In the Matter of: )
Pages: 1 through 251
Place: Washington, D.C.
Date: October 16, 2000
Official Reporters
1220 L Street, N.W., Suite 600
Washington, D.C. 20005-4018
(202) 628-4888
Before the
Washington, D.C. 20554
In the Matter of: )
Federal Communications
445 Twelfth Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C.
October 16, 2000
The parties met, pursuant to the notice of the
Commission at 9:12 a.m.
On Behalf of the FCC:
Panelists (Continued):
Heritage Reporting Corporation
(202) 628-4888
(9:12 a.m.)
CHAIRMAN KENNARD: Good morning and welcome to this hearing of the Federal Communications Commission on the public interest obligations of television broadcast licensees. Television is the most powerful, ubiquitous medium in the history of the world. Seventy-five percent of Americans watch local broadcast television. Children spend on average three hours in front of the television set every single day.
Clearly, television is a medium that we all have to care about because it is one that shapes our lives. It shapes our outlooks. It shapes what our children learn. And we have to be concerned about the images that are bombarding our homes and our families every single day.
Since I have been at the Commission in this particular job, I have received lots of input from parents from all over the country. When I travel outside of Washington, invariably people will come up to me and ask me what are you doing about television. And frankly, in recent years, there has been increasing concern in our country about what parents are seeing on television. There is an increasing concern about the coarsening of broadcast standards, more language and inappropriate images in prime time, more violence, more sex.
And when I am in Washington, I often get lots of e-mails from parents from around the country. And they ask me, well, what are you doing about television? How can we protect our families from some of the images we don't want our children to see?
And I have had the opportunity to bring some of these concerns to leaders of the broadcast industry. And I relay some of these issues that I hear. And frankly, a lot of the answers that I get are not very satisfying. I am hearing a lot of finger-pointing. Well, it's not our problem. Don't make us the whipping boy. It's not our fault. Blame the cable television industry. Blame the gun industry. Blame the lack of enforcement on drug control.
But frankly, those answers are not satisfying to parents and they are certainly not satisfying to me because the fact is that television is different today. There is a question of standards. There are fewer PSAs. There is less involvement between broadcasters and their communities. And part of that is a result of regulatory changes by this Agency, the great movement of deregulation in the late '70s and early '80s.
But the fact remains that many, many people around the country are concerned about television today. And the fact also remains that when the television industry decides that they are going to make a change for the better in our country, it can do remarkable things.
Many of you remember the tremendous PSA campaigns that this industry has embarked on over the past couple of decades. Remember "Buckle Up for Safety" and "Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires" and the anti-drug abuse campaigns. These things really do change America.
And the television industry certainly has a responsibility when it comes to making sure that all Americans feel that they have a place in this society. I am talking about the image of minorities on television today, an issue that I am particularly concerned about.
I remember in my own life very vividly when in the 1960s "Eye Spy" was the first network television show that starred an African American in a prime-time role. And that was a huge deal in the African American community. And, of course, since that time, we have made a lot of progress. There are many more starring roles of African Americans and other minorities.
But there is still in our country a sense of unease among many minority communities that we are not being represented on television in positive roles and we are not seeing the kinds of positive role models that we want our children to see. Indeed, we are having a very, very important debate in this country between the civil rights community and the networks to try to remedy that particular problem.
Now, the reason why we are having this hearing today is because the FCC has a crucial role in responding to many of these concerns around the country. Broadcasters are public trustees as many broadcasters like to point out to me in my discussions with them. But there is a concern at least on my part, and I know a number of people with the Commission around the country, that nobody really knows what that means. What does it mean to be a public trustee of the Agency, a public trustee of the nation's airwaves?
Well, I believe it is important that we give some context to what that means and define it a little better because I think, frankly, we have lost a little focus on what it means. I talk to many broadcasters. And many times they say, well, it means whatever we say it means. We are serving the public interest, can't you see.
And I know many of them make these arguments with the best of intentions. And they are well meaning. And they do good things in their communities. And I commend them for it.
But frankly, being a public trustee is not just what the industry says it should mean. It should mean something that we can collectively agree on in constructive dialogue between industry and the public advocates and the FCC. And that is what this hearing is all about today. I know one thing. Being a public trustee certainly doesn't mean that you just get free spectrum anymore. It must mean more than that.
Well, today I am pleased that we have a lot of very fine panelists who are going to present on these very important issues. And we have a very packed agenda today. We are going to hear about a lot of issues. Hopefully at the end of the day, we will have a much better understanding of at least what many people -- how many people would define what it means to be a public trustee of the airwaves.
