02032017 NEWS AM - Don’t miss Shorashim Insights at the end!

-Note The news may be spotty this weekend since I am very busy with family issues.

Palestinian" father tries to sacrifice his son for "Palestinian" Propaganda https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJXAwohdBZE

"The power to determine the quantity of money... is too important, too pervasive, to be exercised by a few people, however public-spirited, if there is any feasible alternative. There is no need for such arbitrary power... Any system which gives so much power and so much discretion to a few men, [so] that mistakes - excusable or not - can have such far reaching effects, is a bad system. It is a bad system to believers in freedom just because it gives a few men such power without any effective check by the body politic - this is the key political argument against an independent central bank."
-- Milton Friedman (1912-2006) Nobel Prize-winning economist, economic advisor to President Ronald Reagan, "ultimate guru of the free-market system"

Read the Prophets & PRAY WITHOUT CEASING!
That is the only hope of this nation! Plead for Grace and Mercy
Please remember these folks in prayer- Check often – they change / That the world would W A K E U P.
Time for a worldwide repentance!
ALL US soldiers fighting for our freedom around the world
Pray for those in our government to repent of their wicked corrupt ways.
Pray that the American people WAKE UP
to the truth concerning our government and take a positive act
Pray for MS – family problems – doing better
Pray for GF – Stage 4 Cancer Passed away last night
Pray for DA family – one family member passed away and other is terminal
Pray for Chaim Simcha son of Chaya Hilka - improved
Pray for DF and wife’s ability to cope – problems Alzheimer’s disease problems
Pray for CM – Severe liver failure – Passed away – Pray for Family
Pray that The Holy One will lead you in Your preparations for handling the world problems. – Have YOU made any preparations?

1Samuel 1:9And Hannah rose up after eating in Shiloh, and after drinking. And Eli the priest was sitting on the seat by the side post of the temple of Jehovah. 10And she was bitter of soul, and prayed to Jehovah, and weeping she wept. 11And she vowed a vow, and said, O Jehovah of Hosts, if looking You will look upon the affliction of Your handmaid, and shall remember me, and not forget Your handmaid, and shall give to Your handmaid a seed of men, then I will give him to Jehovah all the days of his life; and a razor shall not go up on his head.

3 hurt in suspected West Bank car-ramming attack

2 cops, civilian lightly wounded at guard post outside settlement; Palestinian woman arrested at scene, said to admit to attack

By Judah Ari Gross February 2, 2017, 8:43 pm

Three Israelis were lightly wounded when a Palestinian woman drove her vehicle into a police car and a guard post outside a West Bank settlement on Thursday in a suspected car-ramming attack, the army said.

“Moments ago, a Palestinian assailant rammed her vehicle into a police car and into the gate of the Geva Binyamin community [also known as Adam] northeast of Jerusalem,” the army said.

Two policemen and a civilian were lightly hurt and taken to the hospital for treatment, the army said, adding that the assailant was being treated and questioned at the scene.

“At first we thought it was an accident, but from what I understand, she confessed [to it being deliberate],” an army spokesperson told The Times of Israel.

The Hadassah Hospital on Jerusalem’s Mount Scopus said it treated the three people hurt in the attack. It identified them as two 52-year-old men and another man aged 34.

BREAKING: 3 Israelis wounded after Palestinian terrorist rams car into a Police car in Binyamin region, terrorist caught and arrested. pic.twitter.com/LaNYONHRR2

— Israel News Feed (@IsraelHatzolah) February 2, 2017

A short video of the incident taken from security cameras shows two police cars passing through the settlement gate, closely followed by the attacker who drives into the guard post, shattering the windows.

There have been several deadly car-ramming terror attacks in the last 18 months, including a deadly attack in Jerusalem last month when a Palestinian man drove his truck into a group of soldiers on a tour, killing four of them. http://www.timesofisrael.com/3-hurt-in-suspected-west-bank-car-ramming-attack/

Israel hits back at US: Settlement expansion is not the problem

Blaming Palestinians for stalled negotiations, deputy FM says government ‘elected to act on Jewish People’s right to build in all parts of our land’

By Times of Israel staff February 3, 2017, 11:53 am

Responding to a US reprimand on a recent rash of settlement construction, Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely on Friday insisted that the Palestinians — not Israeli policy — was responsible for stalled talks, and highlighted the White House’s stated stance that expansion in these communities was “not an obstacle to peace.”

“The current Israeli government was elected to act on the Jewish People’s right to build in all parts of our land and we must respect the will of the people who elected us for this purpose,” Hotovely said in a statement.

“The White House itself holds that the settlements are not an obstacle to peace and they never have been. It must be concluded therefore that expansion of construction is not the problem.”

Hotovely also accused the Palestinians of intransigence in peace efforts, which she said were the real cause of the stalemate in negotiations.

“In the past 25 years all paths towards any kind of solution have been blocked by the Palestinians,” she said.

“The core questions as to the sources of the conflict should therefore be reexamined and new solutions proposed. Among others, a regional solution should be considered which will release us from a dependence on the Palestinians who are incapable of reaching an agreement.”

In the less than two weeks since Trump took office, Israel has announced the construction of some 6,000 new homes in existing settlements, drawing rebuke from the international community, but not — until Thursday night — from the Trump White House.

White House press secretary Sean Spicer said Thursday night: “While we don’t believe the existence of settlements is an impediment to peace, the construction of new settlements or the expansion of existing settlements beyond their current borders may not be helpful.”

