Merit Pay Criteria for the Department of Curricular and Instructional Studies
The University of Akron
1. Those covered by these criteria should, upon satisfactory performance, be expected toachieve a score that will enable them to receive the contractual raise predicted uponsatisfactory performance. It is understood that satisfactory performance is expected to beachieved by all. The contract between the Administration of the University and the Akron-AAUP mandates there must be some activity in each area for tenure trackfaculty: Teaching, Research, and Service. Scores awarded toward the contractual meritcategories shall be such that a weighted score of "2" (Satisfactory) shall be readilyachievable by those whose work is satisfactory and that higher scores shall beprogressively more difficult to attain. These principles do not apply to the RTP process. These principles and rating generators shall be reviewed yearly by the bargaining unitmembers and revised as necessary.
2. Each faculty member covered by these criteria will weight each of the three areas(Teaching, Research, and Service), typically one time each year as part of the completionof the merit rating generator document. Each year, the Department Chair will solicitfrom each bargaining unit member his/her merit rating generator document including theweightings for the year's merit review. Weightings are intended to enable bargainingunit members to receive merit increases based on the work the bargaining unit memberfeels best represents his or her opportunities and interests, given the wide variety ofopportunities, interests, and needs in the department of Curricular and InstructionalStudies. Weightings for each individual faculty member will be made in consultationwith the department chair.
Each faculty member may elect to choose a variableweighting scale in the areas of teaching, research/scholarly activity, and servicecomponents to accurately reflect his/her work. This flexible plan shall be discussed withthe chair with the faculty member providing a rationale. Final approval will be providedby the chair.
For Tenure Track, weights may range from 15-65% for Teaching, 15-65%for Research and 15-30% for Service, summing to 100%. Minimum weights are 15%, upto 65% as a maximum weight for each area (except as noted for Service, where theweight may not exceed 30% without approval of the Chair).For Non-Tenure Track,weights may range from 50-100% for Teaching, 0-50% for Research and 0-30% for Service. Weights shall sum to 100%. If the bargaining unit member does not select otherweighting, then weights will default to: Teaching, 50%; Research, 30%; Service 20%. Incircumstances where the faculty member's time is bought out through research grants, theChair may allocate a higher weighting for research.
Procedural Issues
3. The departmental bargaining unit faculty shall create a committee to advise thedepartment chair in the process used to evaluate those covered by these criteria. Thecommittee shall be elected each year from among the bargaining unit members (3members); their advice will not relate to substantive issues but to procedural and processissues. The Chair retains the rights appropriate to his/her role under the terms of theCollective Bargaining Agreement.
4. Immediately after all merit evaluations have been completed, the Department Chair willprovide each faculty member with the faculty member's own total score and ranking (i.e., points earned, from l-5) in each of the three merit categories and recommendations forincrease before such recommendations are forwarded to the Dean.
The merit pool will follow contractual guidelines. Accumulated merit activities (and the meritpay calculation worksheet) will follow academic year cycles. (For the purposes of merit review only, the academic year is defined as beginning on the first [1st] day of the first summer sessionand concluding with the day prior to the first day of the following year's first summer session.
1. Each merit “period” may include more than one calendar year, and points will be summedacross calendar years as described below:
a. The merit evaluation period will include all merit-related activities/calculationsfor a three-year term. Therefore, each faculty member should sum all points ineach of the three merit categories for the three-year period and then obtain theaverage merit point totals for research/scholarly activity, teaching, service bydividing the resultant total by three. These averages will then be used todetermine each faculty member's merit rankings.
b. Each subsequent merit evaluation period will use a three-year rolling average.
2. A faculty member's salary adjustment will be computed according to the formulaspecified in Article 16, Section 6.C of the UA/Akron-AAUP collective bargainingagreement.
3. Change in these criteria shall be made according to the terms set forth in the contract.
4. Each area for rating (Teaching, Research, and Service) has an open category ("Other"),which is intended to provide the necessary flexibility to cover items or tasks which mightnot be covered in this document. The use of this category is at the discretion of the Chair.
5. The Chair shall have the discretion to reasonably require supporting documentation frombargaining unit members in a format, which shall be uniform for each bargaining unitmember.
