




United Methodist Church

247 Broad Street

Red Bank, NJ 07701


FAX 732-530-5715


Table of Contents


Non Discrimination………….3

Health and Safety………....3-5

Arrival & Departure of


Tracking of Children.…..........5

Release of Children………….5


Field Trips…………...........…6

Toileting Policy………....…...6

Discipline Policy………...…..7

Expulsion Policy……….….7-9

Grievance Policy….…..……..9

Requirements for Child Care Centers

Information to Parents…....9-11


Parent Conferences...….……12

Ways We Communicate…....12

Social Media…………….….12


Evacuation Procedure.....…...12

School Closing………..…12-13

Parent Responsibilities

Registration & Tuition…….…13

Discounts & Fees…………13-14

Parent Committee Responsibilities………………14

Committee Descriptions….14-15

General Co-oping Responsibilities…………........16

Examples for Co-oping Parents……………………….17

Guide for Parent Participation………………….18

Activity Chart………….…18-19



Moving and Withdrawal.…….20

Class and Program Descriptions

Mom & Me………………..21-22

2 ½ Class………………......23-24


3’s Afternoon Enrichment Program……………….………27


Pre-K Afternoon Enrichment Program………………….……30

Lunch Buddies……………......31


Learning Tree Preschool is a non-profit, integrated auxiliary of the United Methodist Church of Red Bank. We are an Early Childhood Learning Center licensed by the State of New Jersey, Department of Human Services, and Bureau of Licensing. Learning Tree Preschool does not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, religion, age, or disability in the processes of admissions, educational programs or employment.



Learning Tree Preschool does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, pregnancy, or military status, in any of its activities or operations. These activities include, but are not limited to, admissions processing, hiring and firing of staff, selection of volunteers and vendors, and provision of services. We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members of our educational programs, staff, clients, volunteers, and vendors.


1. At the time of enrollment, parents are given medical forms to be completed by the family physician or pediatrician. It is essential that we have up-to-date information on the child's immunizations, vision, hearing, general health, and particularly any allergies or special problems. Enrollment is not considered completed until the school receives the medical forms.

2. We are anxious to keep our school a healthy place for children and not contribute to the spreading of disease. Therefore, the teaching staff, under direction of the State, cannot admit any child displaying the following symptoms:

a. Severe pain or discomfort

b. Acute diarrhea or vomiting.

c. Elevated oral temperature of 101.5ºF.

d. Lethargy

e. Severe coughing

f. Yellow eyes or jaundice skin

g. Red eyes with discharge

h. Infected, untreated skin patches

j. Difficult or rapid breathing

k. Skin rashes in conjunction with fever or behavior changes

l. Skin lesions that are weeping or bleeding

m. Mouth sores with drooling

n. Stiff neck

Being rejected from school for health reasons can be upsetting to a child. Therefore, we strongly recommend that parents observe their child for these

symptoms and other signs of illness before bringing them to school. If any of these symptoms are noted, the child should be kept home for the day. Children must be symptom-free for 24 hours and/or under antibiotic medication for 24 hours or provide a health care provider’s note stating that the child no longer poses a health risk to himself/herself or others before they can return to school.

3. In the event of any contagious disease being reported, parents of children in that class will be notified in writing. In turn, if his or her child should come down with a contagious disease, parents are asked to notify us so that we may alert others.

4. In the event that a child becomes ill during class or displays any of the symptoms listed in number 2 of this section, he or she will be isolated from the group and parents will be contacted and asked to come for him or her.

5. Parents are asked to be sure that the Director has correct home, cell, and work phone numbers and an up-to-date name and phone number of a relative or friend who can be contacted in the event that parents cannot be located.

6. In the event of an accident or emergency involving a child, if needed the paramedics will be called for immediate aid, and if indicated, the child will be taken to Riverview Medical Center for further care. At the same time, parents will be notified. If they cannot be reached, the person listed on the registration form will be contacted to assist us in locating the parents. IT IS IMPORTANT THAT THESE NAMES AND NUMBERS BE KEPT CURRENT!!!

7. Staff members are not permitted to give medication to children enrolled in half-day programs. If children are on medication, teachers must be notified of any restrictions and children must be able to participate fully in the programs. (Medication side effects such as drowsiness and excessive irritability indicate the child is not well enough to be at school.)

8. Emergency lockdowns and fire drill procedures are reviewed monthly with the staff and children.

9. Emergency first aid is reviewed with the staff. There is a first aid kit available in each classroom.

10. Playground areas must have adult supervision while in use. Priority supervision should be given in the following playground areas: slides, swings, and climbing equipment.

11. When stairs are in use an adult should lead the group and another adult follow while the teacher supervises in the middle.

12. In case of injury or accident, families are expected to use their insurance as primary, and Learning Tree as secondary. Learning Tree will only pay your insurance customary reimbursement upon presentation of an EOB (Explanation of Benefits).


School begins at 9:15am for the 2 1/2 year old, 3 year old and Pre-K classes and 9:30am for Mom & Me classes. Each child must be signed in at arrival each day and signed out at the end of each class session. Once the parent signs out the student, the child then becomes the responsibility of the parent/care-giver. Co-oping parents must arrive 10 minutes prior to the start of class.

There will be a $10 late fee assessed for habitually late pickups.


Teachers shall track children several times during the course of a class session by:

1. Taking attendance at the beginning of each class period.

2. Counting the children at snack time.

3. Counting the children before and after any activity outside of the classroom such as playground activity, special assemblies, fire drills, and classroom trips.


