Record of Board Proceedings
The Metcalfe County Board of Education met on Tuesday, May 13 @ 6PM @ 109 Sartin Drive for the monthly meeting. The following members were present:
1) Joey Shive 2) Tim Brown 3) Donnie Perry 4) John Caffee 5) Robin McMurtrey
Present - Superintendent
Absent - Board Attorney
1) Call to Order
The Invocation was given by Donnie Perry. Joey Shive called the meeting to order and led the
pledge of allegiance.
2) Recognition
Student of the Month - Paul Hoffman - Academy High School
Sponsored by Edmonton State Bank & South Central Bank
Campbellsville Teaching Awards
Betty Branstetter
Monica Parnell
Kelly Shaw
Dr. Lile
A few FYI items were shared by Dr. Lile
Mr. Bennie Stephens was named Educator of the Year at the recent Chamber Banquet.
Ms. Nunn informed Dr. Lile the MCIC had perfect attendance today.
Former Miss America Heather French Henry was at MCMS on May 9th as a motivational speaker. It was a great day, there were several visitors in attendance along with the middle school students.
A list of end of the year events was provided to board members.
MCHS is the recipient of a $100,000 National Breakthrough Grant. This grant will
be used for personalized learning.
Personnel & Job Descriptions
We have been working on and sharing job descriptions all year long. Job descriptions that have
substantial changes or newly created are included in your book.
Salary Schedule
This coincides with the job descriptions and includes the 1% mandated raise. There is one change to the Salary Schedule you have in your book. The two(2) full time substitute teaching positions should have been removed from the schedule.
Updated Leave Policy
We will be adding one personal day for all employees for 2014-15. This will make a total of
three personal days. This requires a policy update and will be included in annual policy updates
this summer.
Updated Classified Unused Sick Days Compensation
This is part of the retirement policy and will allow classified employees to be paid for a portion of their sick days when they retire. This will also require a policy update and will be included in
the annual policy updates this summer.
Updated Employee Contract
A statement has been added to employee contracts allowing the Board sole discretion during the course of a school year, due to unique and extreme circumstances, give consideration for the number of contract days to be the equivalent of hours completed during a school term. We
worked with our school board attorney on the language. Hopefully this will not be needed, but we wanted to be prepared.
Application of Waiver for Homebound Students
This was presented to the Board in April. KDE requested some additional information be added regarding ECE students, and that has been done.
Bennie Stephens
Classified and Certified Evaluation Plans
The Classified Committee met and voted to keep the Classified Evaluation Plan the same as last year. The Certified Evaluation Plan has undergone several changes. Within the plan there are conditions which have to be covered under our old plan that we have this year as we transaction to the new PGES Plan. Some of the changes include how tenured personnel are evaluated. Currently they are evaluated every year and this will be changed to a Summative Evaluation every three years. There are other requirements that must be met yearly for tenured teachers. Non-tenured teachers will continue to be evaluated yearly. Principals in every school have worked with this process as a pilot this year. This is a very complex plan.
Jamie Moss
He was not present for this meeting, as he is attending Safe Crisis Management for SCM Instructor Certification. In his absence, Jamie Howard shared information with the board regarding the renewal of the 2014-15 Music Therapy Contact. The contract is with Lorinda
Jones & Associates. This is a routine contract.
Jamie Howard
The 2014-15 Green River Regional Educational Cooperative (GRREC) membership is up for renewal. This is also a routine contact.
Beth Miller
Permission to conduct the Summer Feeding Program is being requested. The program will run from June 9 - July 2 and will be at three different locations, the middle school, Camp Invention and Metcalfe County Public Library. Approximately 9000 meals will be served.
Herby Bunch
Bid approval for bus part, tires and diesel fuel is on the agenda. Mr. Bunch is present in case
there are questions for him.
Chris Huffman
The Board was informed asbestos abatement is going on at the old middle school this week. This should be complete by the end of the week.
There has been some minor landscaping done at the high school to improve the look of the grounds by graduation.
The sale of the Board Annex (White House) has been verbally approved by KDE and we should be receiving a letter soon.
The new sign for the middle and high school has electricity and the brick layers should begin as soon as weather permits.
Cleaning out around the old barn at the back of the high school began today so it can be used as a storage facility.
Nurse Contracts
The nurses contract is a renewal, there was a slight increase of $1200 per school for a total of $11,200 per school. We have four school nurses. All materials and supplies are provided for the schools by this program.
Architectural Services
The recommendation for the architectural services is RBS Design Group.
Construction Management
The recommendation for construction management is Alliance Corporation.
Dwight Ross
Student Accident Insurance
We would like to take student accident insurance with Roberts Insurance, the plan will be through K&K Insurance. We are pleased with the service they have provided to us in the past.
