Now it is Christ’s will to grow in us, gradually, gently, assimilating our lives to himself. There will be seasons in which we feel no stir of the life within us, see nothing but the earth’s hard crust. Then the daily conquest of sin will be as exacting as the daily pulling up of weeds that grow as fast as they are pulled.

Every honest Catholic knows how useless it sometimes feels to go on day after day finding the same sins cropping up in the examination of conscience, week after week confessing the same sins, the same number of times! He feels it is useless, but knows that he does it so that when at last the supernatural life pierces the hard ground, it will not be choked.

We shall sometimes be surrounded by forces that threaten the inward life, forces stronger than we are ourselves. But though only faith can convince us of this, they are not so strong as the unheard, unseen, unfelt, unimaginably sensitive Christ-life within us, that is stronger than the storming, parching, freezing or blighting of any possible environment.

We must not abandon the struggle that the secret growing demands, or doubt its purpose: the getting up early on dark mornings for Mass when our presence at Mass has become only a losing fight with distractions, the offering of our daily work to form Christ in us when the monotony of our daily work makes it seem incapable of any meaning at all.

But neither must we refuse the slumber, the repose of the winter time of growth, the stillness, the silence, the acceptance of the times set by God, God’s law of growth, the contented folding of our life upon the hidden life within us.

It is in these mysterious winters of the Spirit that we must learn patience with ourselves. Not complacency, but the humility based on self-knowledge, which is not surprised if there is little if any outward change, because what change there is is in the inward increase of Christ, and that God sees, but people do not.

Caryll Houslander

(Caryll Houslander, who died in 1954,

was an English Mystic, Poet and sought after Spiritual Teacher)

A lovely Reflection for the start of Advent which we would all benefit from by readingseveral times in a quiet and peaceful place; a spiritual preparation for Christmas perhaps?

Deacon Jeremy


The Holy Father’s Intention for December hat families, especially those who suffer, may find in the birth of Jesus a sign of certain hope; migrants and refugees; the sick of the Parish, Audrey Burke, Julie Lodge, Clare MacNamara, Betsy Bawdelly-Smith, Ann Connolly, Carolyn Horner, Alan Berry, Michael Durkan, Michael Lada-Walicki, Josie Whittle, Sheila Smith and Patrick Duffy; and Olive Spalding, Joe Redmen, Anne Marie Barnsdale and William Stilwell recently deceased and Josephine Mathieson, Kitty Blunt, Mary Gelder, Joan Wheeler, Bridget Madden and John Piasecki, whose anniversaries occur around this time.


Mon St Andrew, Apostle

Thu St Francis Xavier, Priest

Fri St John Damascene, Priest & Doctor of the Church


Special Collection for
The Cathedral Maintenance Fund
Gift Aid


Olive’s Requiem will take place on Friday, 4th December 11 30 a m at St Joseph’s, Milford.


The ThanksgivingCelebrationandRequiem Mass for William Stilwell will take place on Thursday, 3rdDecember at 1 p m at St Joseph’s in Guildford. Refreshments will be served in the hall after the Mass.


This small, lively, voluntary UK-based registered charity offers food, clothes, education and shelter to those in need in a country where nearly half the population exists in extreme poverty. They focus on running their refuge for children in the desert shanty towns near Lima. They are desperately in need of funds to provide food and accommodation for orphaned and abandoned street children who are often exploited and killed by criminal gangs. Once again, they are offering a large rich professionally baked Christmas cake to be raffled. Raffle tickets will be sale at all Masses until 13th December. The raffle will take place after the 10 15a m Mass at St Joseph’s on Sunday, 13th December, by kind permission of Fr Michael. Parishioners have been exceedingly generous in past years; every single penny raised goes straight to help the poor and destitute.


www.heavensroadfm.com is a new online radio – tune in to www.heavensroadfm.comand enjoy features like prayers, interviews and music to appeal to a Catholic audience – a winning combination. The radio is run on a shoestring by unpaid volunteers, so any donation, however small, would be very welcome. Cheques should be made payable to Heavens Road fm and sent to Heaven's Road Radio, St John’s Seminary, Wonersh, Guildford, Surrey GU5 0QX. You can also donate online at https://www.gofundme.com/aai9do. Followthe Radio onFB or twitter.


A small silver charm off a bracelet, inscribed “Please return to Tiffany & Co New York 925” was found in with the Gift Aid envelopes a couple of weeks ago. If you know who it belongs to please contact Susan Strudwick on 428564.


This Christmas, The Cellar again hope to be able to brighten the lives of those of their customers who need emotional and practical support at this time of year. Along with the social activities they have planned, they would love to help these people enjoy some of the more special things that we often take for granted.

For many years their Christmas Appeal has enabled them to put together more than 30 Christmas parcels for different individuals and families. These have been made up of various items according to people’s particular needs and age. They would be most grateful for donations of Waitrose or Sainsbury’s gift vouchers, cash, and also toys or festive gifts and seasonal foods. Please, bring or send donations of any of the above gifts by Friday, 11th December to The Cellar Café, Crown Court, Godalming, GU7 1DY.


