United States History II

Quest – Cold War (100 points)

Study the items below and re-read chapters 26 & 28. Review the text, class notes, class handouts and homework.

Iron Curtain

Satellite nations


George F. Kennan

Truman Doctrine

Marshall Plan

Berlin Airlift


Warsaw Pact

Mao Zedong

Chiang Kai-shek


Hollywood Ten

Alger Hiss

Richard Nixon

Ethel & Julius Rosenberg

Senator Joe McCarthy


Korean War

General Douglas MacArthur

Hydrogen Bomb

Nuclear War Paranoia

Suburbia – Levittown

Baby boom

Kennedy-Nixon Debates

JFK’s New Frontier

John F. Kennedy


Flexible response

Peace Corps

Bay of Pigs invasion

Fidel Castro

Dwight D. Eisenhower

Central Intelligence Agency

John Foster Dulles


Hungarian uprising

Eisenhower doctrine

Sputnik I

Space Race

Neil Armstrong

U-2 Incident

Francis Gary Powers

Nikita Khrushchev

Berlin Crisis

Berlin Wall

Cuban Missile Crisis