To all Schools K-12:

The City of Montebello and will be conducting an Earth Day and Go Green Festival on April 22 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. This year’s event will provide Montebello’s students and the community with a variety of fun and exciting learning opportunities. The purpose of this event is to enhance the community’s understanding of recycling, environmental awareness, and general conservation issues. This year the City will be working with __________________________________ and would like to invite your school, your students, and all students within the City to participate in the event in several ways.

This year our Earth Day and Go Green Festival promises to be the most exciting yet. We have developed a number of fun-filled programs designed to promote your schools recycling program and your student’s environmental projects. Individual student awards and prizes will be given to those students that portray the best use of the City’s Go Green event.

The contest for this year is grade specific and has been established in the following grade categories, K-6 and 7-12. We highly encourage you to participate in this upcoming event and to actively participate in the contests. This year, the contest rules are comprised of three categories which are listed below:

1. Best Go Green Theme

2. Most use of recyclable material

3. Most creative/educational message with the topic “Going Green”

The event rules are simple, and prizes will be given to the winners; however, to participate and be considered for the judging the following rules must apply:

1. The student must have created and developed the project. Parents, guardian, and siblings may help younger ages but cannot be the sole creator of the project.

2. Projects must fall into one of the above three categories listed above.

3. At least 50% of the projects must contain materials that have been reused, recycled, or repurposed unless the submission is in the form of a painting, in which case the level of recycling effort in theme and design will be taken into account.

4. Projects must reflect a recycling theme, image, or message.

5. Projects must be brought to the Earth Day - Go Green Event to be judged.

The judging will start at 11:00 a.m. and will be concluded at 1:00 p.m. The winners announced at 1:15 p.m.

Thank you, and we look forward to seeing your unique projects with Go Green themes.