Spring Council Session 2017

March 21st – 25th

Theme: “A New Day, A New Beginning, A New Mindset”

Behold I am doing a new thing.

Isaiah 43:19

The Honorable Bishop Sherman L. Merritt


Suffragan Bishop Melvin A. Boyd



First Apostolic Council of Kentucky and Tennessee

11th Episcopal District of the

Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, Inc.

Executive Board Members

Bishop Sherman L. Merritt, Diocesan

Suffragan Bishop Melvin A. Boyd, Chairman

Suffragan Bishop George Burns

Suffragan Bishop James E. Moore

Suffragan Bishop Emeritus Eugene Stewart

Suffragan Bishop Charles Trumbo

District Elder Johnnie Blissett

District Elder Johnny Burrell

District Elder Fred Connor

District Elder Emeritus Anna Davis

District Elder Robert Holland

District Elder James McDonald

District Elder Larry Smith

District Elder Anthony E. Walton

District Elder Emeritus Raymond Whitley

FAC of KY/TN Officers

Suffragan Bishop Melvin A. Boyd Chairman

District Elder Johnnie Blissett Vice Chairman

Minister Antoinette M. Taylor……………. Secretary

Evangelist Annette Tolbert 1st Assistant Secretary

Sister Michelle Carter 2nd Assistant Secretary

Suffragan Bishop James E. Moore Treasurer

Minister Carolyn T. Dunlap…………………………………………………… Assistant Treasurer

Meeting Schedules

Executive Board

Tuesday, March 21st ………….……………………………………………….....12:00 pm

Thursday, March 23rd…………………….………………………………………11:00 pm

Pastors’ Meeting

Friday, March 24th………………………………………………………………....1:00 pm

Ministers’ Wives

Friday, March 24th .………………………………………………..9:00 am – 12:00 noon

Usher Board/Health Professionals

Friday, March 24th…………………………………………………..9:00 am – 12:00 noon

Ministers’ Meeting

No Ministers Session

Credentials Committee

Friday, March 24th ….12:00 noon

Christian Education

Saturday, March 25th…………………………………………………...9:00 am - 1:00 pm

Pentecostal Young People’s Union

Saturday, March 25th……………………………..…Day Session ……1:30 pm – 4:30 pm

Evening Service.…....5:00 pm

Evening Worship

7:30 pm

Tuesday, March 21st Brotherhood Auxiliary

Elder Samuel Anderson, Auxiliary Director

Brother Ricky D. Smith, Sr., President

Master of Ceremony.. .Minister Anthony White

Devotion ………………………………………………………….Brother Michael Neal Jr.

Prayer……………………………………………………………….Deacon Torrado Carter

Scripture …………………………………………………………...Minister Octavius Poole

Praise & Worship……………………………………………………Brother James Jackson

Welcome ……………………………………………………………..Elder Jonathan White

Selection……………………………………………………………...Amazing Grace Choir

Ministry of Sharing…………………………………………….Brotherhood Treasury Staff

Ecclesiastical Recognition …….Elder Samuel Anderson

Selections ………………………………………………………........Amazing Grace Choir

Introduction of Speaker Brother Ricky D. Smith, Sr.

The Preached Word/Invitation Elder Isaac Williams

Temple of Grace

Murfreesboro, TN

Remarks/Benediction……………………………….Brother Ricky D. Smith Sr., President

Elder Samuel Anderson, Director

Wednesday, March 22nd General Body Session

10:00 Opening of the Council

Devotional Songs


10:30 Panel Discussion………………………………………Pastor Yvonne Bell, Moderator

Topic: “Being Aware of the Times in which we Live” (II Cor. 2:11)

Panelists: District Elder Anthony E. Walton

Elder Isaac Williams

12:00 Lunch Break/Registration

1:00 Bible Class……………………………………..Bishop Sherman L. Merritt, Diocesan

2:30 Business Session

4:00 Dinner

Ushering in His Presence 7:00 pm

Master of Ceremony……………………………………………………….Elder Calvin Reaves Sermonic Solo………………………………………………………Minister Claudeen Denning

Introduction of Speaker……………………………………………………Elder Calvin Reaves The Anointed Word……………………………………………………..Minister Daryl Wingo

Evening Worship

7:30 pm

Master of Ceremonies ……………………………..District Elder Johnnie Blissett, Vice Chairman

Devotional Songs…………………..New Jerusalem Temple Pentecostal Church, Springfield, TN

Prayer………………………………………………………………………Elder Sanford Pinkston

Scripture………………………………………………………………………Elder Calvin Reaves

Praise & Worship………………………………….New Life Apostolic Assembly, Nashville, TN

Musical Selections……………………Greater Bethel Temple Apostolic Church, Louisville, KY

Ministry of Sharing………………….. Suffragan Bishop James E. Moore and the Treasury Staff