The safety of your children is our number one policy. Therefore, a written note must be sent from home indicating the name and phone number of the person(s) who will be picking your child up from school. One note at the beginning of the school year can be used to cover car pools at dismissal time. Children will not be released to any unauthorized person even if that person is a relative.

If a non-custodial parent has been denied access, or granted limited access, to a child by a court order, you must provide documentation to that effect, for us to keep on file, in order for us to comply with the terms of the court order.

A child will not be released if the parent or person authorized by the parent appears to be impaired to the extent that the child would be placed at risk of harm if released to such an individual.


Providing a safe and secure environment for every child is our number one priority. Learning Tree has worked with the Red Bank Police Department and the United Methodist Church in order to create procedures for any emergencies that may arise. These procedures are practiced on a monthly basis in each class so that the staff and children can be prepared in case of emergency.


It is an integral part of the curriculum to provide field trip experiences for the Three Year Old and Pre-K classes. All parents are expected to cooperate and participate when necessary in the transportation of the children. As per New Jersey law, all children must be restrained in a car seat. Please allow additional time to give a car seat to the driving parent as well as to place all the car seats in the field trip car.

No siblings are permitted on trips unless specifically stated in the communications. Your assistance and attendance is often necessary with the group of children you are transporting.

All students must return to Learning Tree Preschool to be dismissed by the teacher from school property.

Babysitting is not available for a parent that is co-oping on the day of the field trip.


It is the nature of our school to promote a nurturing environment for children. It is our policy, therefore, not to pressure children to train but to provide the children with a positive self-image. We strongly recommend that children entering our Three Year Old Class be toilet trained (or very close to completion of the process). In order to ensure secure feelings if a child is not toilet trained, we ask that the parent be available to assist changing the child if necessary. Children entering the Pre-K Classes must be toilet trained.


Our methods of guiding and discipling children are consistent with our understanding of their developmental needs. It is our aim to promote socialization by helping children to be aware of the consequences of their actions. We wish to develop sensitivity and caring about the rights and feelings of others.

In times when a child may be having a problem or is being disruptive; the teachers will use the state’s “Proactive Actions Policy.” If the teacher is unable to resolve the behavioral issue, the Director will be called.

The ultimate goal of our discipline policy is to encourage the development of self discipline and to enhance their self-esteem.


Please note: We follow the policy of the New Jersey State Licensing Department.

Unfortunately, there are sometimes reasons we have to expel a child from our program either on a short term or permanent basis. We want you to know we will do everything possible to work with the family of the child(ren) in order to prevent this policy from being enforced. The following are reasons we may have to expel or suspend a child from this center:


The child is at risk of causing serious injury to other children or himself/herself.

Parent threatens physical or intimidating actions toward staff members.

Parent exhibits verbal abuse to staff in front of enrolled students.


Failure to pay/habitual lateness in payments.

Failure to complete required forms including the child’s immunization records.

Habitual tardiness when picking up your child.

Verbal abuse to staff.

Other (explain)


Failure of child to adjust after a reasonable amount of time.

Uncontrollable tantrums/angry outbursts.

Ongoing physical or verbal abuse to staff or other children.

Excessive biting.

Other (explain)


If after the remedial actions below have not worked, the child’s parent/guardian will be advised verbally and in writing about the child’s or parent’s behavior warranting an expulsion. An expulsion action is meant to be a period of time so that the parent/guardian may work on the child’s behavior or to come to an agreement with the center.

The parent/guardian will be informed regarding the length of the expulsion period.

The parent/guardian will be informed about the expected behavioral changes required in order for the child or parent to return to the center.

The parent/guardian will be given a specific expulsion date that allows the parent sufficient time to seek an alternate child care (approximately one to two weeks notice depending on risk to other children’s welfare or safety). Failure of the child/parent to satisfy the terms of the plan may result in permanent expulsion from the center.


If a child’s parent(s):

o Made a complaint to the Office of Licensing regarding the center’s alleged violations of the licensing requirements.

o Reported abuse or neglect occurring at the center.

o Questioned the center regarding policies and procedures.

o Without giving the parent sufficient time to make other child care arrangements.


Staff will try to redirect child from negative behavior.

Staff will reassess classroom environment, appropriateness of activities, and supervision.

Staff will always use positive methods and language while disciplining children.

Staff will praise appropriate behaviors.

Staff will consistently apply consequences for rules.

Child will be given verbal warnings.

Child’s disruptive behavior will be documented and maintained in confidentiality.

Parent/guardian will be notified verbally.

Parent/guardian will be given written copies of the disruptive behaviors that might lead to expulsion.

The director, classroom staff and parent/guardian will have a conference(s) to discuss how to promote positive behaviors.

The parent will be given literature or other resources regarding methods of improving behavior.

Recommendation of evaluation by professional consultation on premises.

Recommendation of evaluation by local school district child study team.


If a parent has a problem or issue that they would like addressed, they should speak directly with the teacher or staff member involved. If the problem or issue is not resolved, they may then speak with the school Director.



Under provisions of the Manual of Requirements for Child Care Centers (N.J.A.C. 10:122), every licensed child care center in New Jersey must provide to parents of enrolled children written information on parent visitation rights, State licensing requirements, child abuse/neglect reporting requirements and other child care matters. The center may comply with this requirement by reproducing and distributing to the parents this written statement, prepared by the Office of Licensing, Child Care & Youth Residential Licensing, in the Department of Children and Families (DCF). In keeping with this requirement, the center must secure every parent's signature attesting to his/her receipt of the information.

Our center is required by the State Child Care Center Licensing Law to be licensed by the Office of Licensing, Child Care & Youth Residential Licensing, in the Department of Children and Families (DCF). A copy of our current license must be posted in a prominent location at our center. Look for it when you are in the center.