TIPS 2.0 PRIME Framework Adobe Connect Book Study Planning Template
Session 4: PRIME Framework – Curriculum Leadership90 min / Session Learning Goals
· Become aware of the PRIME Curriculum Leadership Indicators and the Stages of Leadership for this domain
· Make connections between PRIME Teaching and Learning Leadership and provincial, board and/or local contexts / Materials
· BLM4.01
· PPT_MindsOn_2
· PPT_Action_2
· PPT_Action_3
· PPT_Consolidate
Whole Group à Polls (Poll Pods) & Observations
Invite participants to reflect upon the action(s) and/or interaction(s) that they have committed to in order to move forward towards a new stage of leadership.
Participants complete four polls which reflect each of the four categories presented in BLM 3.01 by selecting the new actions and/or interactions that they are engaging in that support their movement forward.
Highlight observations and invite comments.
Invite participants to assess which stage of leadership they feel they are moving towards as a result of their actions / interactions. Share the collective data with participants.
Whole Group à Session Goals & Norms (Share Pod)
Share session goals and review norms for Adobe Connect environment using PPT. / Invite participants who are engaged in actions and interactions that are of interest to others to share their contact information so that networking can follow.
Minds On…
Poll archives
10 mins
5 mins
Whole Group à Matching Activity (Whiteboard Pod)
Provide participants with 12 statements that can be moved to one of the three categories: intended, implemented and attained curriculum. Invite volunteers to choose one statement and place it under the category that they feel it best matches.
Using the whiteboard stamp tool, invite all participants to place a star if they agree with the placement of each statement and an arrow to indicate that they disagree. Invite participants to share their thinking.
For the Curriculum indicators and stages of leadership, highlight differences between the American vs Ontarian context (not 3 separate sets of curriculum).
Whole Group à Presentation (Share Pod)
Present CIIM research and make connections between Ontario’s intended, implemented, attained curriculum. ***THIS IS OUT, CORRECT? WE USED IT IN SESSION 6??**
Small Group à Discussion (Breakout Groups: Share Pod & Note Pod)
Review Curriculum indicators and Stages of Leadership that have been adjusted to fit Ontario’s context (BLM 4.01).
Prompt breakout participants to consider 3 key questions for the assigned indicator (shown in Note Pod). Assign recorder to record group responses and comments.
Whole Group à Share (Breakout Group: Note Pods)
Invite one representative from each group to share group responses and comments, and respond to questions / comments from other participants / Provide choice for participants; ie. Placing a statement in a category vs agreeing / disagreeing with the choice of category.
Assign breakouts by cross-role. Each breakout should focus on one of the indicators (e.g. breakout 1 – indicator 1, etc.)
Whiteboard archives
15 mins
Breakout Group NotePod archives
20 mins
20 mins
Whole Group à Discussion (Note Pod)
Invite participants to share trends observed across breakout group discussions, and any revelations or shifts in thinking that they experienced during the session.
Whole Group à Final Quote (Share Pod)
Share a final quote from page 35, “Leadership of the curriculum…learned curriculum for every child.” , having participants consider our goal of supporting teachers in aligning the intended, implemented, attained curriculum.
Consolidate Debrief
10 mins
Home Activity or Further Classroom Consolidation
Complete the Reflective Questions for PRIME Curriculum Leadership, pages 77-78. Be prepared to share a specific growth strategy that you can use to advance your PRIME Curriculum Leadership for any of the indicators.
Read Assessment Leadership chapter, pages 45-54
Be prepared to share, in a few words, something that resonated or jumped out at you when reading this chapter.