Independent Auditor's Contract
Wise, Buckner and Sprowles & Associates, PLLC is the recommendation for the Independent Auditor's Contract for FY 2013-14. They have provided excellent audit services and are good people to work with. There is a caveat the state has come up with this year to change auditors every three to five years. If you wish to keep the same auditor, you have to provide the reason to the state. We have been approved to keep the same auditor.
Capital Funds Request
The Capital Fund Request is an annual request, if there are any funds left over from 310 and 320, they can be used for normal operating expenses if all of the debt service payments have been made. After board approval the request will be sent to KDE for their approval. The amount is $29,744.
Committee recommendations for bids are as follows:
Bus Repair/Spare Parts A1 Auto
Tires Bob's Auto, Inc.
Diesel Fuel Big Meadow Oil
Tentative Budget
The tentative budget includes the 1% mandated raise, It's a strong budget. Projection
is that we will end the year with better than five times what the state mandates of 2% contingency.
Financial Advisory Services
On the financial advisory services Ross, Sinclaire & Associates is the recommendation.
Monthly Finance Reports
The monthly report are included in the packet. Due to the Finance Department being
at a conference last week, there had been some additional warrants added since the packets
first were prepared. They are on the last page of the warrants.
Facilities Plan Hearing
The Facilities Plan Hearing was held on May 6. Dr. Lile, Chris Huffman and Dwight Ross were the only ones in attendance. There was not public comment or written comments. They did go over the plan recommendations and it's good to go.
4) Consent Items
4A. Minutes
April 08, 2014
April 14, 2014
4B. Field Trips
FFA State Convention Lexington 06/09-12/14
4C. Fundraisers
Dance Team T-shirts 05/01-30/14
Football Boosters Peaches 05/14-06/14/14
Junior Class Yard Sale 06/07/14
Girls Basketball Team Basketball Camp 06/09-12/14
Boys Basketball Team Basketball Camp 06/09-12/14
Cheerleaders Beauty Pageant- June 2014
Yearbook Spring Formal 05/10/14
Girls Basketball Boosters Coke Sales 05/14-23/14
Girls Basketball Boosters Digital Advertising 2014-15 School Year
Girls Basketball Boosters Half Court Shot 2014-15 Season
4D. Personnel items
Lindsey Brockman 04/07-05/30/14
Shannon Compton 04/17-06/06/14
Jessica Lindsey 04/28-06/30/14
Karen Nunn MCIC Principal 06/30/14
Elaine Marcello MCIC Paraeducator 06/30/14
Amber Collins MCMS Dance Team Coach 06/30/14
Jessica Clouse MCHS Teacher
Assistant Dance Team Coach 06/30/14 Scott Chapman MCHS Boys & Girls Golf Coach 06/30/14
Peter Distefano MCHS Head Coach of Girls Basketball Team 06/30/14
Whitney Estes MCHS Assistant Cheerleading Coach 06/30/14
Tiffany Froedge MCHS Head Cheerleading Coach 06/30/14
Dawn Harbison MCMS Assistant Girls Basketball Coach 06/30/14
Lori Hernandez MCIC Teacher 06/30/14
Jessica Lindsey MCHS Assistant Girls Basketball Coach 06/30/14
Eric Sexton MCHS Assistant Girls Basketball Coach 06/30/14
John Strode Network Administrator 05/02/14
Angela Welsh MCPC Principal 06/30/14
Robert Bunch FRYSC Tutor 06/30/14
Rebecca Pennington MCHS Title 1 Paraeducator 06/30/14
Whitney Curd MCHS Social Studies Teacher 06/30/14
Jayme Garrett MCHS Math Teacher 06/30/14
Shannon Gosnell MCHS Social Studies Teacher 06/30/14
Kenneth Hart MCMS English Teacher 06/30/14
June Hammontree MCPC Preschool Assistant 06/30/14
Juanita Johnson MCMS English Teacher 06/30/14
Nikki Jolly District Wide Substitute 06/30/14
Chris McCoy MVLC Teacher
Tamara Martin MCIC Instructional Coach 06/30/14
Sandra Gail Miller MCIC Tutor/FRYSC Tutor 06/30/14
Paul Rotramel MCHS Music/Band Director 06/30/14
Lindsey Thomas MCIC Exceptional Education Paraeducator 06/30/14
Icy Trent MVLC Teacher 06/30/14
William Warf MCHS Title 1 Paraeducator 06/30/14
Patty Harbison MVLC Receptionist
to MCES Preschool Assistant 06/30/14
Randy Lee Technology Technician
to District Technology Engineer 06/30/14
Jessica Miles MCHS/MCMS Guidance Counselor to MCHS Teacher 06/30/14
Lauri Perkins MVLC Teacher
to MCES Teacher 06/30/14
Stephanie Price District Wide Substitute to MCMS Teacher 06/30/14
Matthew Shirley Director of MCHS Virtual Leaning to Director of Digital Learning 06/30/14
Angela Welsh MCPC Principal to MCES Teacher 06/30/14
Robin McMurtrey moved to approve May Consent items as presented, seconded by John Caffee, with the voting as follows:
Shive - yes Brown - yes Perry - yes Caffee - yes McMurtrey -Yes
5) Action Items
5A. Consider Approval of United Way Grant
Cathy Nunn presented this item to the Board. She shared information on what the funds had been used for this school year.
