Service Animal Story

This is the story I wrote when we had a new service dog begin attending

church with us. It was written for a specific dog at a specific

church-but you could edit it to be appropriate for your congregation. This

was used during our Time for All Ages and I had a lot of adults come up to

me later and tell me how much they learned about being around service

animals from the story. Jake and Mr. John visited in the classroom after

the children left the sanctuary that day.

We used a caterpillar puppet to help tell our stories--Emerson.

Hope this helps.

Emerson Introduces Jake

Emerson was so excited this morning when I got to church. He could not

wait to share his adventure with me so that I could share it with all the


Emerson was over in the meeting house during the Tuesday Tea with Rev.

Robin. He likes to hang out and hear all the neat things happening at

Piedmont Unitarian Universalist Church. Well, on Tuesday he got to meet a

new friend--Jake! Jake came to Tuesday Tea with Mr. John. In his

excitement Emerson ran?well as fast as a caterpillar can run?right up to

Jake. But Jake asked him to not approach so quickly. Jake explained to

Emerson that he has a job to do as a Seeing Eye dog for Mr. John. Jake

told Emerson that he had to keep Mr. John safe-help him cross the street

and avoid things that might make him fall.

Jake was so glad to meet Emerson and other friends of Mr. John. He had

heard so many good things about everyone at Piedmont and how important the

church is to Mr. John. Jake likes to meet just a few people at a time.

Emerson was eager to learn all about Jake?his training, his job and his

life with Mr. John. He asked lots of questions of Jake. Jake was eager to

share. Emerson learned that he should never pet or bother Jake when he is

at work. Emerson learned that when Jake is wearing his harness it means he

is working. Emerson was worried that Jake had to work so much. But Jake

told him that when he was home with Mr. John, he had lots of time to run in

the yard and to play and have fun. He also told Emerson that he likes his

job and feels good about helping keep Mr. John safe.

Emerson offered him a snack-a nice green leaf. Jake was very polite and

told Emerson ?Thanks but no thanks. I can only take treats from Mr. John.

But my favorite thing is Mr. John gives me lots of praise. This helps me

learn what I am supposed to do to help Mr. John.?

Jake told Emerson that he will help him and all of us learn about how to

welcome a Service Dog into our community and to work together to take care

of everyone! Emerson reminded me that as Unitarian Universalists we want

to welcome everyone into our community and to take care of everyone?so

together we can all work to make Piedmont Unitarian Universalist Church a

welcoming and safe place for everyone.