Merit Review Generator
The Department of Curricular and Instructional Studies
Note: For the purposes of merit review only, the academic year is defined as beginning of the first day of the first summer session and concluding with the day prior to the first day of the following year's first summer session. There are three terms in an academic year:Summer, Fall, and Spring
Faculty Member Name:
For Year:
Tenure Track Teaching Rating Generator: (15-65%)
Non-Tenure Track Teaching: 50-100%)
Criteria / Points / My Points / Chair’s PointsAverage of all overall teaching evaluation scores for the contract year (using questions 7-24 of current evaluation form)
(4pts. for average of 2-2.99; 5pts. for average of 1-1.99) / 1-5
Uses a computer-based course management system to enhance a course (web-enhanced: 1%-30% online) / 1-5
Uses a computer-based course management system to deliver a course (web-based: 31%-99% online) / 1-5
Uses a computer-based course management system for online delivery of a course (line: 100%) / 1-5
Schedules and/or manages field experiences and/or service learning as part of a class outside of the office of Student Teaching and Field Experience / 3-6
Has created and/or implemented innovative teaching resources/strategies / 1-5
Chairs a successful dissertation defense / 6 pts. per dissertation
Co-Chairs a successful dissertation defense / 3 pts. per dissertation
Methodologist of a successful dissertation defense / 4 pts. per dissertation
Committee member of a successful dissertation defense / 2 pts. per dissertation
Honors Project sponsor (completed, each) / 2
Advises master’s projects (outside of teaching the course)/thesis (completed, each) / 2
Reader for an honor’s project or committee member for a successful master’s thesis defense / 1
Participating as a committee member in a doctoral comprehensive examination oral defense (completed, each) / 1
Writing question, grading doctoral comprehensive examination (completed, each) / 1
Grading writing samples for doctoral admissions / 1
Participating in doctoral admission interviews (per semester) / 1
Advising (masters students)
Includes maintaining office hours, meeting with students, and responding to students’ questions / 1-5
Advising (doctoral students)
Includes maintaining office hours, meeting with students, and responding to students’ questions / 1-5
Advising (undergraduates)
Includes maintaining office hours, meeting with students, and responding to students’ questions / 1-5
Supervising student teachers / 1-5
Lead teacher in core / 2
Lead teacher in a course / 1-5
Mentoring colleague in teaching / 1-2
Develop new curriculum proposal (accepted by college, per proposal / 2
Develop new program proposal (competed and accepted by college, per proposal) / 2
Visiting scholar or international teaching activities / 1-3 pts. per year
Other (e.g., chairing institutes, teaching a class for the first time, teaching large classes, weighting of course of evaluations based on student demographics, etc.) / 0-10 pts. maximum per year
Score Total
Score Scale for Teaching (add and average if used over three years)
Tenure TrackNon-Tenure Track
0-10= 1Unsatisfactory0-10= 1Unsatisfactory
11-20= 2Satisfactory11-20= 2Satisfactory
21-30= 3Meritorious21-28= 3Meritorious
31-40= 4Outstanding29-35= 4Outstanding
40= 5Extraordinary> 36= 5Extraordinary
Example: Year 1 score + Year 2 score + Year 3 score / 3 = Score for merit calculation (Example: 14 points Year 1, 10 points Year 2, and 12 points Year 3 equals 36 points total, which is divided by three (for the first merit calculation), which yields a yearly average point total of 12, which (according to the scale above) would achieve a score for merit pay purposes of “2”.)
Points may be awarded at the discretion of the Chair, within the range noted for each item.
Tenure Track Research Rating: (15-65%)
Non-Tenure Track Research Rating: (0-50%)
Criteria / Points / My Points / Chair’s PointsAttends national, state,or international conference (not presenting) maximum of 3 pts. per year / 1 pt. per
Funded external grant, PI or Co-PI, regardless of amount / 3 pts. per
Funded external grant, Senior Personnel or equivalent / 2 pts. per
A manuscript under review (max. 4, per year) / 1 pt. per manuscript
Directing a Center or institute / 2
Establishing a UA Center/Institute / 1-4
Conference presentation type (need only one in category for points):
(Add 1 pt. if presented with student) / 4 pts.
3 pts.
Article published and in print in non-peer reviewed publication
(Add 1 pt. if co-authored with student) / 1-2 pts. per
Article published and in print in a peer- or editor-reviewed publication
(Add 1 pt. if co-authored with student) / 4-5 pts. per
Published conference proceedings/abstract / 2 pts. per
Internal grant (PI or Co-PI), per grant
(Add 1 pt. if internal grant exceeds $25,000) / 1 pt. per
Unfunded external grant, regardless of amount (PI or Co-PI), each / 1 pt. per
Editor of a book or journal volume, single or co-editor (each, year of initial publication or revision year) / 4 pts. per
Editor of a single issue of a journal / 2
Reviewer of a book or journal, each / 1 pt. per
National grant reviewer (each, per invitation) / 1 pt. per
State grant reviewer (each, per invitation) / 1 pt. per
Single author of a book in print in the year of initial publication / 5 pts. per
Book revision (author, single or co-author) in the year of publication / 2 pts. per
Co-author of a book in print, in the year of initial publication / 4 pts. per
Author/co-author of book chapters in print in the year of initial publication
(Add 1 pt. if co-authored with student) / 3 pts. per
Non-peer reviewed publication (technical guides, white papers, evaluation report for grant, etc.)
