Unit Three Vocabulary – Chapters 9 & 11

The Rise of American Democracy

Chapter 9

Agrarian Republic Battle of New Orleans

Marbury v. Madison nullification

Louisiana Purchase Treaty of Ghent

Chesapeake-Leopard Affair Era of Good Feelings

Embargo Act American System

“Peaceable Coercion” Second Bank of the United States

Tecumseh Rush-Bagot Treaty of 1817

Pan-Indian military resistance movement Transcontinental Treaty of 1819

War Hawks Monroe Doctrine

War of 1812 Missouri Compromise

Impressment Henry Clay

Chapter 11

Albany Regency Trail of Tears

Election of 1824 Black Hawk War

Corrupt Bargain Dartmouth College v. Woodward

Election of 1828 Bank War

Democrats Nicholas Biddle

Daniel Webster (Webster-Hayne Debate) Whigs

Nullification Crisis Specie Circular

Tariff of Abominations Second American Party System

Indian Removal Act Campaign of 1840

Cherokee Nation v. Georgia American literature and art

Chapter Outlines

Create a detailed outline of each chapter. You pick the style (standard outline, Cornell notes, etc.) but it will include:

· Main idea

· Supporting ideas

· Inclusion of each vocabulary word and definition inside of the outline