6 December 2008
Blackhawk Aviation
Training Syllabus for Commercial Single Engine Land
The purpose of this syllabus is to outline a Commercial Pilot Training course for pilots with a Private Single-engine Land certificate who desire a Commercial Single Engine Land certificate, where understanding of concepts is emphasized. Each lesson will build on the material learned in the previous session. The student is expected to study the indicated material prior to the beginning of the lesson. In the case of on-line courses, print out the completion certificate or quiz results prior to the lesson. In addition to the items listed for each lesson, the student should have a completed Preflight Data Card along with the weather reports, charts and forecasts listed in Area of Operation I(c) of the PTS (Practical Test Standards).
Required Hours:
Under Part 61 of the Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs), you must log a total of 250 hr. of flight time, including a minimum of
i. 100 hrs in powered aircraft
a. 50 hrs must be in airplanes
ii. 100 hrs of pilot-in-command flight time
a. 50 hrs in airplanes
b. 50 hrs of X-C flying, of which 10hrs must be in airplanes
iii. 20 hrs of dual flight training
a. 10 hrs of instrument training, of which 5hrs must be in a single eng. airplane
b. 10 hrs of training in a complex airplane or a turbine powered airplane
c. 1 X-C at least 2 hrs in DAY-VFR conditions +100 nm from origin.
d. 1 X-C at least 2 hrs in NIGHT-VFR conditions +100 nm from origin.
e. 3 hours of flight training in a SEL within the 60 days prior to the practical
iv. 10 hrs of solo flight in a single engine airplane
a. 5 hours in night VFR conditions
1. 10 T/O’s and Ldgs at a controlled airport
b. One Cross country flight of not less than 300nm w/3 ldgs, 1 leg +250nm
● Flight lessons may include up to one hour of ground instruction for preflight and post flight briefing.
● Topics listed below only include the new material introduced during each session. All lessons will
include a review of the previous material.
LessonNo. / Description / Duration / Type* / Completion
1 / Introduction to POH, checklist use. Preflight, Positive exchange of controls, Run up, Loading of simple flight plan in GPS, Taxi, normal take Off, Dutch rolls, slow flight, power off stall, power on stall, steep turn, normal landing. AFH1: Chapters 4, page 9-1, Chapter 11; PHAK3: Chapter 5; VFMH2: pages 2-8, 16, 17, 50. FAAST9 “Teaching and Performing Preflight Preparations.” ASF8 “Engine and Propeller”,; ASF7 “Aircraft Preflight”, “V-Speeds and Airspeed Indicator Markings” Quizzes. Be able to draw the aircraft pitot/static system. http://www.keveney.com/otto.html / 1.5
1.5 / C
2 / Preflight, run up, load a flight plan in the GPS, short field take off, short field landing, soft field take off, soft field landing. PHAK3: Chapter 6. ASF8 “Pneumatic System”
2 / Short field take off, soft field take off, Slow flight, power on/power off stalls, demonstration of trim stall, accelerated stall, steep turns, short field landings, soft field landings, power off landings. AFH1 Chapter 4; PHAK3: 3-1 to 3-25; VFMH2: pages 24-31, 44. FAAST9 “Maneuvering: Approach and Landing”; “Normal Approach and Landing” / 1.5
1.0 / C
3 / Slow Flight, Power on Stall and recovery, Power off stalls