Pope Francis wrote a letter to you (and everyone else) called Laudato Si. If you have not read it please come along to a CAFOD Taster and Tips Day on Pope Francis’ encyclical Care for our Common Home with CAFOD Arundel and Brighton, on Saturday, 5th December at St Clement’s Church, Ewell, from 10 30 a m to 12 30 p m. Book your place (as spaces are limited) by contacting arundelandbrightoncafod.org.uk. Or 896866. The encyclical offers us an opportunity to reflect on the world around us and to discover how climate change effects all of us. The morning will consist of practical ways to use the CAFOD study guide on Laudato Si in parishes and small groups.


The format for this year's Diocesan Advent prayer and reflection programme is inspired by the Year of Mercy which begins on 8th December. Each week we will reflect on a key passage from the Gospel of Luke (known as the Gospel of Mercy) concerning the incarnation of Our Lord; from the moment Mary is greeted by the angel Gabriel until the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem.

Week 1:The Annunciation

Week 2:The Visitation and the Magnificat

Week 3:The Birth of John the Baptist and the Benedictus

Week 4:The Nativity and the Visit of the Shepherds

You can download the booklet at www.abdiocese.org.uk/content


Ian Honeysett is happy to lead a group at 53 Combe Road, Farncombe, on three Thursday evenings: 3rd ,10th and 17th December at 8 p m. Please contact him if you are interested in attending (or in running a group in your area) on 429615 or


The St Edmund’s St Vincent de Paul Group will be having a stall at Christmas Together in Godalming on Saturday, 12th December to raise money for their funds and spread awareness of SVP in the local community.

They desperately need volunteers to man the stall from 10 a m to 4 p m, and home made produce to sell. Soplease contact Jo Lewry on or ring 07990 717067,ifyou could make Christmas biscuits/cakes or decorations to sell, or if you could offer an hour on the Saturday to help man the stall. Many thanks for your support.


St Joan of Arc's Church in Farnham is currently offering the 24 week Bible Timeline Programme to anyone in the Deanery or extended local area who might be interested. You are invited to join them for this thrilling and informative study programme from Wednesday, 31st January to Monday, 25th July. Meetings will be held mostly on Monday evenings but there are two Wednesday evening and two Friday evening meetings. Venue - St Joan of Arc's Parish Centre, Farnham from 7 45 p m to 9 30 p m. Cost £35 per person. Please phone or email Dorothy McIntosh to join the course, and to arrange cash or cheque payment, on 01420 22434 or email . Study sets will only be purchased after receipt of payment.


The School are holding their annual Christmas Fair on Saturday, 5th December from 12 noon to 2 p m.Plenty to do for all the family. Fun and games for everyone, Christmas shopping, table decoration crafts, raffle, mulled wine, bacon butties and, of course, the man himself will be in attendance. There is also another special visitor this year; Mr Kipling, the exceedingly good donkey, will be popping in to say hello and bringing some little friends with him. Entry £1 per adult, 50p children, maximum £2 per family. They look forward to welcoming you to this very special annual event.


Are now on sale at the back of both churches. Please write down items purchased with amount. Any queries please contact Anna Rogers on 01428 683409.


At the Christmas Eve Mass at 5 p m St Joseph's, children are invited to dress up as their favourite nativity character and should bring along a torch for what is going to be an exciting start to Christmas.

g e n e r a L I T E M S


This week the children have been looking at God's gift of Friendship and also how we mend those friendships when something goes wrong (Reconciliation).

Advent is a great time for us to prepare ourselves for God's greatest gift his son at Christmas. Throughout his life Jesus showed that love of your neighbour was important and hopefully through their preparation the children will learn that the greatest friend they have is God. God will always be there for them whatever happens in their life; he will support them and care for them even when things go wrong and they turn away from him. God always has his arms open ready to receive us home.

Let us hope and pray that this Advent we all take the time to prepare our hearts and homes to receive Jesus at Christmas, that we take the opportunity to mend broken friendships and see God in everyone that we meet.

As a sign of friendship the children will be holding a small coffee and cake party for their Prayer Partners after the 10 15 a m Mass today. Thank you to everyone who offered to be Prayer Partners. Please keep these children and their families in your prayers.

Frances Blackett




The School are holding their annual Christmas Fair on Saturday, 5th December from 12 noon to 2 p m.Plenty to do for all the family. Fun and games for everyone, Christmas shopping, table decoration crafts, raffle, mulled wine, bacon butties and, of course, the man himself will be in attendance. There is also another special visitor this year; Mr Kipling, the exceedingly good donkey, will be popping in to say hello and bringing some little friends with him. Entry £1 per adult, 50p children, maximum £2 per family. They look forward to welcoming you to this very special annual event.


Are now on sale at the back of both churches. Please write down items purchased with amount. Any queries please contact Anna Rogers on 01428 683409.


At the Christmas Eve Mass at 5 p m St Joseph's, children are invited to dress up as their favourite nativity character and should bring along a torch for what is going to be an exciting start to Christmas.