(Add 1 pt. if co-authored with student) / 1 pt. per
Mentoring colleague in research (each mentored), per year / 1 pt. per
Other / 0-10 pts. maximum per year
Score Total
Definition: For purposes of this rating, “peer review” is defined as any publication that has been published as a result of its review by a colleague or professional peer, whether blind review, editorial review, or panel review.
Points may be awarded at the discretion of the Chair, within the range noted for each item.
Score Scale for Research Tenure Track or Non-Tenure Track (add and average if used over 3 years)
0-5= 1Unsatisfactory
6-10= 2Satisfactory
11-15= 3Meritorious
16-20= 4Outstanding
20= 5Extraordinary
Example: Year 1 score + Year 2 score + Year 3 score / 3 = Score for merit calculation (Example: 14 points Year 1, 10 points Year 2, and 12 points Year 3 equals 36 points total, which is divided by 3 (for the first merit calculation), which yields a yearly average point total of 12, which (according to the scale above) would achieve a score for merit pay purposes of “2”.)
Note: Regarding Committees – Additional points should be awarded to Chairs
Tenure Track Service Rating Generator: (15-30%)
Non-Tenure Track Service: (0-30%)
Criteria / Points / My Points / Chair’s PointsDept. Committee
Chair, add 2 pts. / 2 pts. per
Ad hoc committees
Chair, add 2 pts. / 2 pts. per
College Standing Committee
Chair, add 2 pts. / 2 pts. per
University Standing Committee
Chair, add 2 pts. / 2 pts. per
Holds state leadership post / 3 pts. per
Holds national leadership post / 4 pts. per
Serves on a state committee
Chair, add 2 pts. / 2 pts. per
Serves on an international/national committee
Chair, add 2 pts. / 3 pts. per
Serves on a local committee (max. 3)
Chair, add 2 pts. / 3 pts. per
Akron AAUP Liaison / 3 pts.
Faculty Senator
Chair, add 2 pts. / 2 pts.
University Council
Chair, add 2 pts. / 2 pts.
Presentation/consultation at a preK-16 school and/or community organization, uncompensated; max 6 pts. per year / 2 pts. per
Serve as a program reviewer at local, state or national level, uncompensated / 2 pts.
Participates in CAEP folio review / 2 pts. per
Writes a CAEP folio review / 5 pts.
Serves on international (professional/learned society) committee
Chair, add 2 pts. / 2 pts.
Conference committee member or strand leader / 2 pts.
Participates in recruitment activities (each activity, max. 3 pts. per year) / 1-3 pts.
Serves as coordinator for accreditation activity such as CAEP poster session (each) / 2 pts.
Faculty advisor for student group / 2 pts. per year
Sponsoring a visiting scholar / 3 pts.
Other / 0-10 pts. per year, max.
Score Total
Score Scale for Service Tenure Track and Non-Tenure Track (add and average if used over 3 years)
0-5= 1Unsatisfactory
6-10= 2Satisfactory
11-15= 3Meritorious
16-20= 4Outstanding
20= 5Extraordinary
Example: Year 1 score + Year 2 score + Year 3 score / 3 = Score for merit calculation (Example: 14 points Year 1, 10 points Year 2, and 12 points Year 3 equals 36 points total, which is divided by 3 (for the first merit calculation), which yields a yearly average point total of 12, which (according to the scale above) would achieve a score for merit pay purposes of “2”.)
Points may be awarded at the discretion of the Chair, within the range noted for each item.
Overall formula for merit raise:
Teaching Score (1-5) * Weight + Research Score (1-5) * Weight + Service Score (1-5) * Weight
Equals: Weighted overall score
See spreadsheet, approved for this use by Administration and Akron-AAUP, for specific dollar figures for individual raises.
Three-Year Rolling Average
Weights may range from:
Tenure Track: 15-65% for Teaching; 15-65% for Research; and 15-30% for Service
Non-Tenure Track: Teaching 50-100%; Research 0-50%; Services 0-30%
Summing to 100% (C&I approved document)
Default Weights: Teaching, 50%; Research, 30% Service, 20% (C&I approved document)
Teaching Rating Generator:Weight: %
Merit Pay Time Period / Average / Merit Pay Score ScaleScore Total
Research Rating Generator:Weight: %
Merit Pay Time Period / Average / Merit Pay Score ScaleScore Total
Service Rating Generator:Weight: %
Merit Pay Time Period / Average / Merit Pay Score ScaleScore Total
Teaching Score (1-5) * Weight + Research Score (1-5) * Weight + Service Score (1-5) * Weight
Equals: Weighted overall score
Curricular & Instructional Studies Merit -