Unapproved Draft
August 1, 2017
The Braxton County Board of Education met on Tuesday, August 1, 2017 at the Braxton
County Board of Education Office. The following members were present:
Jill Cooper, President
Dave Hoover, Vice President
Shane Brown
Van Carr
Brad Shingler
Jill Cooper called the regular board meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Jill Cooper led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Dave Hoover led a non-denominational prayer.
James King spoke as a delegation regarding 6th grade athletes playing middle school football.
Moving the 6th grade back to the middle school and how to handle storage issues was
Brad Shingler moved to convene into executive session under 6-9A-4 (2)(A) for personnel
and student issues. Shane Brown seconded the motion.
Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.
The Board convened into executive session at 6:19 p.m.
Brad Shingler moved and Van Carr seconded to reconvene into regular session.
Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.
The Board reconvened into regular session at 7:26 p.m. with no action taken.
The Board discussed the possibility of a Sam’s Card being provided for concession stands.
Dave Hoover moved and Van Carr seconded to approve the consent agenda items
(approval of July 11, 2017 meeting minutes, payment of bills, budget transfers and
supplements, treasurer’s report, requests to be released from Braxton County Schools to
attend Calhoun County Schools, requests to be released from Braxton County Schools to
attend Gilmer County Schools, permission to attend Braxton County Schools from Gilmer
County Schools and permission to attend Braxton County Schools from Nicholas County
Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.
Shane Brown moved and Dave Hoover seconded to approve the employment of Substitute
Teachers for the 2017-18 school year (list attached).
Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.
Brad Shingler moved and Van Carr seconded to approve the employment of Substitute
Service Personnel for the 2017-18 school year (list attached).
Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.
Van Carr moved and Brad Shingler seconded to approve the following employment/
reassignments – professional staff:
1. Margaret Elizabeth Fairbanks – 2/3 Split Grade Teacher at Davis Elementary effective
the beginning of the 2017-18 school year
2. Andrea Russell – 4th Grade Teacher at Burnsville Elementary effective the beginning of
the 2017-18 school year
3. Heather Brown – LD/BD/MI/AU Teacher (Self-Contained) at BCHS effective the beginning
of the 2017-18 school year
4. Jessica Vandernick – 6th Grade Teacher at Burnsville Elementary effective the beginning
of the 2017-18 school year
5. Amber Hart – Title I Teacher ½ Time Davis Elementary and ½ Time Frametown Elementary
effective the beginning of the 2017-18 school year
Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.
Shane Brown moved and Van Carr seconded to approve the following mutual consents –
professional staff:
1. Sara Moore – from 3rd Grade Teacher to Pre-School Special Needs Teacher at Burnsville
Elementary effective beginning of 2017-18 school year
2. Kayla Rose – from 6th Grade Teacher to 3rd Grade Teacher at Burnsville Elementary
effective the beginning of the 2017-18 school year
Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.
Brad Shingler moved and Dave Hoover seconded to approve the following employment/
reassignments – service personnel:
Cindy Pendry – Early Learning Support Facilitator – Countywide effective beginning of 2017-
18 school year
Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.
Van Carr moved and Dave Hoover seconded to approve the following requests for leave of
1. Crystal Spaur – Counselor – BCHS – Medical Leave from beginning of 2017-18 school
year until September 18, 2017
2. Cara Foster – Title I Teacher (Itin) – Flatwoods Elementary – Medical Leave from
beginning of 2017-18 school year until released by physician.
Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.
Dave Hoover moved and Brad Shingler seconded to approve the following employment –
extracurricular – effective 2017-18 sport season:
1. Chase Oney – ½ pay assistant Football Coach at BCHS
2. Brooks Liston – Head Girls Soccer Coach at BCHS
3. Jamie Oates - $1 Assistant Football Coach at BCHS
4. Rebecca Oates - $1 Assistant Girls Soccer Coach at BCHS
5. Dan Grindo – Head Boys Soccer Coach at BCHS
6. Doug Vincent - $1 Assistant Golf Coach at BCHS
7. Jeremy Jarrett - $1 Assistant Volleyball Coach at BCHS
Vote: 3-2 (Van Carr and Jill Cooper Against). Motion carried.
Van Carr moved and Shane Brown seconded to approve the following request to have
name removed from Substitute Teacher List effective August 2, 2017:
Anne Golinsky
Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.
Brad Shingler moved and Dave Hoover seconded the following request to remove names
from Substitute Teacher List due to not working as a Substitute Teacher during the 2016-17
school year effective August 2, 2017:
1. Carol Carr
2. Terri Beverage
Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.
Shane Brown moved and Brad Shingler seconded to approve the following request to
have name added to Substitute Teacher List effective August 2, 2017:
1. Matthew Rollyson
Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.
Susan Schiefer gave a progress report on the Sutton Elementary Playground project.
Shane Brown moved and Brad Shingler seconded to approve fundraisers for Frametown
Elementary, Sutton Elementary, BCHS and the Board of Education.
Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.
Brad Shingler moved and Dave Hoover seconded to approve the third and final reading of
Policy 3101 Laterality.
Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.
Van Carr moved and Dave Hoover seconded to approve third and final reading of Policy
4310 Medication Administration.
Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.
Brad Shingler moved and Shane Brown seconded to approve the third and final reading of
Policy 2300/4225 Braxton County Schools Alternative Education Policy.
Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.
Van Carr moved and Brad Shingler seconded to approve third and final reading of Policy
4380 CTE Drug-Free Workplace.
Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.
Brad Shingler moved and Shane Brown seconded the third and final reading of Policy 3040
Braxton County Policy on a Comprehensive System of Support for Improving the Retention and
Recruitment of Employees.
Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.
Brad Shingler moved and Dave Hoover seconded to approve the purchase of AEDs
countywide for $9303.92 from School Health Corporation.
Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.
Shane Brown moved and Brad Shingler seconded to approve an anonymous donation for
$1500 to aid Math and Science Classes of Mr. Toumazos.
Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.
Shane Brown moved and Van Carr seconded to give permission to post Athletic Director
Positions for county.
Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.
Dave Hoover moved and Brad Shingler seconded to approve community service hours
and job shadowing for high school students.
Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.
Van Carr moved and Shane Brown seconded to accept community donation of school
Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried
Brad Shingler moved and Shane Brown seconded to approve the contract for Speech
Therapist Vickie Pullins and Telespeech and permission to post speech facilitator position.
Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.
Brad Shingler moved and Shane Brown seconded to adjourn.
Vote: Unanimous. Motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 7:58 p.m.
A work session for superintendent goals has been scheduled for Tuesday, August 15, 2017 at
6 p.m. at Braxton County Board of Education Office, 98 Carter Braxton Drive, Sutton.
Others in Attendance:
Janet Six Kyre-Anna Minney
Cindy Pendry Amber Hart
Kim Dennison Tyler Morlan
Michelle Gorby-Tefft James King
Elizabeth Fairbanks Leatha Williams
Jessica Pierson Renae Friend
Flora Cox Susan Schiefer
President - Braxton County Board of Education
Secretary - Braxton County Board of Education
As required by federal laws and regulations, the Braxton County Board of Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex or disability in employment or in its education programs and activities. Inquiries may be referred to Tim Via, Title IX Coordinator, Braxton County Board of Education, 98 Carter Braxton Drive, Sutton WV 26601, phone 304.765.7101; or the West Virginia Department of Education’s Director of the Office of Civil Rights.