Engaged Learning Lesson Plan
Bateman Elementary School
Engaged Learning Lesson Plan
Project Title: City of Chicago
Date: July 10,2001
Teacher(s): Adriana M. Davis
Grade Levels: Trans. Bilingual 3rd grade
Length of Lesson: approx. 4 weeks
Project Description/Mission
Students will be able to explore the history of the city of Chicago by examining its first settlers, the relationship between them and the first European settlers and the effect of their relationship then and now.
How did Native Americans adapt to early European settlers coming to their land?
· What made the relationship between the native Americans and European settlers deteriorate?
· What happened when the relationship deteriorated?
· How did this breakdown affect the native American and the European settler then and now?
Illinois and CPS Learning Standards Grade 3:
State Goal # CAS : CFS:
Social Science #16 A 1,2
B 1
Lang. Arts #3 C 1,2
Performance Tasks:
TASK- The Native American Council is meeting with Vice-President Chaney in regards to improving conditions/relations for Native Americans. You have been chosen to be the mediator between the two. Attempt to walk each side through so as to have each side see each others point of view and come to an agreement.
· Fact-find information as to what caused the breakdown in the relationship.
· Look-up information on the Potawatomi Indians and the well-know Europeans that came to Chicago.of the city of Chicago.
· Locate or utilize web sites, textbooks, etc.
· Categorize information gathered
· Combine information gathered from websites and books.
· Synthesize solutions to problem.
· Formulate a written explanation of choice made (with proof).
· Make a time line showing the development of the City of Chicago.
· Discuss choice made in small group/whole class.
· Share presentation.
· WRITTEN TEST (multiple choice, true/false, essay)
· Historical Role Play (evaluated by students/teacher through checklists and rubric)
http://www.gbl.indiana.edu/Pot/Ptoc.html http://www.crown.net/~sspicer/miller/hist_na.html