once notice to terminate has been served. Teach-out plans should be considered by the Faculty Learning and Teaching Committee and require the approval from the University Quality Assurance Committee. To this purpose, Faculties should complete this teach-out form, giving details of the arrangements proposed to enable students studying at the partner to complete their studies. The form has to be signed by the Dean of the relevant Faculty before it can be considered by QAC. QAC will consider the proposed teach-out arrangements and may make recommendations for these to be strengthened to ensure the proposal protects the interests of students and is in line with expectations set out in the Quality Code and the University’s Code of Practice on Collaborative Provision.