November 15, 2014

To: Pam Stevens

Manager, Wake Forest Renaissance Centre
Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources Dept.

Town of Wake Forest

Re: Confirmation of Verbal Request and Approval on June 30, 2014 2015 Six Sundays Concert Dates

This letter is for your records to document verbal approval of Wake Forest Arts’ request for use E. Carroll Joyner Park along with the Wake Forest Renaissance Centre as a rain venue for the 2015 Six Sundays in Spring concert series. This approval was given on June 30, 2014 by Ruben Wall, Director of the Parks, Recreation, & Cultural Resources Department of the Town of Wake. Dates approved for 2015 concerts are:

Sunday, April 26 & Sundays, May 3, 10, 17, 24, 31

Wake Forest Arts will produce concerts one through five; the final concert in the series will be produced by PineCone and the Town of Wake Forest.

The Six Sundays concerts will be staged at the amphitheater at E. Carroll Joyner Park. It is anticipated that concerts one through five will start at 5:00 pm and conclude at 7:00 pm. Wake Forest Arts will begin setup at 3:30pm and complete breakdown by 7:30pm.

Start and conclude times for concert six will be as determined by PineCone and the Town of Wake Forest.

We look forward to working with you to produce another wonderful Six Sundays in Spring concert season.


Mary Petretich
President, Wake Forest Arts