Camp contract

This is a contract between Bear River Young Life and ____________________________

Said camper is responsible for paying for camp through scholarships, personal funds and event earnings of $700 for the Crooked Creek camp trip June 24 - July 2nd, 2017. The camper is responsible for his/her camping spot and the $700 after Monday, June 5, 2017. If the camper drops his/her spot after June 5 for reasons other than family emergency or of issue deemed acceptable by the area director they are responsible for the spot or for finding a camper to replace them who will be responsible for the same amount of cost as the original camper.
Additionally, if a camper is unable to account for the full $700 before the day of camp, they must sign a payment plan for the remaining funding and if the plan is not met, the camper will be charged 10 percent interest on the amount owed from that plan starting Aug. 1 and not allowed to attend another YL camp until caught up.

This contract must be signed by both a parent/guardian and camper the week of June 5.

Camper’s printed name

Camper’s signature

Camper’s parent/guardian printed name

Camper’s parent/guardian signature

Date signed