Room 111

Week of Oct. 26-30, 2015

Reading: / Unit 1: Neighborhood Visit. Story: Teacher’s Pets. Phonics and Grammar Skills: consonant blends r, s, l; base words and endings –ed, -ing singular/plural nouns. Comprehension strategies: story structure, visualizing text.
Spelling: / Words with consonant blends r, s, l. Pretest on Monday, final test on Friday.
Study and play games on The link is on the second grade main page, click on spelling lists.
Math: / Unit 2: Addition and Subtraction Facts. Skills: addition number stories, addition and subtraction strategies, fact families, frames and arrows, “what’s my rule?” routines.
Try using Xtra math at home to practice facts.
Writing: / Writing complete sentences, writing a personal narrative, adding details.
Writing a research report about spiders.
Science: / Making observations, solids and liquids.
Health: / Healthy habits, body systems-muscular, skeletal, digestive, respiratory, circulatory, and nervous.
Social Studies: / Citizenship and government- rules, rights and responsibilities



Coming up in October/November:

Halloween Party and Parade- Friday, Oct. 30, parade starts at 1:45.

Field Trip to the Old Log Theater: Tuesday, Nov. 24

Thank you for sending in box tops- our class collected more than 1,800! The next Box Top collection contest will be in March.

Thank you for sending in food for our Second Grade Food Drive. The food will be delivered to the Delano Helping Hands Food Shelf next week. It will help many families in our community.

If you plan to volunteer for a field trip, a party, or in the classroom this year, be sure to fill out the district volunteer paperwork and watch the video. These items can be found on the elementary website, under school services and volunteering. Thanks!

Please make sure your child bringshis/herhome folder and weekly plannerto school every day. Thanks!

F.R.O.G. awards are given to children for demonstratingFriendship, Respect and responsibility (the “Tiger Way”), Outstanding citizenship, and Great behavior.