Fill in the Blank:
You must be faithful to your _____ vows in thought and action. (marriage) / Fill in the Blank:
Do not engage in any sexual activity outside of _____. (marriage)
True or False:
It is okay to have dirty thoughts. (False) / True or False:
You do not have to respect all members of the opposite sex. (False)
True or False:
You should not think of other people as objects. (True) / True or False:
You do not have to dress modestly. (False)
True or False:
You need to dress modestly. (True) / True or False:
Touching yourself in an immoral way and having sex between unmarried persons are mortal sins. (True)
Fill in the Blank:
You need to be chaste in your thoughts, _____, and actions. (words) / Fill in the Blank:
You need to be chaste in your thoughts, words, and _____. (actions)
True or False:
Is it dangerous to your soul to spend time in impure daydreaming about sexual activities. (True) / True or False:
Daydreaming about sexual activities can easily lead you to commit sins by yourself or with others. (True)
True or False:
Sexual desires are good and are given to me by God so that I will one day use them properly in marriage. (True) / True or False:
You need to respect your own body. (True)
True or False:
Having impure or dirty thoughts is forbidden by the 6th commandment. (True) / True or False:
You do not have to act modestly. (False)
True or False:
Engaging in any sexual activity outside of marriage is forbidden by the 6th commandment. (True) / True or False:
Having premarital sex is not forbidden by the 6th commandment. (False)
True or False:
Pornography is not forbidden in the 6th commandment. (False) / True or False:
Reading and looking at indecent literature and pictures is forbidden by the 6th commandment. (True)
True or False:
Listening to indecent music or dancing in an indecent manner is not forbidden by the 6th commandment. (False) / True or False:
Watching suggestive films or programs is not forbidden by the 6th commandment. (False)
By the sixth commandment we are commanded to be pure and modest in our _____. (behavior) / The sixth commandment forbids all impurity and immodesty in words, looks, and actions, whether alone or with _____. (others)
Is this forbidden by the 6th commandment?
You do disrespectful things to your body or to others.
(Yes) / Is this forbidden by the 6th commandment?
You willingly listened to indecent stories.
Is this forbidden by the 6th commandment?
You have impure thoughts. (Yes) / Is this forbidden by the 6th commandment?
You are not faithful to your spouse in thought or in action. (Yes)
Is this forbidden by the 6th commandment?
You have been disrespectful to the opposite sex.
(Yes) / Is this forbidden by the 6th commandment?
You do not dress modestly. (Yes)
Is this forbidden by the 6th commandment?
You watch movies, TV, plays, etc. that are immoral (not respectful). (Yes) / Is this forbidden by the 6th commandment?
You read or look at things
that are impure.
Is this forbidden by the 6th commandment?
You use impure or
suggestive words.
(Yes) / Is this forbidden by the 6th commandment?
You tell stories or jokes that are impure or listen to them. (Yes)
Is this forbidden by the 6th commandment?
Is it all right for a girl to wear something that does not cover her very well simply because other girls wear the same kind? (No) / Is this forbidden by the 6th commandment?
You have been involved with superstitious practices or have been involved with the occult. (No)
Is this forbidden by the 6th commandment?
You insulted a sacred person or abused a sacred object. (No) / Is this forbidden by the 6th commandment?
You do unnecessary work
on Sunday.
Is this forbidden by the 6th commandment?
You try to get out of going to Mass on Sunday.
(No) / Is this forbidden by the 6th commandment?
You talk back to your parents and treat them is a disrespectful way.
Is this forbidden by the 6th commandment?
You neglect your duties to your spouse and children.
(No) / Is this forbidden by the 6th commandment?
You encourage someone to hurt others or themselves. (No)
Is this forbidden by the 6th commandment?
You harm your own body or those of others.
(No) / Is this forbidden by the 6th commandment?
You waste time at work, school, or at home.
Is this forbidden by the 6th commandment?
You do not pay your debts promptly.
(No) / Is this forbidden by the 6th commandment?
You spread rumors that are
not true about someone.
Is this forbidden by the 6th commandment?
You want to destroy what others have because you can’t have it. (No) / Is this forbidden by the 6th commandment?
You want someone else’s wife/husband.
Is this forbidden by the 6th commandment?
You are jealous of what other’s have.
(No) / Is this forbidden by the 6th commandment?
You touched or embraced another impurely.