
internship to industry

Trainee's commitment


Name of the trainee:
Place and date of birth:
Home address:
Home institution:

The undersigned trainee commits him/herself to the following aspects regarding to the internship abroad:

·  Attendance to all calls for meetings about information or organization of the internship abroad

·  The trainee represents their home institution and themselves when they go abroad.

·  During their work experience, the trainee must comply with the company rules, in particular in what regards to medical check-ups, working hours, security rules and the internal regulations of the company.

·  During the internship period, the trainee will continue to be under the responsibility of their home institution.

·  During the internship period, they have to write an e-mail each week to both co-ordinator and mentor at the sending institution to inform about how things are working out at work, with the classmates and otherwise.

·  Once back at their home institution, deliver a public speech about their experiences in another country.

·  Write a special evaluation.

·  Manage the Europass and ask the company supervisor to fill it in.

·  Account for and hand in receipts for travel cost, food, accommodation etc.

I, the undersigned,


declare to agree to the conditions of the placement described in this document.



[1] Name of the trainee or their legal representative