Unit I Test Review – Prologue & Chapter 1

(Anything found on the Reading Guides or Covered in Class is Always Eligible)

History of Psychology

- The 5 waves and what makes them different from each other

- 4 goals of psychology: describe, explain, predict, control

- Clinical Psych (treats patients with therapy) vs. Psychiatrist (MD, can prescribe Rx)

- Psychological Perspectives / Schools (What do they mean?)

o Biological

o 4 main ones: Behaviorism, Psychoanalytic, Humanistic, Cognitive (most cited perspective today)

o Alternative / Newer ones: Family systems, Evolutionary, Biopsychosocial, Behavior Genetics, Eclectic

- Specific people and their theories/experiments/perspectives/accompanying wave/accomplishments (What do the theories/perspectives mean?)

o Socrates, Plato, Bacon

o Aristotle, Locke, with which modern perspective would they agree the most?

o Rene DesCartes & Dualism

o Wilhelm Wundt & Introspection

o Edward Titchner & Structuralism

o William James & Functionalism

o Max Wertheimer & Gestalt Psychology

o Sigmund Freud & Psychoanalysis

o Ivan Pavlov & Classical Conditioning

o John Watson (Little Albert study)

o BF Skinner & Operant Conditioning

- Contemporary Science Develops

o Psychology’s 3 Main Issues

Thinking Critically with Psychological Science

- Hypothesis, IV, DV, operational definition, placebo, random sampling and how/why we do it

- Types of Studies (Methods): Benefits / Drawbacks of each / Comparisons

o Correlation (know about + and – and their relative strengths)

§ Which is it? Prediction or Causation, and why/how?

o The “survey” (problems with self-reports)

o Naturalistic Observation

o Experiment

o Case Study

- Hawthorne effect, double and single blinds, counterbalancing, situation-relevant confounding variables, random assignment vs. random sampling, stratified sampling

- Ethics, especially informed consent, Stanley Milgram’s Obedience study

- Illusory correlation, false-consensus effects, hindsight bias, overconfidence

- Data measurement: mean, median, and mode, standard deviation, statistically significant

- Validity vs. Reliability, replication

- Basic vs. Applied Research

- Types of Psychologists, degree differences


1. Professor Saxton was very skeptical about the findings of a recently reported

experiment on the effects of sleep deprivation. Which technique would best

enable her to investigate the reliability of these findings?

A. replication

B. naturalistic observation

C. random sampling

D. positive correlation

2. Jeff mistakenly assumes that everybody around him enjoys listening to country

music just as much as he does. Jeff best illustrates:

A. the false consensus effect.

B. the hindsight bias.

C. an illusion of control.

D. random assignment.

3. Which philosopher most clearly emphasized that human knowledge is heavily

dependent upon sensory experience?

A. Plato

B. John Locke

C. René Descartes

D. Immanuel Kant

4. Identical twins are more similar in intelligence than are fraternal twins.

This fact would be of most direct relevance to the ________ perspective.

A. behavior genetics

B. social-cultural

C. psychoanalytic

D. evolutionary

E. cognitive

5. Contemporary psychology is best defined as the science of:

A. conscious and unconscious mental activity.

B. observable responses to the environment.

C. behavior and mental processes.

D. thoughts, feelings, and perceptions.

E. maladaptive and adaptive behaviors.

There will likely be some matching (perspectives to people, people to theories/accomplishments), fill in the blanks (key vocabulary words such as illusory correlation), and an AP Exam free response question which will be on the topic of comparing and contrasting the various types of research and which would be best for a given scenario. On the essay, you will be expected to apply several of the research concepts and terms from Chapter 1 such as IV/DV, correlation, stratified and random sampling, operational definition, situation relevant confounding variables, and so forth.