UN101-015: Introduction to College Life


Fall Semester, 2005

Parkinson 122

Instructor: Dr. Dorothy Kerzel

Office: Parkinson 110A

Office Hours: Mon 9:00-10:50; Tues 2:00-3:50; Wed 9:00-9:50; Thur 9:00-9:50

Phone: 329-7376


Course Content:

Catalog Description:

UN 101: Introduction to College Life includes a series of freshman seminars focusing on a variety of topics: Professor-student relationships, the development of critical thinking and study skills, strategies to improve academic survival, time management, stress management, and assertiveness.

Course Description:

Introduction to College Life is a one-hour credit course taught by faculty members who have an interest in the education of first-year college students. The faculty instructors and student assistants have collaborated to design a course that will assist students in meeting their academic, personal, social, and cultural needs. During the semester, students will meet weekly in the classroom and will participate outside the classroom in a variety of campus and community activities. Introduction to College Life will help prepare you for a successful undergraduate education and for your future roles as a life-long learner and citizen. The course includes close interaction with a specific instructor and, in some sections, an orientation assistant, as well as a group of other first-year students.

Recommended Texts:

Mississippi University for Women Bulletin, 2004-2006. [available on-line; hard copy recommended]

Mississippi University for Women Student Handbook. [available on-line]

Mississippi University for Women Student Planner, 2005-2006.


After completing UN101: Introduction to College you should:

assume responsibility for your own college experience;

develop educational skills: reading, listening, critical thinking, and test-taking;

develop basic skills in the use of technology;

develop personal success skills: time and stress management;

be aware of MUW, its history, purposes, organization, policies and procedures, resources, and traditions;

participate in opportunities for student development;

develop an appreciation for culturally diverse backgrounds;

understand and appreciate the value of a general education;

understand the importance of class participation.

Method of Evaluation and Grading:

Required grading components include:

Establish and regularly check MUW e-mail account 10%

Reflective journal 25%

Community service project 20%

Attendance at cultural events 20%

Completion of information skills check-off requirement 15%

Other assignments 10%

No exams are required in this course.

All assignments and tasks must be completed by Friday, November 18 at 5pm to receive credit.

Additional Course Policies:

Attendance: Attendance is expected during all scheduled class meetings and activities. In-class experiences are difficult to duplicate. Attendance is kept by sign-in sheet. If you don’t sign-in, then you will be counted as absent. Since in-class experiences are such a large component of UN 101, each absence will reduce your semester percentage by 2%.

Reflective Journal: You are expected to keep a journal as a record of your college experience as well as a place to respond to specific journal assignments. Journals should also be used to record observations about the transition to college, about life in general, about performance in class, or about other matters of interest. We will use e-mail for journals. A minimum of 1 entry per week is required, sometimes writing a response to a particular topic provided by your instructor. Journal entries are due by Monday at 5pm to receive full credit. Journal entries received within 48 hours of the due date can earn up to half credit.

Cultural events: You must attend 2 cultural events. These events include plays, music performances, art exhibitions, and the like. A two paragraph report is required for each cultural event (say something about what the event involved and then what you felt or how you enjoyed the event.) Going to Octoberfest, a pageant, or to see a comedian do not fall in the category of cultural events.

Community Service: You are required to complete 2 hours of community service. You may choose to participate in a planned program with your classmates or arrange an individual community service activity through the Community Service Office (Iika McCarter, 329-7350; Curlis Knowles, 241-7470). Documentation must be provided to your instructor using the form provided. If you did community service during Welcome Week, you must get the signed verification form to me by September 6.

Special events: Attendance is expected at the following events:

"Making College Count," August 22, 7:00 pm, Nissan Auditorium

Senior Convocation, September 27, 1:00 pm, Rent Auditorium

If you cannot attend these events, please provide a written excuse for your UN101 instructor.

Completion of:

The Information Skills Check-Off: This evaluation of students' information/technology skills will be administered by library personnel. Students are expected to make a reservation for a library tour at Fant Memorial Library. Sign-up sheets will be available at the circulation desk. The information skills assignment must be completed and submitted to library faculty within two weeks of the tour. The information skills assignment must be passed (70% correct) in order to receive a grade for UN101. Students who do not receive a passing grade will receive an incomplete in UN101 and will be required to satisfactorily complete the assignment within four weeks of the next semester of enrollment.

Scheduled times include:

August 31, 2005 2:00 p.m. Wednesday

September 1, 2005 1:00 p.m. Thursday

September 6, 2005 2:00 p.m. Tuesday

September 8, 2005 10:00 a.m. Thursday

September 8, 2005 1:00 p.m. Monday

September 12, 2005 3:00 p.m. Monday

September 12, 2005 6:00 p.m. Monday

September 13, 2005 3:00 p.m. Tuesday

September 13, 2005 4:00 p.m. Tuesday

September 14, 2005 9:00 a.m. Wednesday

September 15, 2005 9:00 a.m. Thursday

September 15, 2005 1:00 p.m. Thursday

September 15, 2005 2:00 p.m. Thursday

September 19, 2005 6:00 p.m. Monday


August 22: "Making College Count" (7:00pm, Nissan Auditorium)

August 23: Introduction, syllabus, college expectations

August 30: "How Not to Succeed in College," Mrs. Carol Frazier (Poindexter Auditorium)

September 6: Adjustment issues, campus resources, study skills, ethics and values

September 13: Towanda Williams, Career Services (104 Parkinson)

September 20: Policies and procedures, stress and time management, health issues

September 27: Senior Convocation (1:00pm, Rent Auditorium); there will be reserved seating for UN101 classes

October 4: Fall Break

October 11: Iika McCarter, diversity and community service (104 Parkinson)

October 18: Financial Aid (104 Parkinson)

October 25: "Exploring MUW's History," Dr. Bridget Pieschel (Poindexter Auditorium)

November 1: Advising and preregistration information, academic catalog

November 8: “Sexual Assault Awareness & Prevention,” Dr. Mario Mercado (Poindexter Auditorium)

November 15: Course wrap-up, evaluations

Key Dates, Fall 2005:

8/22: Last day to add/drop classes on Banner Web

8/26: Last day to add/register for class, change audit to credit, or change from grade to pass/fail

9/ 5: Labor Day Holiday

9/21: Last day to drop a course without receiving a grade of WP or WF or change from credit to audit; last day to submit change of major form for Fall 2005

10/3 – 10/4: Fall Holiday

10/19: Last day a course may be dropped

10/24: Advising period for Spring 2006 Pre-scheduling begins

11/11: Last day to withdraw from the University

11/23-11/27: Thanksgiving Holiday

12/3: Exams for Saturday weekend classes

12/5 - 12/9: Exams for day and evening classes

12/12: Final grades due 8:00am

Students with disabilities: It is the responsibility of students who have professionally diagnosed disabilities to notify the instructor so that necessary and appropriate modifications can be made to meet any special learning needs.

Community Service Verification Form

Name of Volunteer
Agency or Event
Type of Service
Dates(s) and Time(s) of Service
Authorized Signature and Phone Number


Community Service Verification Form

Name of Volunteer
Agency or Event
Type of Service
Dates(s) and Time(s) of Service
Authorized Signature and Phone Number