Title: Custodial Training

System: Operations

Sub-System: Custodial Services

Process: Training

Issue Date: 12/8/08 Issue Number: 3

Approved by: Mike Casey

Document author: Christopher Bullinger

Summary of changes: Reflects management job title changes and reorganization

1. Purpose

To describe the process for training new hire custodians (and substitute custodians) and establishing cleaning expectations

2. Scope

This procedure applies to all District custodians, substitute custodians, and new custodians

3. Definition of Terms

Custodial Training Team – Select custodians who train new hire custodians (and substitute custodians) in the cleaning expectations of a specific area

4. Responsibilities

Operations Supervisor – Responsible for assigning and training selected custodians to be members of the Custodial Training Team and for educating new hire custodians (and substitute custodians)

Custodial Training Team - Responsible for training new hire and (substitute custodians) regarding the cleaning expectations for specific areas. Upon completion of training in a specific area, sign the “Custodial Training Sign-Off sheet for the new hire. Advise the Operations Supervisor on the performance of the new hire

New hire custodians (and substitute custodians) – Go through training with each member of the Custodial Training Team, learning all areas of the custodial cleaning process

5. References

Custodial duties procedure

6. Procedure

6.1 Custodial Training Team

6.1.1 Hall Trainer shall provide training of the following: Preparation

· Prepare cart with two buckets, one for mopping with dispensed floor cleaner, and one for lockers and floors with dispensed neutracide sanitizer. Fill buckets with water

· Prepare window cleaner; fill 16 oz spray bottle with dispensed window cleaner to use on windows and window sills

· Delimer and sanitizer/germicidal – no preparation; ready to use on drinking fountains Hall Jobs

· Pro Vac all hallways (including gym, balcony, and track. at the High School). Clean windows, marks on walls, and gum off floor

· Empty Pro Vac bin and clean filter with shop vac; plug in so battery will recharge

· Prepare custodial cart with above items

· Clean marks off lockers and spots off floors

· Clean stair wells, dust mop landings, sweep steps, wet mop steps and landings every night

· Clean glass in doors and window sills

· Clean weight room; vacuum and wet mop floor; empty trash

· Clean pool balcony, bleachers, and windows, empty trash

· Clean drinking fountains

· Empty trash cans in hallways

· Ensure custodial cart is kept clean, stocked and organized

6.1.2 Restroom Trainer shall provide training of the following: Preparation

· Prepare cart with two buckets, one for toilets and one for sinks; put dispensed neutracide cleaner in each bucket and fill bucket 5” from top. Have two cleaning swabby’s, one clearly marked for toilets, and one for sinks

· Prepare bucket for floor mopping; fill with dispensed neutracide cleaner

· Prepare trowel and clean rag; fill with neutracide a 16 oz spray bottle and fill with water for use on stall and urinal dividers

· Prepare window cleaner; fill 16 oz spray bottle with dispensed window cleaner to use on mirrors, hand dryers, toilet paper holders and tile around


· Stainless steel polish – no preparation; ready to use on drinking fountains and sanitary napkin boxes. Restroom Jobs

· Sweep floor

· Empty sanitary napkin boxes

· Polish drinking fountains and napkin boxes

· Clean toilets and bottom of base using toilet swabby

· Clean sinks using sink swabby; rinse well

· Clean mirrors, hand dryers, tile around fountains and toilet paper holders

· Wipe down stall and urinal dividers

· Mop floor

· Start at far end; Mop behind toilets, running mop over top of baseboard

· Ensure soap and paper towel dispensers are full

· Ensure custodial cart is kept clean, stocked and organized

6.1.3 Elementary Classroom Trainer shall provide training of the

following: Preparation

· Prepare bucket for sinks, counters, and dispensers; put dispensed neutracide cleaner in each bucket and fill bucket 5” from top

· Prepare bucket for floor mopping; put dispensed Floor Cleaner

· Prepare bucket for toilet cleaning using Safety Bowl cleaner. Place bowl mop in caddy and place on cart Elementary Classroom Jobs

· Collect all garbage, change all bags

· Empty pencil sharpeners

· Check/clean under pencil sharpener for pencil shavings

· Wipe sinks, counters, paper towel and soap dispenser using germicidal solution

· Ensure soap and paper towel dispensers are filled

· Sweep tile and bathroom floors

· Sanitize toilet using Safety Bowl cleaner

· Vacuum entire classroom floor (being careful not to vacuum up paperclips, large pieces of paper, etc.

