CSCI-101 Fall08

Written Assignment

Tuesday class: due Sep 23 at 3:30; Turnitin Class ID 2388213

Thursday class: due Sep 25 at 3:30; Turnitin Class ID 2388223

The cost of new software applications can be prohibitively high. Suppose you need to do a project for class that requires the use of a software application you don’t own. Your roommate has a copy that her dad purchased for his own use at work, and she is willing to let you install it on your machine. Is it okay for you to borrow this software? Would it be okay if you uninstalled the application after you were finished using it? Would it be okay if the software was on the school’s network and you could copy it from there?

Write a 3 to 5 page paper (full pages) explaining your position on borrowing software. Use 12-point Times Roman font, double spacing, with 1 inch top, bottom, and side margins. Be sure to cite properly all references to someone else’s ideas, articles, or work. Submit your paper to Turnitin; be sure you make the scheduled due date and time (you could be locked out if you’re even a second late). Papers will not be graded or receive credit if they are not submitted to Turnitin. When you turn in your paper, be sure to print a copy of the digital receipt and keep the email verification. If you already have a Turnitin account, use that one again. If you are using Turnitin for the first time, you will need to create an account: go to the library home page, select Turnitin, click on Guidelines for Students, and follow the directions. Use your Winthrop email address as your user ID. Once you have an account, register for the correct section using the Class ID and Enrollment Password given to you in class. Submit a printed copy in class of exactly what you submitted to Turnitin. To receive credit, printed copies must be received on time.

Grading will be based on the attached rubric that assesses how your paper demonstrates critical thinking abilities. For this paper, there is no right or wrong answer or position. A clearly written, basic description of what you think and why will likely get a B. To get an A, you need to include some extra facts or cite different opinions with appropriate additional references. You should introduce, identify and evaluate references on first use.

References to online material from the Web should include both the URL and the date on which you retrieved it. Follow the example of APA style on page 119 in your text.

Wikipedia is not an acceptable reference for this assignment because it is an academic paper. Use xreferplus or other library/official resources. Pages 119/122 in your text also have a section on evaluating Web sites that you should follow to ensure that your online references are appropriate.