I certainly have been fairly vocal on this issue. And I have supported a voluntary code of conduct for broadcasters. I have urged broadcasters to be more aggressive in supporting the V-chip so that parents can be empowered to screen out some of the harmful images that flood into their homes and living rooms.
And we have a number of issues that we want to cover today. And in closing, I want to thank my colleagues because what I found in this job is that everyone here has slightly different issues that they would like to emphasize. And so it was a challenge to pull together a panel that would accommodate everybody's concerns.
Some folks are more passionate about affirmative messages for children on the airwaves. Others are more concerned about screening out the harmful images of sex and violence. And I think it is fair to say that some of my colleagues are skeptical about doing anything in this area and are outspoken about that.
But I wanted to commend my colleagues for participating and providing input. And I think the panelists that you will hear today reflect the diverse viewpoints of the Agency before you.
Just a couple of housekeeping matters. We have a new technology here at the FCC we are going to use today. We have the time clock for the first time. And it is an effort to make sure that everybody stays within their allotted time.
Each panelist will have five minutes to make his or her initial presentation. The time remaining will be indicated by the lights on the podium. The light will be green for four minutes, yellow for one minute and then red when the speaker has exceeded five minutes. And I have been told to enforce this aggressively.
After each panel, we will have a period for question and answer from the bench. And time permitting, we are also going to try to allow people from the general public to ask questions of the panelists, as well. And we have some microphones on the aisles for that purpose.
Well, with that, I will pass the gavel to my colleague, Commissioner Ness, and look forward to a very productive day today. Commissioner Ness.
COMMISSIONER NESS: Thank you very much. First of all, I would like to welcome all of the panelists who have come today to talk about what the role of broadcasting society is all about. We are going to be examining all day the public interest obligations of broadcasters, particularly as we painstakingly enter the digital world.
Members of Congress, the public and others have increasingly decried the rapidly declining standards of broadcast television, especially the impact that it is having on our children. And they have focused attention on the pledge that broadcasters have taken to serve in the public interest. We have gotten loads of letters and e-mails on this topic.
A couple of years ago, the Clinton-Gore administration convened a panel to examine those responsibilities. There have been a hoard of studies that have been done. The Kaiser Family Foundation, among others, has contributed greatly to our understanding of what the effect of all of these bombarding messages is on our children.
And as Congress noted, the FCC provides an invaluable forum, an invaluable opportunity for us as a national community to examine these issues and to try to come up with some sense of where we as a national community are as far as the broadcast medium is concerned.
So today, we are going to be examining how broadcasters are fulfilling their responsibilities. We are going to be reviewing how effective our rules and guidelines are to ensure that there is, for example, ample educational and informational children's programming available on commercial television. And we are going to be assessing what steps we can take to ensure that the public is well served.
The first panel, how do we ensure the goals of the 1990 Children's Television Act are realized? There, I am going to be very interested in seeing whether there is quality educational programming that is now being provided on the commercial spectrum; whether our rules which we revised in 1996 which empower parents to help sort through the offerings on television, whether or not this is effective to allow parents to know what programs are educational and informational so that they could assemble their children to watch; whether -- so these are some of the issues that I hope that we can explore in the first panel.
For the second panel, how can we as a national community address the tidal wave of gratuitous sex and violence on television today, especially during the hours that children are in the audience? And there, I hope that we will have an opportunity to see what is being done as far as a voluntarily code of conduct for broadcasters is concerned. It seems to me that this is a very good way for broadcasters to address the situation themselves, we as a national community again.
The third panel looking at the special role of television in our society as we go into a digital environment. What -- how can this digital medium be best used to serve in the public interest?
I would like to close my opening comments by revisiting something that I said at the time of the Littleton massacre back in 1999. At that time, I noted that in recent days, the images of violence have become the focus of a nationwide attention and debate. The massacre has led many to raise questions about the role of media, electronic games and the Internet and portraying violence in a way that desensitizes our children and perhaps contributes to such violence.
We see the tragedy of Columbine High and ask ourselves how can we provide a safe and sane environment for our children. How can we deal with the pervasive and gratuitous violence? Sacrificing our beloved First Amendment is not the answer.
Rather, as parents, each of us must assume personal responsibility in helping our children make choices about the programming and movies that they watch and the games they play. And as program creators, broadcasters, cable operators and corporate leaders must assume personal responsibility as members of a national community and take the interests of that community at heart.
If everyone involved in the programming food chain would ask is this a program that I would want my children to watch, would I give it my personal seal of approval, and then acted based upon the answers to those questions, I would expect that we would see meaningful changes in what is out there today.