Web Page Craze
UNIT: Exploring the 16 Occupational Clusters
TASK: Define the 16 career cluster classification system.
ACTIVITY TYPE: Technology, Teamwork
APPROXIMATE TIME: Two to three class periods
MATERIALS: Computers with web page creation capability
- Many of the fastest growing occupations involve careers in the Information Technology cluster. Among these careers is web page designer. Technology has made it very simple to create webpages, but not all webpages are created equal. Using the principles of design can improve the appearance, therefore, the effectiveness of a webpage. Many webpage designers are also trained artists.
- Divide students into small groups. Assign each group a specific cluster, or let students choose a cluster that they are most interested in.
- Instruct students to research information about their cluster: a definition, job pathways, and occupational specialties. What kinds of skills or knowledge are common to careers in the cluster?
- Have students read a tutorial on creating a webpage using a program such as Word, Front Page or PowerPoint. Get suggestions from the Business Education Teacher.
- After students have completed their research and the tutorials, instruct them to create a website for the cluster. Make sure students edit and proof their work.
- Check with the technology coordinator about the possibility of posting the webpages on the school web site.
ENRICHMENT: Have students create a webpage for their favorite class. Instruct them to include a list of careers that require strong skills in that subject.