Questions by Jason Scoggins and Chi Zhang with a couple from Maryland

1. In this state, males frequently have erections. There is an increase in heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing rates, but the major muscles in the body are paralyzed. It appears to play a major role in human functioning, and is usually accompanied by dreams. FTP, identify this type of sleep that occurs during stage 1 which involves the back-and-forth

movement of the eyes.

Answer:rapid eye movement sleep (or REM sleep)

2. A play in two parts, it ends up with the main character being beheaded for high treason based on the perjured testimony of Richard Rich. This is after the hero’s wife Alice and his daughter Meg fail to get him to swear an oath acknowledging his former employer, Henry VIII, as head of the Church. FTP name this Robert Bolt play about a former Lord Chancellor of England, in which the central character is Sir Thomas More.

Answer:A Man for All Seasons

3. Mansfield and Winthrop's translation of this French work into English marks the third time this work has been translated. It warns against the taste for material well-being, and recommends an increase in religiosity as a way to combat it. Other woes its author laments include the coming of soft despotism and the tyranny of the majority. FTP, identify this

two-volume work, published in 1835 and 1840, by the political scientist Alexis de Tocqueville.

Answer:Democracy in America

4. This composer's “O successors” features a women's choir and a wide pitch range. This composer wrote works on theology, science, and medicine, as well as the first known morality play, Ordo Virtutem. The abbess of Rupertsberg, she is the first female composer to have many of her works preserved to the modern day. FTP, name this mystic who sometimes claimed the words to her compositions came to her in a vision.

Answer:Hildegard of Bingen (accept either name; von Bingen is also acceptable)

5. During this period, mosques were established in the province of Guangzhou and a Nestorian Christian community existed in the capital of Changan. The economy began to flourish, with many small market towns popping up and embassies being established from all parts of Asia. Eventually weakened by the An Lu Shan Rebellion, this is, FTP, what Chinese dynasty which saw the rise of Buddhism as the state religion?

Answer:Tang Dynasty

6. A production of Rocket Science Laboratories, this television show’s central character formerly modeled skimpy underwear for a firm called California Muscle. Other characters on this television show include Allison, Amanda, Heidi, Katie, and three women named Melissa. Each week, those who survive are given a gift, which becomes increasingly expensive as the show progresses. FTP, name this reality show whose central figure, a construction worker named Evan, is not what he appears to be.

Answer:Joe Millionaire

7. This politician lost one election because he refused to furnish his supporters with free whiskey, but nevertheless was sent to the Continental Congress two years later. He married a Quaker 17 years his junior and took the most comprehensive records concerning the Constitutional Convention. FTP, name this president from Virginia who co-wrote The Federalist Papers.

Answer: James Madison

8. The isotope of this element with 222 nucleons is a product of the nuclear disintegration series of uranium-238. That isotope has a half-life of 3.82 days and decays into Polonium and Helium. It can escape from the ground without reacting with other substances along the way because it is a noble gas. FTP, identify this element, believed to be a cause of lung cancer, for which there are many commercially available home testing kits.


9. In 1854, with an ever-expanding British India threatening its rugged southern frontier, Russia dispatched 100 Cossack families to settle in this fledgling town. Located in the foothills of the Tian Shan [*] mountains, it emerged as a major economic center of Central Asia following the completion of the Siberian-Turkistan railway. For ten points, name this Kazakh city that Astana replaced as capital in 1997.

Answer:Almaty (or Alma-Ata)

10. He left Dartmouth and enlisted with the Marines the day after Pearl Harbor. He received high honors for his service, but his father so opposed his enlistment that he never saw the article in [*] Time mentioning his son’s exploits. After the war, he finished his degree, and planned to be a math professor—until an attempt on his father’s life drew him into the Mafia. For 10 points—name this youngest son of Vito, who succeeded him as Godfather.

Answer:Michael Corleone (prompt on partial answer)

11. Some of his critics point to the ability of chimpanzees to learn human language in order to refute his views. He proposed that all human languages have a similar underlying structure in common. FTP, name this linguist who hypothesized the existence of a neural system that allows the learning of language, called the language-acquisition device.

Answer:Noam Chomsky

12. Most of the action of this novel takes place in Australia, and it concerns the aftermath of nuclear war. Things started with Albania triggering an Arab-Israeli war, which triggered a Russo-NATO war, which in turn triggered a Russo-Chinese war. The trauma of reading it encouraged Neil Young to compose an album of the same title. FTP, name this novel in which the people of Australia know they will die soon from nuclear radiation and come to terms with that realization, a work by Nevil Shute.

