Title: What is new in Shell MarketHub?

Duration: 1:34 minutes


A short tutorial about what is new in Shell MarketHub.

What is new in Shell MarketHub Transcript

[Background music plays]

Warm and uplifting music

[Animated sequence]

Stylised line animation of computer screen, tablets and mobile phones. Shell MarketHub title displayed. Replaced with stylised line animation of clock showing 9 o’clock, changing to a stylised line animation of a house, laptop and office block. A question mark appears with the words What’s New either side it. Single sign on displays. The words Mobile Responsive appear along with a desktop screen, laptop, tablet and mobile device. A five column tabular graphic shows order numbers in different columns. One of the order numbers is selected and then the word Cancel is clicked. A telephone with an exclamation mark in a speech bubble appears. Three people icons appear with the words Create, Amend and Delete. A contact form appears asking the user to leave a message or raise a dispute. The words Help and support are shown alongside a sun and moon. A search bar appears. A loud speaker and the word Promo are displayed on device screens. The words Order Alert flash. A bottle and gauge that is three quarters full are displayed. A piece of paper drops into an inbox with the words Present, 1 year ago and 2 years ago. A simple graph showing May to June. The words Orders, Credit and Financials scroll from bottom to top of screen. A computer screen with a tick. Magnifying glass. www.markethub.shell.com URL. Stylised line animation of computer screen, tablets and mobile phones underneath the words Shell MarketHub.

Shell logo : Pecten

[Voice Over]

With Shell MarketHub, you can now connect with Shell any time, anywhere and on any device.

So what is new in Shell MarketHub?

Your Shell Apps are now available in one easy-to-use hub that you can access on all your devices.

Submit, review, change or cancel your orders online with just a few clicks.

Save time making calls because you can now create, amend and delete users from your account.

You can also leave us a message or raise a dispute through our 24/7 help and support page if you need any additional help.

And we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Looking for something? Shell MarketHub also comes with a search function so you can easily navigate the website and find what you are looking for.

Receive notifications so you can stay updated on your orders, promotions and other announcements.

Set up alerts so you get reminders when it is time to order again.

With Shell MarketHub, submitting site events and VMI stock levels has never been easier.

Download documents going back two years.

Generate and download graphical reports on your orders, credit and financials so you can plan your business better.

There is so much more to explore.

Visit www.markethub.shell.com now and experience it for yourself.