The Wellington Health Centre

Patients Participation Group

Notes of Meeting 16 October 2012


Saril Anand (Dr)

John Buchanan

Carole Challen

John Darley

Peter Hodes

David Hogarth

Seymour Popeck

Patrica Rawlinson

Barbara Stevens

Siobhan Herron (Central London CCG)


Jane Moss

Angela Stafford

Monty Moss

Ruth Starr

Amia Raphael

1. The Chairman, Peter Hodes, welcomed all and in particular Siobhan Herron from Wellwatch who would speak to us later.

He and Angela Stafford had taken part in the survey of patients on behalf of a research study by the London School of Economics which had invited the practice to take part. The results should be available later in the year. Carole Challen thanked Peter & Angela for the work they had done for the practice and pointed out that at Peter’s instigation the original survey had been substantially revised.

Peter stated that during the time he had spent talking to patients no criticism of any kind had arisen about the operation of the practice which he felt was most encouraging.

2. Dr Anand told the meeting that she was going on maternity leave and that Dr Kumar would attend future meetings in her place.

She went on to report that the practice was one of the early practices to have a shingles vaccine available and they were recommending it for all over 55 patients. Side effects were minimal and since the chance over 55s getting shingles was 1 in 5 it was strongly recommended.

They also had available a vaccine for protection against whooping cough for pregnant women.

Dr Anand then left the meeting with the good wishes of all.

3. Carole Challen reported that they were having great difficulties in getting flu vaccine. The manufacturer that they had selected had produce two batches neither of which they were prepared to release on safety grounds. The practice was trying to obtain supplies from the other manufacturers but it was proving very difficult which under the circumstances was not surprising.

The practice had formalised its arrangements over boundaries but this would not affect existing patients.

Carole then introduced Siobhan Herron to talk about Wellwatch

4. Siobhan explained that Wellwatch aims to help those with long term conditions eg. Asthma, Diabetes, Depression, Hypertension to keep well for longer. The Wellwatch team consists of GPs, Nurses, Health & Social Care Coordinators and Administrators. Patients can join Wellwatch through their GP or online through the CLH website. Patients may also be invited to join Wellwatch if they have a history of long term conditions and if their GP believes it could be beneficial. The final decision is with the patient.

Once a patient has joined they will meet with the team and discuss what could help the patient stay well for longer and avoid the need for hospital care. An individual plan for each patient will be prepared; the plan could cover items such as information about a long term condition, life style choices, equipment to help independence, meeting other people in social occassions etc. Contact will be maintained to get patient’s view of progress. Siobhan emphasised that the scheme is in the early stages and should not interfere in any way with the relationship between patient and their GP

PPGs could help by promoting the scheme amongst patients. There was a “Self Care Week” coming 12 – 18 November

5. Parking. This continues to be a problem for some patients. Could the Loading Bay outside the surgery be used to set down and pick up patients? Difficulty is it is a Red Route and control is not with Local Authority. To be explored further (PH/JSB)

6. AOB

Next Meeting Tuesday 15 January 2013 at 6.45 pm. at the Surgery