Title: The Lottery
Significant Facts about the Author:
Significance of Title:
Original publication date of piece:
Description of world events of the time that may have affected the author:
Main theme - in one word or one sentence:
Lesser themes worth noting:
Point of view and how it helps (or harms) the reader’s understanding:
Main characters - brief descriptions and their importance:
Minor Characters:
Setting of piece (scene and atmosphere):
Brief plot synopsis:
Literary terms evident and their role in the piece:
Major symbols / allusions / motifs, and why they are important:
Personal response to the content and writing style:
Vocabulary (note page number and define):
Significant quotes:
Questions and points to ponder:
Short Story Prompt: Sacrifice rituals operate on the principle of "scapegoating". After defining the term, describe how the process of "The Lottery" uses the scapegoat and tell what end is desired. Are there any examples in our current society of using scapegoats?