and recovery, Slips, Landings, No-Flap Landings. AFH1: pages 5-1 to 5-7, 8-1 to 8-17. VFMH2: pages 42, 43. ASF8 “Essential Aerodynamics” Course. ASF7 “Stall Spin Awareness” quiz. / 1.5
1.5 / D
4 / Performance Charts. PHAK3: 3-26 to 3-33, Chapter 7, 8, 9. POEG4: Chapters 1, 3. ASF8 “Mountain Flying” course; ASF7 “Mountain Flying” quiz. / 2.0 / G
5 / Emergency Procedures Cockpit drill, Short Field Take Off, Soft Field Take Off, Short Field Landing, Soft Field Landing, normal landings. AFH1: pages 5-8 to 5-11, 8-17 to 8-34. VFMH2: pages 12-15, 46-47. / 1.0
1.0 / D
6 / Slow Flight, Short Field Take Off, Short Field Landing, Short Field Takeoff (E35), Short Field Landing (E35), Basic Instruments. AFH1: pages 6-1 to 6-8. PHAK3: chapter 6, 14. VFMH2: pages 18-21. POEG4: Chapter 5. / 1.5 (.2H)
1.0 / D
7 / Chandelles, Lazy eights, steep spiral to a landing, 180° Spot Power Off Landings. AFH1: pages 9-1 to 9-2; VFMH2: pages 31, 48. ASF8 “Engine and Propeller” course. / 1.5 (.2H) / D
8 / Pre-Solo Exam;VFMH2: page 1. / 1.0 / G
9 / Pre-solo Dual- review normal landings / .6 / D
10 / Solo- 3 normal landings. / .6 / S
11 / Review slow flight, stalls, short/soft takeoffs, landings, 180° Spot Power Off Landings . ASF8 “Pneumatic System” course. ASF7 “Regulations Part 91” quiz. / 1.5
1.0 / D
12 / Solo- Local. Practice landings. / 1.0 / S
14 / Chandelles, Lazy Eights, Steep spirals, Power off accuracy Approaches. AFH1: pages 8-21-8-24, Chapter 9. ASF8 “Runway Safety” course. / 1.5
1.0 / D
15 / Solo- Chandelles, Lazy Eights, Slow Flight, Power on/off Stalls, 180° Spot Landings. / 1.5 / S
16 / Steep Spiral, Turns-on-Pylons, Eights-on-pylons, 180° Spot Landing. AFH1: pages 6-9 through 6-12; ASF7 “Airport Lighting- VFR” quiz. / 1.5
1.0 / S
17 / Aircraft Systems test. / 1.0 / G
18 / Review- Chandelles, lazy eights, steep spirals, eights-on-pylons, 180° Spot Landings, short/soft takeoffs and landings. / 1.5 / D
19 / Solo. Practice chandelles, lazy-eights, steep spirals, eights-on-pylons, short field landings/takeoffs, soft field landings/takeoffs. / 1.5 / S
20 / T27 short and soft field landings. Slow flight, power on/off stalls, chandelles. / 1.5 (.2H) / D
21 / Solo. Practice all commercial maneuvers. / 1.5 / S
22 / Review- Chandelles, lazy eights, steep spirals, eights-on-pylons, 180° Spot Landings, short/soft takeoffs and landings. / 1.5 / D
23 / Solo. Review all maneuvers IDed in lesson 24. / 1.5 / S
24 / Check Ride Preparation- Slow Flight, Power On Stall, Power Off Stall, Chandelles, Lazy Eights, Steep Spiral, Eights on pylons, Soft Field Takeoff, Soft Field Landing, Short Field Takeoff, Short Field Landing, 180° Accuracy Approach and Landing. / 1.5 / D
25 / Check ride oral preparation / 2.0 / G
26 / Check ride / 1.5 / D
26.7 Total- Including Check ride
* G → Ground Lesson, D → Flight Lesson Day, N → Flight Lesson Night, S → Solo Flight
1 Airplane Flying Handbook, FAA 2004 ed., FAA-H-8083-3A
2 Visualized Flight Maneuvers Handbook, ASA
3 Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge, FAA 2003 ed., FAA-H-8083-25
4 Private Pilot Oral Guide, ASA
5 Pilot Operating Handbook, Cessna
7 Air Safety Foundation Quiz- http://www.aopa.org/asf/asfquiz/prevquizzes.cfm
8 Air Safety Foundation Online Course- http://www.aopa.org/asf/online_courses/
9 FAA Safety Team Course (FAAST)- http://www.faasafety.gov/gslac/ALC/courses_tableofcontents.aspx
10 Jeppesen Instrument Commercial Manual