Answer: On the Beach

13. This man's theory was shown to be in conflict with the theory of mechanics as described by Galileo and Newton, a conflict that was not resolved until 1905. This Scottish physicist showed that electric and magnetic fields radiate in wave form, but this was not experimentally confirmed until 1887 by Hertz. FTP, identify this man whose four equations are the foundation for the modern understanding of electromagnetism.

Answer:James Clark Maxwell

14. She briefly tried to support her cause by becoming a prostitute, but this endeavor proved unprofitable. She visited many of the conflicts involving far-left groups in the early 20th century, including Bolshevik Russia and the Spanish Civil War. FTP name this Lithuanian-born, American immigrant anarchist who inspired the assassination of President William McKinley, and who was deported in 1919 for speaking against World War I.

Answer: Emma Goldman

15. Many of the protagonists in his novels are obsessed with unattainable ideals that make everyday pleasure unattainable. In 1970, he led an unsuccessful coup against the Japanese government and committed ritual suicide soon afterwards. This author’s last project, a depiction of the reincarnation of the same individual in four different time periods from 1912 to 1960, was The Sea of Fertility. FTP, name this author of The Temple of the Golden Pavilion

Answer: Yukio Mishima (or Kimitake Hiraoka)

16. Intermediates of this process include 1,3-Diphospheglyceric acid and Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate. The hydrogen shuttle molecule NAD+ is used in this process, which apparently occurs in all forms of life. FTP, identify this ATP-producing anaerobic process that turns glucose into pyruvic acid.


17. His sculpture of the Venetian general Gattamelata, made around 1445 to 1450, still stands in the Basilica of Padua. Among his most famous works is one depicting a youth in a classic contraposto with a wiry and smooth body and gently swelling muscles. FTP, what Renaissance artist created the first life-size freestanding nude since ancient times with his David?


18. Born in 1714 in Bristol, England, he failed as a merchant before turning to the ministry. A friend of Charles and John Wesley, he followed John Wesley to the American colonies, where he established himself as an itinerant preacher in a fifteen-month tour railing against the supposedly “unsaved” clergy, notably the Archbishop of Canterbury, John Tillotson. FTP name this rival of Gilbert Tennent, author of “The Seed of the Woman and the Seed of the Serpent” and “The Almost Christian,” a major leader of the Great Awakening.

Answer:George Whitefield (pronounced Whitfield, but be lenient)

19. The title character of this novel marries five separate times. She first marries the younger brother of her first lover, but he dies after a short time. Her other marriages fail for various reasons; one ends because her husband must flee from the law, another ends when the titular character discovers her husband is her half brother, and yet another ends when she discovers her husband is poor. FTP, name this novel about a women who was a wife, a prostitute, a thief, and a transported felon, but in the end grows rich, a work by Daniel Defoe.

Answer:Moll Flanders

20. He came to the throne on his 17th birthday while at war with Denmark, Poland, and Russia, and while facing an internal crisis of legitimacy as well. He was killed fighting a war in Bavaria. However, the support of Chancellor Axel Oxenstierna quickly led to full power being returned to the monarchy. FTP name this Swedish king who defeated Tilly’s army at Breitenfeld but was killed one year later at the battle of Lützen.

Answer: Adolf Gustav II or Gustavus Adolphus

21. This country's parliament is the largest democratically elected one in the world, and has at least 656 members, many of whom are civil servants on a leave of absence. The Federal Constitutional Court of this country is one of the few judiciaries with power roughly equal to the legislative and executive branches. The president is mostly a figurehead, and parties include the Free Democratic Party, the Christian Democratic Union, and the relatively new Greens. FTP, name this country, in which Lander are represented in the Bundesrat and the people elect the Bundestag.

Answer:Federal Republic of Germany

22. The inventor of these laws did not understand their underlying cause, which would only become clear 70 years later. The third of these laws, dealing with relationships between planets, is expressed as T squared over R cubed equals k, where T is the time of one complete orbit, R is the average distance of the planet from the sun, and k is a constant. FTP, identify these astronomical laws, the first of which states that the orbit of each planet is an ellipse.

Answer:Kepler's laws of planetary motion (prompt on "planetary motion")

23.This former public school teacher turned author was fired from the Boston Public Schools, at least in part for teaching Langston Hughes' “Ballad of the Landlord” to his fourth graders. He wrote a book about his experiences in that school system which won the National Book Award, and has written many books since focusing on the state of America's poor and minority children. FTP, name this author of such works as The Night is Dark And I Am Far From Home, Rachel and Her Children, Amazing Grace, Ordinary Resurrections, and Savage Inequalities.

Answer:Jonathan Kozol

24. This American novelist, short-story writer, essayist and poet came out with a new novel in October 2002 that was far longer than any of her other works to date. She was an only daughter of a family of seven, and in her youth moved regularly between the United States and Mexico. FTP name this Hispanic-American writer known for using short vignettes and whose best known work is The House on Mango Street.

