Parking Appeals Committee

Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi

You have recently filed an appeal with the Parking Appeals Committee. Your appeal


[ ] / APPROVED / Citation Number:
[ ] / DISAPPROVED / Citation Number:
[ ] / REDUCED TO $______ / Citation Number:

If your appeal was not approved, you should make arrangements with the TAMU-CC Business Office to make payment of your fine. Please remember that by signing your parking permit application you stated that you “Agree to comply with the parking and traffic regulations of TAMU-CC, and consent to methods of enforcement as stated in the regulations including any amendment thereto.”

For your future information, this is why the above action was taken:

[ ] The Parking Appeals Committee is not allowed to review parking in a handicap space or fire lane violations and will be forwarded with a position of the board, a copy of which is enclosed for your records, to Chief Gutierrez.

[ ] The Parking Appeals Committee is not allowed to review parking violations 10-days after receiving the citation.

[ ] A valid decal is required to be purchased and displayed PRIOR to receiving this ticket, and your records indicate that you had not purchased a parking decal at the time you received this ticket.

[ ] Failure to display current decal – This will serve as a written notice. A current decal is ALWAYS required to park on-campus.

[ ] A current decal is required to be fully displayed on the mirror prior to receiving this ticket.

[ ] You are only allowed to park in marked/assigned parking. No one is allowed to park at the end of the rows in unmarked/stripped spaces for any reason. Parking regulations require you to park between two white lines.

[ ] No Parking along curbs or in a loading zone is allowed.

[ ] Students are only allowed to park in Student Parking Zones with no exceptions.

[ ] We found that circumstances beyond your error lead to receiving this citation.

[ ] Other / Comments:


Parking Appeal Procedure

To appeal a citation, one must fill out the Parking Appeal Form WITHIN (10) CALENDAR DAYS OF THE DATE OF THE CITATION . The original ticket, or a valid copy from University Police Department (UPD), must accompany the appeal, and be placed on the appropriate form in this packet. A campus map must be marked indicating where the violation occurred, if required to clarify location of citation.

If one chooses to appeal in written form, the Parking Appeal Written Form must also be COMPLETED ENTIRELY or the Judicial Board will be unable to review the appeal. When completing the appeal packet please PRINT NEATLY and LEGIBLY to ensure a faster response from the board.

It is not mandatory for an appellant to appear before the board. If one chooses to appear before the committee, it is the duty of the person to appear at the scheduled hearing in his/her own behalf. The hearing will not be rescheduled. If an applicant or written form is not presented at appointed time of hearing, the appeal will be disapproved and applicant will be responsible for payment of ticket.

The Appeals Committee will only hear cases of parking violations issued by the University Police. THE COMMITTEE WILL NOT HEAR CASES OF CITATIONS INVOLVING PARKING IN A FIRE ZONE OR HANDICAPPED SPACE.

The Appeals Committee may request the presence of the issuing officer and his/her supervisor at the hearing to present testimony. The Appeals Committee may review past records of parking violations and whether a decal was purchased in reaching their decision. The decision of the Appeals Committee is FINAL. When a decision has been reached, notification will be sent to the University Police, Student Government Office, and the person appealing.

An applicant may postpone payment of the penalty while an appeal is in progress. However, any failure to pay a parking penalty will result in a “HOLD” being placed on a students grades and records for registration purposes. Therefore, if either early or regular registration occurs while in the appeals process, the student may pay the penalty in order for the hold to be removed. If the appeal is supported, a refund will be made to the student.

If you have any questions regarding your appeal or this process please feel free to contact :

William “Bill” Johnson

Chief Justice of the Judicial Board



Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi

Parking Appeal Form

Please Print Legibly

First Name: ______

Last Name: ______

Email Address: ______

Classification: Faculty Staff Agency Student

Current Decal Holder: Yes No

Decal #: ______

Validation #: ______

Validation Expiration Date: ______

License Plate #: ______

License Plate State: ______

Citation #: ______

Citation Date: ______

Appeal Date: ______

Written Appeal Form

Please use the space that is provided.*



















Appellate Signature Date

*The use of this space is highly recommended. The more information you supply us with supporting your appeal the better. If more space is needed, please use the extra lined page that is supplied.

Below is for Judical Board use ONLY

_____ Approved _____ Disapproved _____ Reduced Fine to $ _____


Chief Justice Signature