Praise & Worship……………………………….…New Life Apostolic Assembly, Nashville, TN

Musical Selections……………………Greater Bethel Temple Apostolic Church, Louisville, KY

Ministry of Sharing……………………Suffragan Bishop James E. Moore and the Treasury Staff

Recognition of Visitors……………………………………………..District Elder Johnny Burrell

Musical Selections……………………Greater Bethel Temple Apostolic Church, Louisville, KY

Introduction of Speaker…………………………………….Bishop Sherman L. Merritt, Diocesan

The Preached Word/Invitation ...………………………………..Suffragan Bishop Rader Johnson

Greater Bethel Temple Apostolic Church

Louisville, KY

Invitation Selection…………………...Greater Bethel Temple Apostolic Church, Louisville, KY

Ministry of Sharing…………………... Suffragan Bishop James E. Moore and the Treasury Staff


Thursday Morning, March 23rd Missionary and Christian Women

First Lady Angela Boyd, President

Day Program

Theme: Caring for The Total Woman: Mentally / Physically / Spiritually

Romans 16:1-2 (a helper of many)

9:30 Prayer: Evangelist Gearline Sanders

10:00 Morning Session & Registration

10:30 Seminar

Caring for the Total Woman: Mentally / Physically / Spiritually

Romans 16:1-2 (a helper of many)

Minister Diana McDonald, Moderator

3 Presenters:

1. Mentally – Minister Vanessa Dunlap

2. Physically- Minister Kimetha Jones

3. Spiritually – Minister Carolyn Sowerby

12:00- 1:15 Lunch & Choir Rehearsal

1: 15 - 3:00

PAW President of the IMCWA
Evangelist Joyce Tate
Greater Emmanuel Apostolic Church - Cincinnati, OH

Region 5 Director of the IMCWA

Evangelist Melinda Ann Peterman

Greater Grace Temple – Detroit, MI

3:00 ....................................................................................................MCWA Business Session

4:00 ...................................................................................................................... Dinner Break

Thursday Morning, March 23rd Brotherhood

Elder Samuel Anderson, Auxiliary Director

Brother Ricky D. Smith, Sr., President

9:00 Welcome-“Let’s Throw it Around”

9:30 Registration

10:00 Opening Session……………………………………………….….Minister Terry Furmon

Devotion………………………………………………………………...Deacon John Woodberry

Prayer ………………………………………………………………….....Minister Terry Furmon

Scripture……………………………………….............................................Elder Jonathan White

Business Session: Brother Ricky D. Smith, Sr., President

Minutes…………………………………………………………………..Brother Ronald Murphy

Treasurer Timothy 2:1 -4 Report………………………………………..…Elder Jonathan White

10:45 Seminar Topic:

Prayer & Intercession for Your Brother

Presenter: Suffragan Bishop James E. Moore

Scripture: I Timothy 2:1-4

12:00 Break/Lunch

1:30 Brotherhood Rehearsal

2:00 Seminar Topic:

Teach Each Other as Brothers to Strive

Presenter: Elder LaMonte McNeese

Scripture: II Timothy 2: 1-4

4:00 Dinner

Ushering in His Presence, 7:00 pm

Master of Ceremony…………………………………………………………..Elder Rufus Woods

Sermonic Solo…………………………………………………………..Evangelist Jessena Moore

Introduction of Speaker………………………………………………………. Elder Rufus Woods

The Anointed Word…………………………………………………...Minister Phillip C. Buckner

Missionary & Christian Women

Evening Worship Service


Mistress of Ceremony …………….....………………………........... Evangelist Rena Drummond

Devotional Songs ………………………………………………...……Evangelist Annette Tolbert

Prayer……………………………………………………………………….Evangelist Betty Jones

Scripture …………………………………………………………...……… Minister Martha Perry

Praise & Worship ……………………………………………………..……. MCWA Praise Team

Welcome …………………………..Greater Christ Temple Apostolic Church - MCWA President

MCWA Choir ……………………………..……………………………..…… Sister Renee Yates

Ministry of Sharing ………….………….................................................. MCWA Treasury Staff

Ecclesiastical Recognition …………………………………………………… Pastor Yvonne Bell

MCWA Director

Remarks from our Council Chairman ………………............... Suffragan Bishop Melvin A. Boyd

Remarks from our Diocesan.……………………….……............. Bishop Sherman L. Merritt, Sr.