Answer:Sandra Cisneros

25. According to the author who popularized it, this phenomenon in family life is made more troubling by the devaluation of traditionally feminine work such as child-rearing and housework. Although many women would like to fight it, they are afraid of the consequences of divorce, and so they develop strategies for coping with this phenomenon, such as the creation of a family myth or withholding sex. FTP, identify this phenomenon, the title of a book by Arlie Russell Hochschild, about husbands who don't help much around the house.

Answer:The Second Shift


Questions by Chi Zhang and Jason Scoggins with a couple from Maryland

1. Identify these works by C. S. Lewis from clues FTPE

a. This 1942 work is presented as a series of letters between the titular demon and his nephew Wormwood.

Answer:The Screwtape Letters

b. While it was the fifth book of The Chronicles of Narnia to be published, its events occur contemporaneously with those in The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe. Characters in this book include Corin, Shasta, and Bree.

Answer:The Horse and His Boy

c. In the preface to this work, Lewis's first words are "Blake wrote of the Marriage of Heaven and Hell." In this book, the author boards a bus and tours Heaven and Hell.

Answer:The Great Divorce

2. Identify the Baroque visual artist from a lesser-known work (or list of works) FTP or from a more famous work for 5.

a. 10-- David, Piazza and colonnades of St. Peter's

5-- Ecstasy of Saint Theresa

Answer:Gianlorenzo Bernini

b. 10-- Deposition of Christ

5-- The Supper at Emmaus


c. 10-- The Mill, The Blinding of Samson

5-- The Syndics of the Cloth Guild, The Anatamy Leson of Dr. Tulp

Answer:Rembrandt van Rijn

3. Answer the following about US involvement in Vietnam FTPE:

a. Wayne Morse and Ernest Gruening were the only two Senators to vote against this 1964 resolution, which gave Lyndon Johnson considerable latitude to increase U.S. involvement in the war.

Answer:Gulf of Tonkin resolution

b. Name the widely-criticized US general who led the war from 1964 to 1968 and pursued a conservative military strategy, which led to setbacks by US forces.

Answer: General William Childs Westmoreland

c. As a general in 1963 he helped lead the coup that ousted South Vietnamese President Diem. Elected President in 1967, he was reelected in a rigged election in 1971 and ultimately fled into exile when South Vietnam fell in 1975.

Answer: Nguyen van Thieu

4. FTPE, given an example, identify what type of heat transfer is taking place.

  1. One end of a metal rod is heated, and the other end gets warm.


  1. You stand near a warm stove or fire and feel warm


  1. Hot and cold liquids are poured together


5. Identify these terms from logic, 5-10-15.

a. (5) This term refers to a mistake in the alleged connection between the premises and conclusion of an argument or within a premise. Examples include red herring, begging the question, and the slippery slope.


b. (10) This type of condition is symbolized as the antecedent of a conditional. If it is present, this is enough to conclude that another condition is also present. It differs from a necessary condition in that a necessary condition must be present for another condition to true, but does not guarantee that the other condition will be present.

Answer:sufficient condition

c. (15) This immediate inference involves reversing subject and predicate terms. For example, "All pigs are things that can fly" can be changed by this technique into the statement "Some things that can fly are pigs."


6. How do you name the top 4 of something for 5 pts each for a 30 point bonus? When there’s a 3-way tie for 4th. FFPE, identify the NFL team for whom these placekickers played during the 2002 season. [Accept either city or team name]

a. Jay Feely, 138 points

Answer:Atlanta Falcons

b. David Akers, 133 points

Answer:Philadelphia Eagles

c. John Carney, 130 points

Answer:New Orleans Saints

d. Martin Gramatica, 128 points

Answer:Tampa Bay Buccaneers

e. Sebastian Janikowski, 128 points

Answer:Oakland Raiders

f. Ryan Longwell, 128 points

Answer:Green Bay Packers

7. Identify the following works by Ernest Hemingway from a list of characters FTPE

a. Lt. Frederic Henry, Catherine Barkley, and Count Greffti.

Answer:A Farewell to Arms

b. Robert Jordan, Anselmo, Pilar, and Maria

Answer:For Whom the Bell Tolls

c. Jake Barnes, Lady Brett Ashley, Robert Cohn, and Pedro Romero

Answer: The Sun Also Rises

8. From a brief description name these leaders of the Chinese Communist Party FTPE.

a. This man emerged as leader of the Communist Party in 1977 after Mao. He set China on a pragmatic path of modernization while relaxing many Communist dogmas.

Answer:Deng (or Teng) Xiaoping

b. He served as Premier of the Communist Party from 1949 until his death in 1976. A moderate voice within the party, he played a key role in the Nixon-Mao meeting of 1972.