Title: Enough Bull - How to Retire Well without the Stock Market, Mutual Funds or Even an Investment Advisor

Duration: / Two Days / x / Full Day
(9:00am-4:30pm) / Half Day
(9am-12pm or 1pm-4pm)
Level: / Advanced / Intermediate / x / Introductory

Competencies: (please pick all that apply)

Assurance / Professional and Leadership Skills
Finance / Strategy and Governance
Financial Reporting / Taxation - Canada
Information Technology / Taxation – U.S.
Management Accounting / x / Wealth Management


The stock market crash of 2008 has proven one thing: traditional retirement planning advice is way too risky. Trusting the stock market is like gambling with a family’s future. But how does one plan for retirement without the possibility of losing up to 50 per cent of their investment value within a matter of months?

The simple truth is that it is possible to retire financially well using guaranteed, safe fixed-income products like GICs that can never decline in value combined with government defined benefit pension plans including CPP and OAS. This course will detail the non-traditional view to money management that many investment advisors don’t want to talk about.


·  Stock market versus GIC returns. We’ll look at historical S&P TSX Composite Total Return Index returns versus plain old safe GICs over the last 50 years. Find out who wins and by how much.

·  The laddered GIC Strategy. Explore how to use a strategy of rolling over shorter term GICs to five-year GICs to maximize your retirement savings with zero risk since it’s all covered by CDIC insurance.

·  CPP. Get a free spreadsheet to help you decide when to elect to start receiving CPP (as early as age 60). And we’ll also analyze whether the CPP is a good investment using another free spreadsheet.

·  Can anything beat an RRSP? Compare equity investing inside RRSPs vs outside in a regular investment account, TFSAs, rental properties and retaining earnings in a corporation.

·  NEW: Guide to investing. Learn about the main investing options: mutual funds, a full-service broker, a discount broker (with or without a fee-only financial planner) and robo-advisors. You’ll get a new free spreadsheet that will calculate how much you’ll pay in fees under each of the options depending on how much and how long you invest. You’ll also see a demonstration of a robo-advisor and a discount broker account.

·  The “Tax Turbo-Charged RRSP” strategy. Work through a spreadsheet to compare the traditional advice to invest in RRSPs early, to waiting until later in life, when all debt is gone. It may be possible to beat the old way by starting late and using 100% safe GICs using all that unused RRSP room that has built up over the years.


Those interested in helping their friends, family and clients to retire well without having to take risks.

Special Instructions/Notes:

·  This is a hands-on workshop. Though not mandatory, you are encouraged to bring a laptop to work along during the program on the spreadsheets including the “CPP Elect Age Calculator,” the “CPP Return Calculator,” the “Investment Option Cost Analyzer,” “RRSP vs Retaining Profits in Corporation” and the “Money Maximizer” to maximize your family’s after-tax cash flow. All spreadsheets are free with the course.

·  Each attendee will get a copy of the newly updated second edition of David Trahair’s book Enough Bull.