MCWA Choir…………………………………………………….............…… Sister Renee Yates

Introduction of Speaker………………………………………….………. First Lady Angela Boyd

MCWA President

Message & Altar Call …………………………………………Evangelist Melinda Ann Peterman

Greater Grace Temple - Detroit, MI

Announcements/Remarks/Benediction …………......................Suffragan Bishop Melvin A. Boyd

Council Chairman

Friday, March 24th General Body Session

9:00 Registration

9:30 Prayer Clinic……………………………………………....District Elder James McDonald

10:30 Bible Class……………………………………………..Suffragan Bishop James E. Moore

10:30 Pastor’s Meeting……………………………………Bishop Sherman L. Merritt, Diocesan

12:00 Break / Registration / Credentials

1:00 Afternoon Glory……………………………………….Evangelist Gearline Sanders, M/C

Praise & Worship……………………………………………………...Sister Kelva Nelson

The Preached Word/Invitation ..…………………………………...Lady Diana McDonald

2:30 General Business Session……………………………..Suffragan Bishop Melvin A. Boyd

4:00 Dinner

Friday, March 24th Ministers’ Wives Alliance

9:00 am – 12:00 noon

Closed Session

First Lady Vera E. Merritt, President

Greater Christ Temple Apostolic Church

Nashville, TN





Treasurer Report

Bereavement Since last Council

Sick Report

Old/New Business


Usher Board/Health Professionals Alliance

9:00 am – 12:00 noon

District Elder James McDonald, Auxiliary Director

Sister Mitzy Johnson, President

Sister Janice Johnson, 1st Vice President

Registration and Collection of Dues

Devotion ………………………………………………………….Sister Janice Johnson



Call to Order……………………………………..………………….Sister Janice Johnson



Recognition of Guest

Opening Remarks………………..……District Elder James McDonald, Auxiliary Director

Minutes………………………….………..….Sister Sandra Bush, Secretary, Nashville, TN

Reading of last Financial Report…………….Sister Cora Brown, Treasurer, Nashville, TN

Old Business/New Business

Ministry of Sharing……………………………………………Usher Board Treasury Staff

Fellowship Luncheon

Final Remarks District Elder James McDonald, Auxiliary Director

Benediction Sister Janice Johnson, 1st Vice-President

Friday, March 24th General Body Session

Ushering in His Presence, 7:00 pm

Master of Ceremony……………………………………………………Elder Leonard Byrum

Sermonic Solo………………………………………………………….Sister Monique Shanks

Introduction of Speaker………………………………………………….Elder Leonard Byrum

The Anointed Word……………………………………………………… Elder Tyron Jenkins

Evening Worship

7:30 PM

Master of Ceremony……………………………....District Elder Johnnie Blissett, Vice Chairman

Devotional Songs……………………………………………………………..Sister Kelva Nelson

Prayer………………………………………………………………………Elder Waverly Holland

Scripture………………………………………………………………………Elder Louis Sanders

Praise & Worship……………………………………...Bethel Apostolic Temple, Springfield, TN

Musical Selections……………………...Greater Christ Temple Apostolic Church, Nashville, TN

Ministry of Sharing……………………Suffragan Bishop James E. Moore and the Treasury Staff

Recognition of Visitors…………………………………………...District Elder James McDonald

Musical Selection………………………Greater Christ Temple Apostolic Church, Nashville, TN

Introduction of Speaker……………………………………….Suffragan Bishop Charles Trumbo

The Preached Word/Invitation…………………………..Bishop Sherman L. Merritt, Diocesan

Invitation Selection…………………….Greater Christ Temple Apostolic Church, Nashville, TN

Ministry of Sharing……………………Suffragan Bishop James E. Moore and the Treasury Staff



Saturday, March 25th

Christian Education Association

Elder LaMonte McNeese, Director

Minister Timothy Burns, Superintendent

Minister Janet Carter, Assistant Superintendent


First Apostolic Council KY-TN

March Program 2017

Theme: “A New Day, A New Beginning, A New Mindset”

Sub-Theme- Communication

9:00 Registration

9:20 Devotion……………………………………Minister Janet Carter, Assistant Superintendent

Greeting and Opening Remarks………………………..Minister Timothy Burns - Superintendent

Ice Breaker……………………………...Greater Christ Temple Apostolic Church, Nashville, TN

Introduction of Seminars

10:00 am - 12:00 noon…………………………………………………………Classes/Workshops

12:00 Ministry of Sharing………………………………………………………………………………Treasury Staff

Report from Secretary

Report from Treasurer

Announcements and Presentation of Awards

Remarks and Dismissal…………………………….Elder LaMonte McNeese, Auxiliary Director

Workshops and Classes:


What Is Our Responsibility When It Comes To How We Communicate?