John Caffee moved to approve United Way Grant, seconded by Tim Brown, with the voting as follows:
Shive - yes Brown - yes Perry - yes Caffee - yes McMurtrey -Yes
5B. Consider Approval of Summer Feeding Program
Robin McMurtrey moved to approve Summer Feeding Program, seconded by Tim Brown, with the voting as follows:
Shive - yes Brown - yes Perry - yes Caffee - yes McMurtrey -Yes
5C. Consider Approval of Surplusing Technology Items
Most of these items are projectors that come out of Ms. Nunn's building. We are saving the ones that are still useful, the remainder we request to surplus.
Tim Brown moved to approve Surplusing of Technology Items, seconded by Donnie Perry with the voting as follows:
Shive - yes Brown - yes Perry - yes Caffee - yes McMurtrey -Yes
5D. Consider Approval of 2014-15 Classified Evaluation Plan
John Caffee moved to approve 2014-15 Classified Evaluation Plan, seconded by Robin McMurtrey, with the voting as follows:
Shive - yes Brown - yes Perry - yes Caffee - yes McMurtrey -Yes
5E. Consider Approval of 2014-15 Professional Growth & Effectiveness System Plan
Robin McMurtrey moved to approve 2014-15 Professional Growth & Effectiveness Plan,
seconded by Donnie Perry, with the voting as follows:
Shive - yes Brown - yes Perry - yes Caffee - yes McMurtrey -Yes
5F. Consider Approval of 2014-15 Music Therapy Contract
Donnie Perry moved to approve 2014-15 Music Therapy Contract with Lorinda Jones & Associates, seconded by Tim Brown, with the voting as follows:
Shive - yes Brown - yes Perry - yes Caffee - yes McMurtrey -Yes
5G. Consider Approval of Renewal of 2014-15 GRREC Membership
John Caffee moved to approve renewal of 2014-15 GRREC Membership, seconded by Robin McMurtrey, with the voting as follows:
Shive - yes Brown - yes Perry - yes Caffee - yes McMurtrey -Yes
5H. Consider Approval of 2014-15 School Nurse Contracts
Donnie Perry moved to approve 2014-15 School Nurse Contracts, seconded by John Caffee, with the voting as follows:
Shive - yes Brown - yes Perry - yes Caffee - yes McMurtrey -Yes
5I. Consider Approval of Contract for Architectural Services
Robin McMurtrey moved to approve Contract for Architectural Services with RBS Design Group
contingent upon negotiations with the superintendent, seconded by Tim Brown, with the voting as follows:
Shive - yes Brown - yes Perry - yes Caffee - yes McMurtrey -Yes
5J. Consider Approval of Contract for Construction Management Services
John Caffee moved to approve Contract for Construction Management Services with
Alliance Corporation contingent upon negotiations with the superintendent, seconded by
Donnie Caffee, with the voting as follows:
Shive - yes Brown - yes Perry - yes Caffee - yes McMurtrey -Yes
5K. Consider Approval of 2014-15 Student Accident Insurance
Donnie Perry moved to approve 2014-015 Student Accident Insurance with K&K Insurance,
seconded by Robin McMurtrey, with the voting as follows:
Shive - yes Brown - yes Perry - yes Caffee - yes McMurtrey -Yes
5L. Consider Approval of FY 2013-14 Independent Auditor's Contract
Tim Brown moved to approve FY 2013-14 Independent Auditor's Contract with Wise, Buckner, Sprowles & Associates, seconded by John Caffee, with the voting as follows:
Shive - yes Brown - yes Perry - yes Caffee - yes McMurtrey -Yes
5M. Consider Approval of FY 2014 Capital Funds Request
Donnie Perry moved to approve FY 2014 Capital Funds Request, seconded by Tim Brown , with the voting as follows:
Shive - yes Brown - yes Perry - yes Caffee - yes McMurtrey -Yes
5N. Consider Approval of 2014-15 Bids for Bus Repair Parts & Tires
John Caffee moved to approve 2014-15 Bids for bus repair parts to A1 Auto Parts and tires to Bob's Auto, Inc., seconded by Robin McMurtrey, with the voting as follows:
Shive - yes Brown - yes Perry - yes Caffee - yes McMurtrey -Yes
5O. Consider Approval of 2014-15 Bid for Diesel Fuel