To be completed for all research degree students permanently leaving the
University EXCEPT those leaving on completion of their programme of study.

This Section to be completed by the STUDENT

If you find it necessary to leave the University permanently you should first discuss the matter with the head of your parent school. When you have done so, this completed form should be returned to your parent school along with your student ID card.

If you are an overseas student in the UK under a Tier 4 Student Visa, this change will affect your immigration status in the UK. The University is required to report changes in status to the UK Border Agency. Please see overleaf.

Family Name / Forename(s): / Title
Student ID Number / Date of Birth / Male/Female
Department / Degree / Year
Fee Sponsor / Fee Rate / Home / EU / OS / FT/PT
Postal Address
Please enter the start date of your studies:
Please enter last date of attendance at classes/supervision meetings:
Please enter the date on which you will be leaving the University:
If you are returning to a different programme of study, please give details:
Degree: / Programme of study: / Year of Programme:
Please tick box if you have received assistance from the Access Fund Group during the current session:
Please enter the last date of any bursary/maintenance payment:
Please tick box if you are living in University accommodation:
Reasons for Leaving:
Transferring to another institution (3) / Name of institution:
Financial reasons (6) / Fees / Living costs
Moving into employment (10)
Health reasons (4)
Personal reasons (7) / Please specify (e.g. bereavement, homesick etc.)
Academic failure (2)
Failed to complete in time regulations (8)
Other (11) / Please specify:
Signature of student: / Date:
Data from this form will be used to monitor the University of Leeds leaving rate. Although data on specific individuals will not be recognised, we may wish to carry out follow up studies on leavers. If you do not wish to be contacted regarding these studies, please tick the box.
This section to be completed by the School
Please sign and date this form to indicate that you are aware that the student is leaving
Signature: / Date:
If you are completing this form on behalf of the student, please supply relevant paperwork from the student indicating their intention to leave. This completed form should be copied to all schools which are involved in the teaching of this student. Please forward the original to Research Student Administration immediately. The student's ID card should be returned as soon as possible.
Copy to Fees, Scholarships, TSA, Central Records, Welfare

University of Leeds Leavers Form

You should complete this form if you are a research student and you intend to leave the University permanently. You should not complete this form if you have successfully completed your programme of study, have been asked by the University to re-sit or repeat a period of study or are leaving the University temporarily (see below for advice)

Temporary Leaver

If you face special difficulties such as prolonged ill health or particularly serious personal problems it may be necessary for you to temporarily suspend your studies. You should consult your Postgraduate Research Tutor in the first instance. If appropriate the Postgraduate Research Tutor should then forward a request for the suspension in writing to Research Student Administration, for consideration by the Programmes of Study and Audit Group. In the case of a suspension of studies on health grounds, you must have the approval of your doctor before the suspension request can be approved, and must be certified as fit before returning to your studies. Your student identification card must be returned to Research Student Administration on approval of a suspension of studies. Further advice may be found in section 9.1 of Part I of the Research Student Handbook.

Withdrawal from the University may affect your grant entitlement. It is sensible, therefore, to contact your sponsor if you are considering temporarily suspending your studies to find out how it might affect your position. If you would like advice about suspending your studies please go to Research Student Administration.

Permanent Leaver

Leaving permanently to study at another institution, find employment, or take time out can be a positive step. However, you do need to think carefully about the consequences as your decision now could affect your future options, if you ever decide to return to University. There are certain time constraints which may affect your decision to leave.

International Students

If you have obtained a General Student Visa under the Tier4 Points Based System (introduced February 2010) in order to study at the University of Leeds, then the University has a legal obligation to notify UK Border Agency of your withdrawal (or possibly your suspension of study). It is generally expected by UKBA that a student will leave the UK within 60 days of completion of their course, even if their visa is valid for a longer period. We advise that you make plans to leave the UK within this timescale. If you have any questions about your immigration situation, please contact the International Student Office:

Who can help you with this decision

It is very important to consider carefully your reasons for wanting to leave University permanently. The reason you are unhappy with your programme of study will affect which option is best for you. You must consider all the future implications before making a final decision.

You should not rush into a decision. Give yourself time to adjust to University life, especially in the first year, as University can be a significant change and it may take time to get used to living in what is, basically, a new culture. You should seek advice as soon as you feel uncertain about your future at University.

Some reasons for taking leave are unavoidable, such as health. It is unwise to return to University if you are not well enough to study effectively. If the reasons for leaving are financial, the University will consider financial assistance and you should come to the Welfare Services Office to discuss this. A guide is produced by Leeds University Union called “Thinking of a New Direction”. The guide deals with reasons why you may be unhappy with your programme of study, the options available to you and financial considerations. This leaflet is also available on our web site (

You are advised to read this leaflet and discuss your decisions with a member of staff either in your school, the Welfare Services Office or Research Student Administration. The staff there realise that leaving can be a positive move for you and will not try and persuade you to stay, if you have clearly made a decision. If you are undecided, however, they may be able to suggest ways of dealing with your situation. They will also ensure that you are aware of the financial and academic consequences of your options.

Withdrawal from the University may affect your grant entitlement. It is sensible, therefore, to contact your sponsor if you are considering permanently withdrawing from your studies to find out how it might affect your position. If you would like advice about the implications of leaving the University permanently, you should go to Research Student Administration Office.

If you decide to leave the University either permanently or temporarily suspend your studies, you need to:

·  Seek Advice

·  Get permission from your School

·  Contact your sponsor to find out how leaving or suspending your studies might affect your position

·  In the case of leaving permanently, complete and sign the leavers form. It must be signed by your Head of School, who will send it to Research Student Administration.

·  Return your student card as it is University property and must be handed in during periods when you are not registered

Data from this form will be used to monitor the University of Leeds leaving rate and the results will be used to offer improved support to students. Although data on specific individuals will not be recognised, we may wish to do follow up studies on leavers. If you do not wish to be contacted regarding these studies, please tick the relevant box on the bottom of the leavers form overleaf. RSA/LC/DEC10