Focus Text: Ephesians 4:29

Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. There are various ways that we communicate. Whether it is verbal or by body language. The ultimate goal is to edify God and in turn it will minister grace to the hearer...

AGES 25 & UP

Bible Class

Topic: “Does My Communication Edify God?” - Eph. 4:29

District Elder Larry Smith, Apostolic Worship Center, Dickson, TN

AGES 18-24

Topic: “Does My Communication Edify God?” - Eph. 4:29

Minister Ricky Thomas, Greater Christ Temple, Nashville, TN

Teens Topic: “Does My Communication Edify God?” - Eph. 4:29

Males (Ages 13-17)

Minister Phillip Buckner, New Jerusalem Temple Pentecostal Church, Springfield, TN

Females (Ages 13-17)

Minister Janet Carter, Temple of Grace, Murfreesboro, TN

Children Dept. Topic: “Do My Words Make You Feel, Good, Bad, Happy or Sad?” Eph. 4:29

(Ages 10-12)

Evangelist Paula Sanders, Pentecostal Lighthouse, Huntsville, Ala.

(Ages 6-9) Teacher: Sister Sandra Bush, Greater Christ Temple Apostolic Church, Nashville, TN

(Ages 4-6) Teacher:

(Ages 1-3) Teacher -


Topic: “How Do I Handle Information Given To Me” Eph. 4:29

Sub-Topic – Privacy Act (Confidentiality)

How Do We Handle Information

Protecting other people’s personal information

Teacher: Elder Charles Cantrell, Bethel Apostolic Temple, Springfield, TN

Saturday, March 25th

Pentecostal Young People’s Union

Elder Isaac Williams, Director

Elder Jonathan White, President

Day Session 1:30pm

Master of Ceremony .............................................................Brother Melvin Boyd, Vice-President

Opening Song ........................................................................................Brother Benjamin Wansley



Announcements ..................................................................................................... PYPU Secretary

Selection(s) ............................................................................ Pentecostal Lighthouse Youth Choir

Ministry of Sharing ....................................................................................... PYPU Treasury Staff

Sister Samea Anderson, Treasurer

Minister Andrew Boyd, Assistant Treasurer

Day Seminar Sessions

My Heart, Mind, Body and Soul Belongs To You

Topic: "My Body Belongs To God" (Males & Females Ages 11 - 13)

Presenter ...................................................................................................Evangelist Shree Isabelle

Greater Christ Temple Apostolic Church, Nashville, TN

Presenter ....................................................................................................Minister Oscar Denning

New Life Apostolic Assembly, Nashville, TN

Topic: "I Love Me and God Does Too" (Females Ages 14 - 18)

Presenter ...............................................................................................Minister Claudine Denning

New Life Apostolic Assembly, Nashville, TN

Topic: "Hands Lifted" (Males Ages 14 - 18)

Presenter ..................................................................................... District Elder Anthony E. Walton

Christ Temple Apostolic Church, Paducah, KY

Topic: "The Abuse of Over the Counter Drugs" (Adults)

Presenter .....................................................................................................Sister Lashonda Saddler

Christ Temple Apostolic Church, Paducah, KY

3:00 pm Business Session ................................................. Elder Jonathan White, PYPU President

4:00 pm .................................................................................................. Dinner & Choir Rehearsal

Pentecostal Young People’s Union

Evening Worship

March 25, 2017


Master of Ceremony........................................................... Elder Jonathan White, PYPU President

Devotional Songs



Praise & Worship............................................................................ PYPU Praise & Worship Team

Welcome & Announcements .............................Sister Mandi Wansley, PYPU Assistant Secretary

Response ....................................................................................... Kentucky State Youth President

Musical Selections (A&B)....................................................... Kentucky & Tennessee Mass Choir

Ministry of Sharing....................................................................................... PYPU Treasury Staff

Sister Samea Anderson, Treasurer

Minister Andrew Boyd, Assistant Treasurer

Ecclesiastical Recognition ................................................... Elder Isaac Williams, PYPU Director

Musical Selections (A&B) .......................................................Kentucky & Tennessee Mass Choir

Introduction of Speaker ..................................................... Elder Jonathan White, PYPU President

The Preached Word/Invitation................................................................. Pastor Jeremy D. Seward

True Holiness Deliverance Temple Church, Milan, TN

Ministry of Sharing..........................................................................................PYPU Treasury Staff

Sister Samea Anderson, Treasurer

Minister Andrew Boyd, Assistant Treasurer

Remarks and Benediction ........................................Suffragan Bishop Melvin A. Boyd, Chairman