Hotovely’s comments came shortly after Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations Danny Danon also sought to downplay the rebuke, and denied any White House policy reversal. MORE - http://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-hits-back-at-us-settlement-expansion-is-not-the-problem/

White House says new Israeli settlements ‘may not be helpful’

Trump administration’s first, mild, criticism of Israeli policy follows Netanyahu’s vow to Amona residents to By Tamar Pileggi and Agencies February 3, 2017, 1:55 am

The White House on Thursday said it had not yet taken a position on the construction of new Israeli settlements, but suggested they “may not be helpful” in securing peace.

“While we don’t believe the existence of settlements is an impediment to peace, the construction of new settlements or the expansion of existing settlements beyond their current borders may not be helpful,” said spokesman Sean Spicer.

On Wednesday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced plans for the establishment of a new West Bank settlement to replace the illegal outpost of Amona, which was evacuated and largely demolished on Wednesday and Thursday in keeping with a High Court of Justice order.

The settlement would be the first new one to be built in some 25 years.

Spicer said Trump looks forward to continuing to discuss the issue with Netanyahu when the latter visits the White House on Feb. 15.

Later Thursday, the State Department said new Secretary of State Rex Tillerson phoned Netanyahu. It was not immediately clear what the two discussed.

While Israel stopped establishing settlements in the early 1990s, outposts set up since then have been retroactively given approval, and existing settlements have expanded their footprints, sometimes being neighborhoods of existing settlements in name only.

In a statement, the Prime Minister’s Office said Netanyahu had instructed a team to look into possible locations for the new settlement. The team consists of his chief of staff, representatives of the settlement movement and Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman’s adviser for settlement affairs.

The statement said Netanyahu a month and a half ago promised the settlers a new community if efforts to save Amona failed.

Settlements in both the West Bank and East Jerusalem are viewed by nearly all the international community as illegal under international law and major stumbling blocks to peace as they are built on land the Palestinians envision for their future state. [Being viewed by the globalist groups as illegal doesn’t necessarily make them illegal if you want to really look at the laws involved in the development of Israel from a literalists point of view as some courts have. – rdb]

US President Donald Trump has signaled a more tolerant approach to Israel’s settlement enterprise. He has nominated a prominent US supporter of the settlements, attorney David Friedman, to be his ambassador to Israel, and a delegation of settler leaders was invited to his inauguration.

This has both emboldened and created difficulties for Netanyahu, who repeatedly clashed with President Barack Obama over settlements. The sense that the pressure against settlement building disappeared with the end of Obama’s tenure has led to calls from Netanyahu’s right to renew widespread construction that was brought to a crawl during his term, and even raised demands for annexation of certain large settlement blocs, including the city of Ma’ale Adumim.

In the less than two weeks since Trump took office, Israel has announced the construction of some 6,000 new homes in existing settlements, drawing rebuke from the international community, but not, until Spicer’s latest statement, from the Trump White House.

Netanyahu’s announcement of plans for a new settlement was made Wednesday as police were evacuating the West Bank outpost, which the High Court of Justice has long held was built on privately owned Palestinian land.

After years of legal wrangling, the High Court in 2014 ordered the government to evacuate and demolish the hilltop community by December 25, 2016. But under fierce pressure from settlers and their Knesset supporters, the government sought to reach a compromise with residents that would allow them to remain in their homes without circumventing the court.

In late December, a deal was struck that would see 24 of the outpost’s 41 families moved to an adjacent plot of land on the same hilltop, while the rest would relocate to the nearby settlement of Ofra.

But local Palestinians objected to the government plan, saying the adjacent plot was also privately owned, and the High Court earlier on Wednesday sided with the Palestinian complainants, overriding the deal.

With moving to the adjacent plot off the table, an Amona spokesperson told The Times of Israel that residents would agree to relocating the entire settlement.

“In the absence of any other option, the residents will accept the offer to establish a new settlement,” Ofer Inbar said.


Groups seek to fight Israel’s delegitimization with a bigger ‘big tent’

Not all critics are enemies, say ADL and Reut Institute, and knowing the difference can separate critics of Israel’s policies from opponents to its existence

By Ben Sales February 3, 2017, 4:19 am

NEW YORK (JTA) — Oppose the settlements? You’re one of us. Believe Israel should control the West Bank indefinitely? Come right in. Criticize Israel’s Chief Rabbinate? Welcome home. Think Israel should privilege Orthodox Judaism? Sure, why not?

That’s the approach advocated in a new strategic plan, released Thursday, to combat Israel’s delegitimization: Get more people to like Israel by embracing ideological diversity among both its cheering section and its critics.

Composed by the Anti-Defamation League, a group that fights anti-Semitism and bigotry, and the Reut Institute, an Israeli think tank, the report aims not only to change people’s opinions on Israel but to legitimize a larger set of views.

“It is very important to narrow the definition of what is delegitimization,” said Gidi Grinstein, Reut’s founder. “The delegitimization of Israel needs to be narrowly defined as the singular negation of the right of Israel to exist and of the right of the Jewish people to self-determination. If you stick to that definition, it allows you to build a broad coalition.”

There’s nothing new in calling for a “big tent” in the pro-Israel movement; Israel advocates on the right and left have been endorsing one for years. But beyond getting bickering Jews to get along, the document aims to draw in the general public to its pro-Israel cause by driving a wedge between people critical of Israeli policy and those opposed to its very existence.

For example, someone who criticizes Israel’s settlement enterprise might find more affinity today with groups endorsing BDS, the movement to boycott, divest from and sanction Israel. But ADL and Reut say that these “soft critics” should be considered part of the pro-Israel movement because they don’t oppose Israel’s character as a Jewish state — and could act as a counter to the hardcore “instigators” and delegitimizers. [This sounds to me like a very tenuous and idealistic perspective. Is being just a little anti-Semitic not quite as bad as being more anti-Semitic. It that kind of like being a little bit pregnant? –RDB]