Installing a C30 or DTC400 Card Printer on a 64 bit Windows 7 PC
(this will probably work on a Vista 64 bit system also)
Run the previously downloaded driver program.
To install your C30/DTC400 card printer you must first install the C30e/DTC400e printer driver as a networked printer driver. (If you have a DTC400 printer, replace C30 with DTC400 in these instructions. When installing the driver you can generally use the default settings except for the install screen below. On this page of the installation you need to select “Network Connection (Ethernet)” and then in the “Enter the IP Address of the Printer” box, enter a bogus IP address of “” (without the quotes) and click “Next”. Continue to the completion of the Driver Install.
When the driver installation has completed, you can connect your C30/DTC400 printer to your computer’s USB port. Windows will detect the printer and begin searching for a compatible printer driver. In the window that indicates that Windows is searching for a driver, you can click the cancel. Eventually Windows should display a window indicating that the driver was not successful installed. Click the “Close” button.
Next, open the Devices and Printers window. (Click the Windows “Start” button and select “Device and Printers”. The Device and Printers window will look something like the following image. Note that the C30e Card Printer is listed in the Printers and Faxes section. This indicates that the C30e card printer has been successful installed. Note that the C30 card printer is listed in the Unspecified section, indicating that the driver was not successfully installed.
Right click on the C30 Card Printer icon in the Unspecified section and select “Properties”
In the C30 Properties window, click the “Change Settings” button in the lower left corner.
In the Change Settings screen, click the “Update Driver” button.
Then select the “Browse my computer for driver software”
Select “Let me pick from a list of devices on my computer” and then click the “Next” button.
Scroll down the list of device types and choose “Printers”
On the left select “Fargo Electronics Inc.”, On the right select “C30e Card Printer”. Then click the “Next” button.
In the Update Driver Warning window, click the “Yes” button.
When the following window appears click the “Close” button.
Open the Devices and Printers window and notice that there is an additional icon for a C30e printer named “C30e Card Printer (Copy 1)” This printer instance will print to your C30 card printer. Notice also the Unspecified section of the Devices and Printers is no longer displayed.
Right click on the “C30e Card Printer (Copy 1)” icon and select Printer Properties from the list.
In the Printer Properties window you can rename the printer to “C30 Card Printer” (type the new name in the top text box, (highlighted in blue)).
The C30 printer icon is now displayed in the Devices and Printers
Next in the Devices and Printers window, Right Click on the C30e Card Printer icon and select “Remove device”
Click Yes to remove the C30e card printer.
Reboot the PC. You may need to update the printer firmware before the printer will print properly.
Your C30 printer is now ready to print.
NOTE: The C30e has settings in the Printer Driver – Printing Preferences referring to and associated with the C30e’s ability to use erasable cards. This functionality is not available on the C30 printer and the results of using any of the associated functions is unknown.