Tops & Bottoms Character Analysis ChartName: ______

Description/Trait / Text Evidence / How It Contributes to Sequence of Events
BEAR / Wealth
Not very smart
Doesn’t really pay attention to what’s going on / His father was a hard worker and smart business man who left all of his wealth to his son.
He slept all day.
Hare was able to trick him three times.
When Hare suggested they be business partners, he said, “Huh. Let’s see, I’ll take the top half” with a yawn and then went back to sleep. / Bear had land that he could use for growing crops. However, his wealth made him lazy.
He didn’t help with planting or growing the crops, so it was easy for Hare to trick him.
Since Bear wasn’t very smart, Hare was able to keep tricking him by growing crops for his family.
Bear’s lack of awareness allowed Hare to continue to grow the crops that his family needed without Bear catching on until it had happened three times.
HARE / Clever
Takes risks
Family man
Hard worker
Fast talker / He knows which crops to plant every time so that he gets the good part.
He lost a risky bet with tortoise and had to sell his land. He also kept tricking Bear, even when Bear got very angry.
He figured out a way to get food for his family. He does all of the planting and harvesting with his family.
He does all of the planting and harvesting with his family.
“It’s a done deal, Bear.” / Since he was smart enough to pick the right plants, he was able to continue tricking Bear three times.
He kept taking the chance to trick Bear again.
Hare kept tricking Bear so he could get food for his family.
His hard work fed his family and led to him opening a vegetable stand in the end.
Hare didn’t give Bear time to think about the deal. He made sure that he talked fast so Bear wouldn’t have time to change his mind.