· Mop tile and bathroom floors using prepared solution

· Always lock classroom doors as you leave

· Kindergarten room: wash tables; stack chairs

· Ensure custodial cart is kept clean, stocked, and organized

6.1.4 Classroom (Middle School, High School) and Office Trainer

shall provide training of the following: Preparation

· Prepare bucket for sinks, counters, and dispensers; put dispensed neutracide cleaner in each bucket and fill bucket 5” from top

· Prepare bucket for floor mopping; put dispensed Floor Cleaner in bucket

· Prepare bucket for toilet cleaning using Safety Bowl cleaner. Place bowl mop in caddy and place on cart Classroom (Middle School, High School) and Office

· Remove trash

· Empty pencil sharpeners

· Pick up any large papers on floor

· Remove gum with citrus spray and putty knife

· Wipe off writing on desks

· Clean door glass

· Vacuum

· Tile floors – dust mop

· Ensure custodial cart is kept clean, stocked and organized Office jobs

· All above that apply

· Wipe counters

· Clean bathrooms

· Ensure soap and paper towel dispensers are filled

6.1.5 Kitchen Trainer shall provide training of the following: Preparation

· Prepare cart with two buckets one clearly marked for toilets and one for sinks; put dispensed neutracide cleaner in each bucket and fill bucket 5” from top. Have two cleaning swabby’s, one for toilets, and one for sinks

· Prepare bucket for floor mopping; put dispensed neutracide cleaner and fill

· Prepare trowel and clean rag; putt neutracide cleaner in 16 oz spray bottle to use on stall and urinal dividers

· Prepare window cleaner; fill 16 oz spray bottle with dispensed window cleaner to use on mirrors, hand dryers, toilet paper holders and tile around fountains.

· Stainless steel polish – no preparation; ready to use on drinking fountains and napkin boxes. Kitchen Jobs

· Breakdown boxes

· Sweep floor

· Empty sanitary napkin boxes

· Polish drinking fountains and napkin boxes

· Clean toilets and bottom of base using toilet swabby

· Clean sinks using sink swabby; rinse well

· Clean mirrors, hand dryers, tile around fountains and toilet paper holders

· Ensure soap and paper towel dispensers are


· Wipe down stall and urinal dividers

· Mop floor

· Start at far end; Mop behind toilets, running mop over top of baseboard

· Ensure custodial cart is kept clean, stocked and organized

6.1.6 Locker Room Trainer shall provide training of the following: Preparation

· Prepare cart with two buckets one for toilets and one for sinks; put dispensed neutracide cleaner in each bucket and fill bucket 5” from top. Have two cleaning swabby’s, one for toilets, and one for sinks

· Prepare bucket for floor mopping; put dispensed neutracide cleaner and fill with hot water

· Prepare trowel and clean rag; add dispensed neutracide cleaner to 16 oz spray bottle and fill with water to use on stall and urinal dividers

· Prepare window cleaner; fill 16 oz spray bottle with dispensed window cleaner to use on mirrors, hand dryers, toilet paper holders and tile around fountains.

· Stainless steel polish – no preparation; ready to use on drinking fountains and sanitary napkin boxes. Locker Room Jobs

· Sweep floor

· Empty sanitary napkin boxes

· Polish drinking fountains and napkin boxes

· Ensure soap and paper towel dispensers are full

· Clean toilets and bottom of base using toilet swabby

· Clean sinks using sink swabby; rinse well

· Clean mirrors, hand dryers, tile around fountains and toilet paper holders

· Wipe down stall and urinal dividers

· Mop floor

· Start at far end; Mop behind toilets, running mop over top of baseboard

· Ensure custodial cart is kept clean, stocked and organized

6.1.7 Cafeteria Trainer shall provide training of the following: Cafeteria Jobs

· Clean and clear lunchroom tables

· Move tables to proper locations

· Vacuum carpeting

· Sweep and clean hardwood floor

· Clean edges of floor where buildup occurs

· Remove any gum

· Pick up any trash

· Take trash to dumpster; replace trash can liners

· Ensure custodial cart is kept clean, stocked and organized

6.2 Custodial Training Team shall:

6.2.1 Train the new hire custodians (and substitute custodians) in specific areas

6.2.2 Upon completion of training in the specific area, sign the Custodial Training Sign-Off Sheet for the new hire custodians (or substitute custodians)

6.2.3 Provide feedback to the Operations Supervisor on

performance of new hire custodians (or substitute custodians)

6.3 New Hire Custodians (and Substitute Custodians) shall:

6.3.1 Fill out the New Hire Custodial Checklist when each item is completed and have it signed by the Operations Supervisor

6.3.2 Wear protective gloves and safety glasses while mixing

chemicals (mandatory)

6.3.3 Work with each member of the custodial training team in their

specific area and have each trainer sign the Custodial Training

Sign-Off sheet upon completion of the training

6.3.4 Submit the Custodial Training Sign-Off sheet to the

Operations Supervisor for signature after it is signed by each of the trainers

6.4 Operations Supervisor shall:

6.4.1 Assign select custodians to be part of the custodial training


6.4.2 Get feedback from the custodial training team regarding

performance of new hire custodians (and substitute custodians)

6.4.3 Upon completion of the training program, by a the new hire

custodian (and substitute custodian) sign the Custodial Training Sign-Off Sheet

6.4.4 Upon completion by a new hire custodian (and substitute

custodian), sign the New Hire Custodial Checklist

7. Records

Custodial Training Sign-Off Sheet

New Hire Custodial Checklist

Custodial Training Procedure 8 of 8 Created by Christopher Bullinger
