Tucson High Magnet School
Class: Graphic Design
Instructor: Alex Callahan
Date: Lesson three of four PHOTOSHOP UNIT/Second quarter
Time frame: One week
StandardsJTED Standard:
13.1 Identify and analyze composition elements
13.2 Employ various types of drawing media and surfaces in traditional and digital form used
in a graphic communications environment
13.3 Illustrate the basic elements and principles of design using traditional and digital media
13.4 Analyze how content and meaning are communicated in media production
13.5 Apply fundamentals of color theory in traditional and digital media
The students will be able to:-1. C. Identify the role of art in self-expression.
-1. E. Create a rendering of their own identity by using varied forms of expression.
-1. F. Visualize insight into their own identity.
G. apply media, techniques and processes.
H. demonstrate media, techniques and processes with sufficient skill, confidence and sensitivity that their intentions are understood.
-1. I. Create original works of art that demonstrate a connection between personal expression and the intentional use of art materials, techniques and processes.
-1. / MEDIA
Teacher will Write "identity" on the board and ask the students to brainstorm its meanings.Then the teacher will demonstrate an IDENTITY MAP looks like on the board.
Teacher Actions / Student ActionsAsk each student to create an "Identity Map" which depicts all the components that make up their own identity, including the varied roles they play. Show students how to create their maps by putting a circle on the board and writing "Me" in the center. Then, draw lines out from the circle and write words such as "loyal," "artist," "dad," etc.
Divide the class into small groups and ask students to share their maps with each other.
Then Teacher will ask them to discuss the following questions:
-1. What 3 words would you choose to best describe yourself?
-1. Why do those words accurately describe you?
-1. What 3 words would your family or friends use to describe you?
-1. How accurate are other's descriptions of you?
-1. What 3 words do you want to describe yourself as 10 years from now?
Teacher will then pick non-volunteers from the small groups to share their insights with the class or do pass and play.
In the initial activities students explored aspects of their own identity. Then the focus shifted to how others represent their identity. The purpose of the Culminating Activity is for students to create a CULTURE AUTOBIOGRAPHY COLLAGE of their own identity.
Students will create a COLLAGE of themselves. Before they begin, they need to make a list of visual culture things that have influenced who they are today. As well as write a 600 word paper describing these thing svisual elements effected them.
Some suggestions for projects include:
-1. A painting, drawing or collage that reflects personal identity such as a self-portrait.
-1. A digital illustration or logo can be included
-1. A collage of magazine or photographic images. This could be an abstract representation of self. / Students will observe instructor and brainstorm ideas on Identity and fill out identity map.
Students will think pair and share results
Students will answer and discuss the questions then be ready to participate or share with the rest of class.
Students will find culture things that have influenced the kind of person they are today
Students will write a 600 word paper describing the culture things they chose to describe themselves.
Students will complete a fully rendered visual autobiography that is ready for grade and critique.
Teacher will ask students to respond to the following Ralph Waldo Emerson quotes.“To believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for all men, -- that is genius.”
“Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string”.
-1. What is Emerson advocating?
Give an example from your life in which you either followed or did not follow Emerson's advice. What were the results? Students will hand in the results as an EXIT TICKET
Language ArtsAssessments
1. Class critique2. Display and discussing finished products
3. Students executes given procedures
1. Point assessment based on length of project and complexity of project2. The class will critique each students work
3. The student and teacher will assess the work using project rubric.
Equipment: / IMAC computer, Printer, Scanner, flash drive, Wacolm Tablet, Adobe software, Projector, Smart Board
Materials: / Paper, Pencils, Prisma color pencils and Markers, Pigma inking pens, T-squares, Triangles, Compass, Protractor
Resources: / Intranet, Books ,Illustrations, Teacher examples, Illustrated demonstrations
Accommodations: / Extensions
The purpose of this extension activity is for students to think about what they want to achieve in the future, and to get to know each other.
Ask students to imagine they've just traveled ten years into the future--they're ten years older and wiser. Break students in pairs and ask them to interview one another to find out who they are--their values, failures, successes, and ambitions.